كلية الزراعة

أ.د . حسنى محمد جمال الدين

معلومات الاتصال
رقم التليفون : 6356731 084                                        
رقم الفاكس : 6334964 084
البريد الإلكتروني : hmg00@fayoum.edu.eg
المكتب : كلية الزراعة - مبنى الصناعات الغذائية - الميكروبيولوجيا
عنوان المراسلة البريدي : الفيوم - جامعة الفيوم - كلية الزراعة - قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الزراعية - رقم بريدي : 63514
المؤهلات العلمية
بكالوريوس : الاراضى والمياه - كلية الزراعة - جامعة عين شمس - 1964
ماجستير : ميكروبيولوجيا الاراضى - كلية الزراعة - جامعة عين شمس - 1969
دكتوراه : ميكروبيولوجيا زراعية -أكاديمية العلوم المجرية - 1976  
التدرج الوظيفي
طالب منحة : من 1965 إلى 1966
مساعد باحث : من 1967 إلى 1975
باحث : من 1976 إلى 1978
مدرس : من 1978 إلى 1982
أستاذ مساعد : من 1982 إلى 1986
أستاذ : من 1986 إلى 2004
أستاذ متفرغ : من 2004 حتى الان
التدرج الاكاديمى
رئيس قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الزراعية : 1989 إلى 1993 - 1999 إلى 2004
قائمة الأبحاث
Zayed, M.N.; Taha, S.M. and Gamal-eldin, H.M. (1970)  : Studies in Aerobic Cellulose-decomposing Bacteria I – Evaluation of media for enumeration. Zbl. Bakt. II, 125:49-54
Taha, S.M.; Zayed, M.N. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1971):  Studies in Aerobic Cellulose-decomposing Bacteria II. Isolation and distribution in the soils of Egypt. Zbl.Bact. II, 126: 115-120
Zayed, M.N.; Taha, S.M. and Gamal-eldin, H.M. (1971) : Studies in Aerobic Cellulose-decomposing Bacteria II – The Celluloytic Activity of Egyptian Soils. Zbl. Bakt. II, 126:121-129
Gamal-eldin, H. (1974): Effect of metabolic products of celluloytic bacteria on Azotobacter (in Hungarian). Agrartudomanyi Kozlemenyek, 33:177-182.
Szegi, J.; Gamal-eldin, H.; Gulyas, F. and Kadar, I. (1976) : Effects of Fertilization on biological activity of the soil. In: Transactions of the VIII International fertilizers Congress, Vol. II: 143-150
Gamal-eldin, H. (1977): The residual effect of mineral fertilizers on celluloytic activity of soil. In: Symp. On Soil Biology and Conservation of the Biosphere, Akademia Kiado.Budapest. (ed. J.Szegi); pp. 233-237
Gamal-eldin, H.; Kadar, I. and Gulyas, F. (1977) : Data on the Effect of Increasing Mineral Fertilizer Doses and Combination on Celluloytic Activity of Soil. In: Symp. On Soil Biology and Conservation of the Biosphere, Akademia Kiado.Budapest. (ed. J.Szegi); pp. 229-232 .
Gulyas, F.; Szegi, J.; Lastit, B. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1977) :Effect of High Doses of Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization on Celluloytic Activity of Soil. In: Transactions of the International Symposium on the Interaction of soil Microflora and Environmental Pollutions. Vol. 1: 49-58 (Poland, 7-10 Sept. 1977).
Szegi, J. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1978) :Sensitivity of Celluloytic Bacteria to Antibiotics. Zbl. Bakt. II, 132: 388-391
Hassan Moawad, Zohdy, L.I.; Gamal-eldin, H. and Badr-eldin, S.M.S. (1979) :Transformations of Soil Nitrogen Asagriiated with Urea Fertilization Combined with Pesticides Application. Egypt. J.Microbiology, 14:21-28 .
Hassan Moawad, Zohdy, L.I.; Badr-eldin, S.M.S. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1979): Changes in Certain Biological and Chemical Properties of the Urea Treated Soil as Affected by Some Pesticides Application. Egypt. J.Microbiology, 14: 29-36 .
Badr-eldin, S.M.S. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1981): Effect of Antimicrobial Substances from Residues of Certain Higher Plants on Seed Germination, Seedling Growth and Rhizosphere Microflora of Cotton Plant. Egypt. J. Microbiology, 16: 25 – 33.
Mostafa, M.K.; Ghazi, I.M. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1981) : Studies on the Application of Active Dry Yeast. 1: Conditions of Fermentation in Balady Bread Processing. Res.Bull.No. 1614, Fac.Agric, Ain-Shams Univ.
Rammah, A.M.; Gamal-eldin, H. and Seif-elnasr, H. (1981) :Effect of two root rot diseases on Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grown in different Egyptian soils. In: Report of the twenty-seventh Alfalfa Improvements Conference, July 8-10, 1980, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Seif-elnasr, H.; Rammah, A.M. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1981) :A new pathogen non-sporulating basidomycetes fungus causing root rot of Alfalfa plants in Egypt. In: Report of the twenty-seventh Alfalfa Improvements Conference, July 8-10, 1980, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Ghazi, I.M.; Mostafa, M.K.; and Gamal-eldin, H. (1982): Effect of Storage Temperature on the Shelf-life of Egyptian Active Dry Yeast. Res.Bull.No. 1747, Fac.Agric, Ain-Shams Univ.
Gamal- Eldin,H.; Elbadry,M. & Makawi,A.(1983): Application of one method of enumerating the methane formes, cellulose decompsers and sulphate reduceres in anaerobic digesters (in German) – Forum State-Hygiene, 34(5): 261-262
Gamal-eldin, H.; Badr-eldin, S.M.S.; Eid, E.T. and Makram, E.A. (1983): Quantitative Changes in Soil, Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere Microflora of Cotton plant as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization. Egypt. J. Microbiology, 18: 1 – 7 .
Mostafa, M.K.; Ghazi, I.M. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1983) :Studies on the Application of Active Dry Yeast. 2: Bakary Technique for Continuous use. In Proc. 1st. African Conf. Food Science and Technology. P 351-366. .
El-Bassel ,A ;Gamal eLdin,H ; Ghazi,I.M ; Fathy,A ; Serag Eldin,A ; Bahgat,G. (1986 ):An integrated Renewable Energy System: Project Overview .In Proc. Inter .Conf.”Biogas Technology, Transfer and Diffusion”, M.M.El-Halwagi (ed.), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, LTD, London. .
El-Bassel, A; Gamal eLdin, H; Ghazi, I.M and Saudi, O. (1986) :Survival of Pathogens and Parasites during the Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Wastes. In Proc. Inter .Conf.”Biogas Technology, Transfer and Diffusion”, M.M.El-Halwagi (ed.), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, LTD, London .
El-Bassel, A; Gamal eLdin, H; Ghazi, I.M. (1986) :Biogas Technology: Research and Development Activities in Egypt. In ‘’International Biosystems “, D.L.Wise (ed.), Volume I: 17-24. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA .
Gamal eLdin, H. (1986) :Biogas Production from Antibiotic Contaminated Cow Manure. In Proc. Inter .Conf.”Biogas Technology, Transfer and Diffusion”, M.M.El-Halwagi (ed.), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, LTD, London.
Gamal -ELdin, H., Elbadry,M. (1986) :Biogas Production from useless organic wastes. In Proc. Inter .Conf.”Biogas Technology, Transfer & Diffusion”, M.M.El-Halwagi (Ed.), Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Gamal-Eldin,H. & Elbadry,M. (1986) :Biogas production from poultry manure. Ann. Agric., Moshtohor 232: 1407-1414
Gamal-Eldin,H., Elbassel, A.& Elbadry,M. (1986) :Biogas production from useless organic wastes. In”Proc. Inter. Conf. Biogas Technology, Transfer & Diffusion” Elhalwagi M. (Ed), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp In” Proc.of Conf. on Food-Borne Contamination and Egyptian Health” Mansoura, Nov. 26-27, 1996. pp. 316-320 .
Gamal-eldin, H. (1986) :Biogas Production from Organic Waste Diluted with Sea Water. In Proc. Inter .Conf.”Biogas Technology, Transfer and Diffusion”, M.M.El-Halwagi (ed.), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, LTD, London. 
Gamal-eldin, H.; Badr-eldin, S.M.S. and Ramah, A.M. (1986): Nitrogen Fixing Capacity of Eleven Clover Cultivars Nodulated by Native Rhizobia. Egypt. J. Microbiology, 21(2): 171-178 . 
Gamal-eldin, H.; Badr-eldin, S.M.S (1986) :Antimicrobial and Phytotoxic Effect of a substance Isolated from Water Hyacinth. FORUM STADTE-HYGIENE, 37:23 -26 . 
Ahmed, Z.; Gamal-eldin, H.; Ghazi, I. and Shann, M.H. (1988) :Development of First Year Courses for Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum Campus, Cairo University, Final Report to the Supreme Council of Universities, Foreign Relations Coordinating Unit, Grant No. FRCU, C.B. 842100
Bellamy, D.; Wheatly, B.I.; El-Bassel, A.; Ghazi, I. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1988): Nitrogen and ash as limiting factors in Digestion of Cattle manure in Egyptian Delta and mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Bologna, ITALY, May, 22-25, 1988  
Bellamy, D.; Wheatly, B.I.; El-Bassel, A.; Ghazi, I. and Gamal-eldin, H. (1988) :An evaluation of the use of Anaerobic Digestion on a Sewage Works in Egypt. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Bologna, ITALY, May, 22-25, 1988 . 
Khalil,E.F ; Whitemore,T.N ; Gamal eldin,H ; El-Bassel ,A and Lioyd,D . (1988): Effects of detergents on methanogenesis by Methanosarcina barkeri. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 57:313 -316 . 
Khalil, E.F.; Whitmore, T.N.; El-Bassel, A.; Gamal-eldin, H.; Ghazi, I. and Lioyd, D. (1988): The effect of detergents on anaerobic digestion. Applied Microbiology& Biochemistry, 29: 517-522 . 
Khalil,E.F ; Whitemore,T.N ; Gamal eldin,H ; El-Bassel ,A and Lioyd,D . (1991) :The effects of pesticides on anaerobic digestion processes. Environmental Technology, 12:471 – 475 . 
Elbadry,M. ; Gamal-Eldin,H. ; Elbassel, A. & Elbanna, Kh. (1999) :Effects of Rhodobacter capsulatus inoculation in combination with graded level nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of rice in pots and lysimeter experiments World J. Microbiology & Biotechnology 15: 393-395.
Elbadry, M.; Taha, R.M. ; Eldougdoug, K.A. & Gamal-Eldin, H. (2006): Induction of systemic resistance in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) to bean yellow mosaic potyvirus (BYMV) via seed bacterization with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 113:(6 ),247-251 . 
Elbanna, Kh.; Attalla, Kh. ; Elbadry, M.; Abdeltawab, A. and Gmal-Eldin, H. (2008): Assessment of antibacterial activity of some Unifloral Egyptian Honeys Annals of Agricultural Sciences, Moshtohor 46(2): 83-92
Gamal-Eldin, H.; Elbadry, M.; Mahfouz, S. & Abdelaziz, S. (2008) :Screening of fluorescent pseudomonads bacteria isolated from rhizospheres of cultivated and wild plants in vitro for plant growth promoting traits Journal of Agricultural Science, Mansoura University, 33(5): 3365-3383  
Gamal-Eldin, H.; Elbadry, M.; Mahfouz, S. and Abdelaziz, S. (2008) :Potential of selected isolates of fluorescent pseudomonad rhizobacteria as plant growth-promoting inoculants. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 23(7): 31-48 . 
Gamal-Eldin, H.; Elbadry, M.; Attalah, Kh. and Abdelaliem, Y.F. (2008) :Characterization of Bacteriocin-Like Substances (BLS) produced by two local Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei strains Fayoum J. Res. & Dev.,22(2):138-154.    

الاهتمامات البحثية
ميكروبيولوجيا البيئة
الطاقة الحيوية : البيوجاز - الهيدروجين
الاسمدة والمبيدات الحيوية
تطوير التعليم الجامعى