faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Hamdy Mahfouz Gab Alla

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: hmg01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: 4th floor - the main building of teaching rooms
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Agriculture Faculty - agronomy department Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Faculty of Agriculture- Cairo University – 1975
M. Sc.:Faculty of Agriculture- Cairo University – 1982
Ph.D.: Faculty of Agriculture- Cairo University – 1991
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : 1977 - 1983
Assistant Lecturer: 1983 - 1991
Lecturer: 1991 - 1998
Assistant Professor : 1998 - 2007
Professor : 2007 - now
Research Interests
Production of cereal and legumes crops
Weed and weed control
Production of forage crops and animal nutrition
Production of sugar and oil crops
Intercropping in field crops
Evaluation of herbicides on field and horticulture crops
Member of national campaign for improving maize production in Fayoum
Academic Rank
acting dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information for Education and Students' Affairs for a year.
Publication List (Selected Papers)
Mahfouz, H.; G.E. Aboul-Fotouh and A.M. Abdel-Maksoud (1993). Nutritional evaluation of Dorado forage (Sorghum bicolor): 1- Effect of cutting stage, nitrogen and zinc fertilizers on yield, chemical composition and cows stocking rate of Dorado forage. Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 7(2): 62 – 77.

Aboul Fotouh, G.E.; A.M.S. Abd El-Maksoud and H. Mahfouz. (1993). Nutritional evaluation of Dorado forage (Sorghum bicolor): 2- Effect of zinc foliar sprays and cutting stages on dorado forage nutritive quality, zinc retention, feed intake and protein yield per feddan. Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 7(2): 78 – 97.

Abd El-Maksoud A.M.S.; G.E. Aboul Fotouh and H. Mahfouz. (1993). Effect of Dorado forage(Sorghum bicolor) level in rations on ram lambs performance and their body composition. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 18(5): 1350 – 1356.

Mahfouz, H. and A.M. Abdel-Maksoud (1995).). Nutritional evaluation of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum). 1-Effect of variety and herbicide treatment on growth, forage yield, seed yield, chemical composition and stocking rate of Egyptian clover. Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 9(2): 189 – 205.

Abd El-Maksoud A.M.S. and H. Mahfouz. (1995) )Nutritional evaluation of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.,): 2-Effect of cut number, variety and herbicide treatment on Egyptian clover nutritive quality and energy and protein yield per feddan. Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 9(1): 217 – 231.

Abd El-Samie, F.S.; M.E. El-Bially and H. Mahfouz (1995).Influence of hand-hoeing and plant spacing on productivity of tow sunflower varieties and accompanied weeds.J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 20(6): 2673 – 2681.

Mahfouz, H.; S.K. Ghabour and I.A. Abd El-Gawad (1996). The performance of some forage sorghum varieties growth at two different locations in Fayoum region. Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 10(2): 1 – 15.

Ghabour, S.K. and H. Mahfouz (1996). Response of yield and its components of (Triticoscale wittmack) to sowing date, seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizer.Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 10(2): 16 – 26.

Ismail, F.M.; A.A. abd El-Halim; S.K. Ghabour and H. Mahfouz (1996). Cotton production and its dependence on the recommended agronomic variables applied by the farmers in Fayoum Governorate.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 11(3): 146 – 159.

Ismail, F.M.; A.A. abd El-Halim; H. Mahfouz and S.K. Ghabour (1996). Wheat yield variation as affected by agronomic factors in Fayoum Governorate.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 11(5): 128 – 141.

Mahfouz, H. and S.K. Ghabour (1998). Performance of some newly released Wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) treated with different levels of nitrogen fertilization and seeding rates under Fayoum conditions.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 13(1): 76 – 94.

Mahfouz, H. and S.K. Ghabour (1998). Effect of plant distribution and nitrogen fertilizer treatment on the productivity of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) hybrids.Fayoum J. Agric Res & Dev. 12(1): 27 – 38.

Mohamed, S.E.A.; A.A. El-Shewy and H. Mahfouz (2001). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield, chemical constituents and anatomical structure of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.).Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 16(4): 124 – 141.

Ismail, F.M.; H. Mahfouz and S.K. Ghabour (2002). Differential response of some wheat and tritcal genotype to seeding rate and water supply condition : I- growth characters.Egypt. J. Plant Bread. 6(1): 221 – 237.

Ismail, F.M.; H. Mahfouz and S.K. Ghabour (2002). Differential response of some wheat and tritical genotype to seeding rate and water supply condition : II- Yield and yield components.Egypt. J. Plant Bread. 6(1): 239 – 254.

Mahfouz, H. and S.K. Ghabour (2003). Performance, correlation and path analysis of yield and its attributes of bread and durum wheat and tritical genotypes under different levels of KN fertilizer. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 18(6): 144 – 168.

Ghabour, S.K. and H. Mahfouz (2003). Variability of biological yield and some growth characters of bread and durum wheat and tritical genotype as effected by KN fertilizer.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 18(6): 169 – 192.

Mahfouz, H.; S.K. Ghabour and S.K. Aly (2003).Differential response of maize hybrids to population density and soil type. Egypt. J. Plant Bread. 7(1): 665 – 677. Special issue Proced. Third Pl. Breed. Conf. April 26, 2003 (Giza).

Mahfouz, H. (2003). Productivity of ten maize hybrids under water stress conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 18(12): 189 – 206.

Mahfouz, H. (2004). Productivity of ten maize hybrids as affected by different sowing dates under Fayoum conditions.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 19(3): 158 – 175

Mahfouz, H. and Ekram A. Migawer (2004). Effect of intercropping, weed control treatment and their interactions on yield and its attributes of chickpea and canola.Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 19(4): 84 – 101.

Ismail, F.M.; H. Mahfouz and M.D.H. Dewdar (2005). Mean performance, combining ability and heterosis of new Egyptian cotton genotypes as parental genotypes in breeding programs. 1- yield and yield component characters. Egypt. J. Plant Breed. 9(1): 127 – 145 . ( Proceed. Fourth Pl. Breed. Conf. March 5, 2005, Ismailia).

Mahfouz, H. (2006). Effect of different intercropping patterns and nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and yield components of sugar beet (beta vulgaris L.) and faba bean ( Vicia faba L. ).Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 44(3): 923 -935 .