faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr.Samir Kamel Ali

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084  6334964
E-mail Address: ska01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:  Agronomy department - Agriculture
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Agronomy Department -
     POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Plant Production – Fac. of Agric - Cairo university - 1988
M. Sc.: Crops- Fac. of Agric - Cairo university - 1995
Ph. D.: Plant Production – Fac. of Agric - Cairo university - 2003
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1988 To 1995
Assistant Lecturer: From 1995 To 2003
Lecturer: From 2003 To 2010
Assistant Professor: From 2010 To 2018
Professor: From 2018 Until Now
Field Plot Technique Studies With Chick Pea.
Response of Some Cereal Cultivars Grown In Fayoum Region To Different Inter- And Intra- Row Spacing Treatments. .
Research Interests
Educational Fiber Crops.
Growing grain crops.
Physiological studies in the area of field crops .
Sports and Statistics .
The professional duties and Activities
Since I was appointed in the staff of the faculty of agriculture ,I have been teaching many subjects and courses including: Designing and making the statistics of the experiments.
Mathematics for the agriculturalists
The basics for raising a plant.
Raising self-fertilizing crops.
The technology of fibers and classifying cotton.
The basics of planting and producing crops.
Raising multi-fertilizing crops.
Membership of the project
The continuous increase in the main serials crops (wheat, maze ,cotton)in the period from 1998 to 2003.
Improving the Egyptian provender project.
Evaluating the garden and field crops disinfectants .
am a member in "The Egyptian Association for Sugar Experts".
I am a member in "The Egyptian Magazine for The Agricultural Sciences".
The courses
A course in developing the managerial skills.
Time and work pressures management.
The ethnics of the profession
Developing the thinking skills.
Developing the communication skills.
A course in credit and quality assurance.
The modern teaching methods.
The ordinary course for training the trainers in the field of the agricultural and rural development (TOT).
The advanced course for training the trainers in the field of the agricultural and rural development (TOT).
A course in education development (MUCIA).
List Of Puplication
An application of modern statistical approach to estimate a technological value of some egyptian cotton varieties.
Genotypic and phenotypic path analysis in two advanced generations (f5 and f6) of faba bean (vicia faba l.).
Economic evaluation of nitrogen response curve in maize.
Multivariate statistical analysisoffaba beanyield and yield components .
Utlization of uniformity trials to estimate the optimum plot size and shape and the number of replications in wheat yield trials
Heterosis and Combining Ability Analysis for yield anditsComponentsin Bread Wheat (TriticumaestivumL.)
Maize productivity as affected by plant density and nitrogenfertilizer
Flowering in relation to yield, Yield components and fiber properties of four promising egyptian cotton genotypes
Stability parameters of some maize hybrids grown under different planting dates.
Evaluation the use of organic and bio-fertilizers as a total or partial replacement of nitrogen fertilizer under new reclaimed soil condition in two wheat cultivars.
Wheat productivity as affected by varieties, nitrogen, organic and bio-fertilizers under new reclaimed soil condition.
Correlations and path coefficient analysis of yield and yield associated traits in bread wheat genotypes
Estimation of genotypic and phenotypic correlations for some growth traits and grain yield of Wheat genotypes.
Estmating phenotypic and genotypic path coefficient, an application on wheat(triticum aestivum l.) Genotypes.