faculty of agriculture

Dr. AbdElAlim Mohamed AbdElMola

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: ama06@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Agriculture Science - Cairo Univ - Fayoum Branche - 2001
M. Sc. : Animal Production(Animal Nutrition) - Fayoum Univ - 2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2001 To 2007
Assistant Lecturer: From 2007 to 2012
Lecturer: From 2012 to 2019
Assistant Professor: From 2019 Until Now
Scientific and academic Interests
Ruminant nutrition
Digestion and metabolism
Energy metabolism
Beef cattle, dairy cattle feeding
Husbandry, feeding, conservation and genetic improvement of farm, pet and venatorial species-populations
Improvement of animal products and safety
M.Sc. thesis "Effect of some medicinal plants as feed additives for ruminants, 2007.
PH-D. Thesis "Effect of feeding some medicinal plants by-products on the performance of Lactating Buffaloes, 2011.
Research paper
S.A. Allam, G.E. Aboul–Fotouh, G.M. El-Garhy and A.M. El-Mola (2007). Effect of some medicinal plants as feed additives on performance of lactating buffalos. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 10 (2) Special Issue: 129 – 139.
G.M. El-Garhy; A.R. Abd El-Rahman and A.M. Abd El-Mola (2011). Effect of Feeding Spearmint By-product on the performance of Lactating Buffaloes. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 14 (3): 411-416.
G.M. El-Garhy; A.R. Abd El-Rahman and A.M. Abd El-Mola (2011). Effect of Feeding Lemon grass By-product on the performance of Lactating Buffaloes. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 14 (3): 417-422.
G.M. El-Garhy; A.R. Abd El-Rahman and A.M. Abd El-Mola (2012). Effect of Feeding Fennel By-product on the performance of Lactating Buffaloes Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 15 (1) Special Issue: 1–7.
A.R. Abd El-Rahman; G.M. El-Garhy and A.M. Abd El-Mola (2012). Effect of Feeding Caraway By-product on the performance of Lactating Buffaloes. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 15 (1) Special Issue: 9 -16.
G. M. El-Garhy and A.M. Abd El-Mola. (2013). Effect of using medicinal plant seeds mixtures as feed additives on performance of lactating buffaloes. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 16 (2) Special Issue: 1-8.
G.E. Aboul-Fotouh, G.M. El-Garhy, H.H. Azzaz, A.M. Abd El-Mola and G.A. Mousa (2016). Fungal Cellulase Production Optimization and its Utilization in Goat’s Rations Degradation. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11 (12): 824-831
G.E. Aboul-Fotouh, G.M. El-Garhy, A.M. Abd El-Mola, G.A. Mousa and H.H. Azzaz (2017). Effect of using some fibrolytic enzymes in the ration on lactating goats performance. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 20 (2) Special Issue: 1-9
M.Y. Mohamed, E.M.M. Ibrahim and A.M. Abd El-Mola (2017). Effect of selenium yeast and/or vitamin E supplemented rations on some physiological responses of Ossimi ewes post-lambing under two different housing systems. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 20 (3): 361-378
A.M. Abd El-Mola and G.E. Aboul-Fotouh (2018). Effect of feeding helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem Artichoke) on rations nutritive value and some blood parameters of Ossimi rams. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 21(2): 325-331.
A.M. Abd El-Mola, N.E. El-Bordeny, H.H. Azzaz and Hoda Al Zahar (2018). Effect of some aromatic plants by products on the in vitro rumen fermentation and buffalo’s milk production in early lactation. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 21(3):491-499
A.M. Abd El-Mola (2019). Influence of chamomile flower and sweet basil by-products inclusion in sheep rations on in vitro rumen characteristics and their productive performance. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 56 (1): 25-32.
A.M. Abd El-Mola (2019). Effect of substitution partially or completely replaced butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) forage on in vitro rumen fermentation and productive performance of calves. Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds, 22: Accepted
Trainings, Seminars, Conferences and Research & Scientific Activities:
Training of trainers (TOT) Training program organized by Agriculture Experts Project from 30/6/2007 to 8/7/2007
International computer driving licenses (ICDL) 2007.
The 3rd conference for Sustainable Agricultural Development Organized by faculty of agriculture, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Nov. 11-12, 2007.
"Technology Utilization in Teaching" Training Program Organized by Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, Fayoum, February 4th -6th 2007.
"Active Presentation Training Program" Organized by Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, Fayoum, January 27th -29th 2007.
"Capstone Course Workshop" organized by AERI Institutional Linkage Project - MUCIA ,Minia - Egypt, 2005
"Capstone Course Workshop" organized by AERI Institutional Linkage Project - MUCIA ,Sharm El-Sheikh - Egypt, 2005
Thinking Skills Training Program Organized by Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, Fayoum, August 3rd -5th 2006.
The Annual Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University (Participant as a faculty member).
Work Experience:
As a Faculty member:
Since March, 2002 till now, I am in charge of teaching the practical and lab sessions in many undergraduate courses such as Principle of Animal Nutrition, Beef Cattle Feeding, Diary Cattle Feeding, Digestion and Metabolism, Concentrate Feed Stuffs and Wastes Feeding.

As a Trainer:
Training program of rural and agricultural development and communication network program (RADCON)
Key Technical Skills
ICDL Version 3 gainer.
ICDL Version 4 gainer.
Other Skills
• Test of English as Foreign Language (Institutional TOFEL) with Overall Band Score (523).
• Beginner in French.
• Excellent in using statistical programs, in particular, SPSS.
Prizes and Honors
The ideal lecturer prize given by Fayoum University, 2011.
The ideal lecturer assistant prize given by Fayoum University, 2007.
The ideal demonstrator prize given from Fayoum University, 2005.
The award of superiority, Faculty of agriculture, Fayoum University, 2002.