B. Sc. : in Agricultural Science - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 2004 |
M. Sc. : in Animal Nutrition - Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University - 2009
Demonstrator: From 2004 to 2009 |
Assistant Lecturer: From 2009 to 2015 |
Lecturer: From 2015 To 2022 |
Assistant Professor: From 2022 Until Now |
Abou Zied, R. M., S. M. Allam and M. F. A. Sadek (2013). Effect of fish meal type and its percentage in diet on growth performance, feed utilization and body chemical composition of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) Egyptian J. nutrition and Feeds 16(1): 181-187
Abdel-Aziz, M.F., Abdel-Tawwab, Y.A., Sadek, M.F. and Yones, A.M. (2021).
Evaluation of use effective microorganisms (EM) with different feeding strategies on growth performance, body chemical composition and economic efficiency of monosex Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus juveniles. Aquatic Living Resources, 34, 21. |
Sadek, M.F. and El Deeb,
K.A. (2021).
Effect of exogenous enzymes
supplementation with different
levels of fiber in diets on
growth performance, feed
utilization and health of
African catfish Clarias
gariepinus. Egyptian J.
Nutrition and Feeds. 24: 439 –
Sadek, M.F.A., Nabawi, S.S.M., Metwaly, A.A.A. and Abou Zied, R.M. (2020).
Effect of some Protein Sources on White Shrimp Production under Lake Qarun Condition. J. of Animal and Poultry Production, Mansoura Univ., 11 (5):183 – 187.
Sadek, M.F.A., Nady, A.S. and Abou Zied, R.M. (2022).
Effect of some nutritional and environmental factors on production of mono sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). J. of Animal and Poultry Production, Mansoura Univ., 13(1): 15-23.M.
Sadek, M. F. A. (2020).
The Effect of some dietary
medicinal herbal extracts on
growth performance and economic
efficiency of Nile tilapia.
Journal of Animal, Poultry &
Fish Production; Suez Canal
University, 9 (1): 47 54.
Sadek, M.F. and Nabawi,
S.S.M. (2021).
Effect of water salinity on
growth performance, survival %,
feed utilization and body
chemical composition of the
Pacific white shrimp,
Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles.
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic
Biology and Fisheries. 25(4):
465 – 478.
Sadek, M.F. and Qorany,
A.M. (2021).
Growth performance and feed
efficiency of Bayad (Bagrus
bajad) fed diets containing
different fish meal/plant
protein ratios with two protein
levels. Egy.J.Aquac. 11
Sadek, M. F. A. (2019).
Effect of rocket seeds (Eruca sativa) powder on productive performance on Nile tilapia. Egyptian journal of applied sciences, 34, 12.
Fish Nutrition
Waste recycling
Fish production systems
Waste recycling
Construction, design and management of fish farming
Feed additives |
Breeding marine and ornamental fish |
Fisheries |
Fish farming using Aquaponic system |