Phone number: 084 6356731
Fax number: 084 6334964 |
E-mail Address: efd00@fayoum.edu.eg |
Office: Third Floor - Food sc-Tec .Fac . Agric
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Botany
Department - POBox: 63514 |
B.Sc., Fac. Agric. Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1994 |
M.Sc. Viruses Diseases, Fac. Agric. Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1999 |
Ph.D. Viruses Diseases, Fac. Agric. Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 2002
International Negotiation Diploma, Faculty of Economics and Political
Science, Cairo University, 2010/2011
Crises Management Diploma, Administrative Development Institute,
American University, Cairo, 2011/2012
Law and Politics Diploma, Institute for Research and Strategic Studies of the Nile Basin Countries, Fayoum University, 2012/2013.
Demonstrator:1996 -1999
Assistant Lecturer: 1999 - 2002 |
Lecturer: 2002 - 2007 |
Assistant Professor:2007 To 2012 |
Professor:2012 Till now |
Molecular Virology |
Molecular Biology |
Diagnosis of Viral Diseases |
Inhibition Of Viral Infecttion
Production of virus-free plants using Tissue Culture Techniques |
Deputy Director of Crises and Disasters Management Center, Fayoum University on 17/11/2013 for one year. |
Director of Crisis and Disaster Center, Fayoum University on 10/12/2014 till 31/8/2015. |
Trainer in the National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development (NCFLD) |
Member of National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development (NCFLD) |
Member of Egyptian Phytopathological Society |
Member of Egyptian Society of Virology |
Member of Laboratories committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum (during 2003/2004). |
Member of Libraries committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2005/2006). |
Member of Libraries committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2006/2007). |
Chairman of social activity committee during 36 Agricultural cycle, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum. |
Secretary of Laboratories committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum (during 2008/2009). |
Member of Community Service and Environment Development committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2009/2010). |
Member of Libraries committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2011/2012). |
Counsel of Art Committee of Students Union at Faculty during 2011/2012 |
Administration Council Member of Genetic Engineering and Tissue Culture Lab. Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum since 2007-2011. |
Secretary of Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2005/2007). |
Sharing in the Environmental Week- Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 13-18 March, 2010 |
The leader of Nour Family for Students activities since 2009-2011 |
General coordinator of Quality affairs of Botany Department in Faculty since 2009-2012. |
The leader of Shabab Business Family for Students activities 2012-2013. |
Member of Libraries committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum(during 2013/2014). |
Head of Society of Quality Friends, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University since 2013. |
International Negotiations Analysis. |
Negotiation Skills. |
The Egyptian Negotiation Experience. |
Negotiations Cases & Models. |
Theory of International Relations. |
History of International Relations. |
Diplomatic Regulations. |
International Conflicts Resolution. |
Introduction to Crises Management. |
Decision Support System(DSS). |
Risk Management. |
Corporate Governance. |
Scenarios Building. |
Systems Thinking & Policy Modeling. |
Indicators & Early Warning Systems(EWS). |
Disasters and Crises Management. |
Prevention of crises and disasters. |
International cooperation (Human Rights). |
Planning for Disasters and Crises Management. |
Empirical studies of cases of crisis management and disaster. |
Psychological perspective, social media and crisis management. |
Quality Assurance(QA). |
Statistical Management Decision(SMD). |
Contemporary Management(CM). |
Competing in Global Environment. |
Management Information Systems (MIS). |
Quality Management(QM). |
Statistical Quality Control(SQC). |
Research Methodology. |
Team Building and Problem Solving. |
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). |
Business Process Reengineering (BPR). |
Advanced Topics in Quality Management. |
TOEFL(International) Certificate, American University, Egypt, 1997 |
Preparing of University Teacher Course, Cairo University, 2001 |
TOEFL Certificate, Cairo University, 2002. |
Integrated Pest Control Course, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, Cairo University, 7-12/9/2002. |
Workshop to explain the objectives of development projects of university education in Egypt under Title: Higher Education Enhancement Project (HEEP) and the European Union Project (TEMPUS) - Conference Hall - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch, 14 April, 2004. |
Workshop on Development of Higher Education - Conference Hall - The Library of Faculty of Agriculture, Giza, 8 May 2004. |
Workshop on Development of Higher Education and funded by the Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF) - Conference Hall - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch, 25 September, 2004. |
Workshop titled: Development of Higher Education, - Conference Hall-Cairo University, Fayoum Branch, 28 September 2004. |
Workshop titled: How to write a Proposal. Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 26 March 2007. |
Regarding Certificate from Fayoum Governorate because of positive participation in the execution of the program " Fayoum changes - Youth are partners in the Development, 14 September 2008. |
Leaders Preparation Course, Leaders Preparation Institute, Arish, 10-15 July, 2009. |
Leaders Preparation Course, Leaders Preparation Institute, Arish, 6-11 August, 2010. |
Workshop entitled "preparing the annual reports of programs and courses and matrix programs. Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 25 February 2012. |
Workshop entitled " Description of Courses. Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 3 October 2012. |
The workshop entitled modernization and development of the list of postgraduate " credit hours system", Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 25 March 2013. |
The workshop entitled modification of the list of postgraduate " credit hours system", Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 27 March 2013. |
The workshop entitled modernization and development of the list of postgraduate " credit hours system", Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 25 March 2013.. |
The workshop entitled modification of the list of postgraduate " credit hours system", Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 27 March 2013. |
Thinking Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University,
21-24 May 2005 |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 3-6 September 2005 |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 11-14 September 2005. |
Code of Ethics Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 19-21 November 2005. |
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 24-26 December 2005. |
Modern Trends in Teaching Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 17-19 January 2005. |
Time Management Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 21-23 January 2006. |
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 4-5 March 2006 |
Credit Hours Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 7-8 March 2006. |
Crises Management Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 10-11 May 2006. |
Financial Aspects Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 13-15 May 2006. |
Course Design Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 20-21 May 2006. |
Teaching Evaluation Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 28-29 June 2006. |
Teaching Using Technology Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 19-21 December 2006. |
Quality Standards in Teaching Process Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 12-14 February 2008. |
Scientific Research Ethics Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 15-17 March 2008. |
Scientific Publication Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 25-27 March 2008. |
Students Evaluation and Tests Systems Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 14-16 June 2008. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 10-12 February, 2009 |
Research Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 4-6 July, 2009. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 11-13 August, 2009. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 15-17 October, 2011. |
Strategic Planning Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 27-29 November, 2012. |
Academic Guidance Course, FLDP, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University -19 February 2013. |
Administrative competencies Course, FLDP, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 23-24 February 2013. |
University Administration Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 14-16 May, 2013. |
Preparatory TOT Course, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, 25-29 May 2008. |
Communication Competency, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 28-30 June 2008. |
Supplementary TOT Course, Guest House, Ain Shams University, 16-26 August 2008. |
Development of Higher Education Course, Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities(MUCIA) Project, in cooperation with Illinois University, USA, Fayoum University, Faculty of Agriculture, 26-27 February 2006. |
Workshop titled; Curriculum Development and Teaching Methods, Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities(MUCIA), Project, in cooperation with Illinois University, USA , Port Said, 28-30 July 2007. |
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Course, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 4-5 March 2006. |
Quality Standards in Teaching Process Course, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 12-14 February 2008. |
Self Evaluation Course - Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University, 2-4 March 2013. |
Strategic Planning Course, Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning Center, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 10-12 March, 2013 |
Internal Audit Course, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, from 18-19 May 2013. |
Environmental Analysis Course (SWOT Analysis), Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning Center, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, May 20, 2013. |
Curriculum Maps Course , Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, from 18-19 November 2013. |
Learning Outcomes Course, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, from 1-2 December 2013. |
Performance Evaluation Course, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, from 14-15 December 2013. |
Self-evaluation course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education- Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 15-17 November, 2014. |
Educational Programs and Course Specifications and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education- Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 22-24 November, 2014. |
External Review course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education - Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 29 November - 1 December, 2014. |
Self-evaluation course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education- Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 15-17 November, 2014. |
Educational Programs and Course Specifications and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education- Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 22-24 November, 2014. |
External Review course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education - Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 29 November - 1 December, 2014. |
Strategic Planning course for higher education institutions - National authority for quality assurance and accreditation of education - Authority branch at Shubra-Cairo - in the period from 13 – 14 December, 2014. |
Computer Course in the period from 4/7/1999 to 2/8/1999 |
Power Point Course, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University in 10/5/2006 |
International Computer Driving License(ICDL), [IT, Windows, Word, Excel, Power point, Net, and Access]- Upper Supreme of Egyptian Universities- Fayoum University, 14 October-26 December 2006. |
International Computer Driving License(ICDL), [IT, Windows, Word, Excel, Power point, Net, and Access]- certified from UNESCO Organization, 2 September 2010. |
Electronic Content Course(E. Content)- Microsoft Company with cooperation with Ministry of Communication, 1-8 February 2009 |
National Week Initiative for Sustainable Development, which was held from 1-8 June 2015, Egyptian Forum for Sustainable Development, Climatic Changes Information Center, Agricultural Research Center, Giza (the seventh day of the initiative on urban development & disaster reduction and crises, 7 June 2015. |
Symposium of Wheat Rust, Egyptian Phytopathological Society, 10 November 1997 |
Symposium titled; Chemicals Alternatives and its role in control of plant diseases, Cairo University, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 28 September 1999. |
Symposium on Citrus Diseases in Egypt and the methods of control, the Egyptian Society of Plant Pathology, 28 September, 1999. |
The Ninth Conference of Phytopathology, Egyptian Phytopathological Society, 8-10 May 2000. |
Symposium of Agricultural Quarantine and its role in control of plant diseases, Egyptian Phytopathological Society coordinated with the Central Administration of Agricultural Quarantine, 13 November 2000. |
The First Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 28-30 March 2001. |
The Second Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 10-12 May 2002 |
The First Conference of Agricultural Integrated Pest Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 19 February 2003. |
Symposium titled; Raising of Sunflower Crop in Fayoum Governorate, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum 2003. |
Mango Symposium: Integrated Pest Management of Mango, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 21 March 2003. |
The Tenth Conference of Phytopathology, Egyptian Phytopathological Society, 23-25 December 2003. |
The Second International Conference of Organic Agriculture, Agricultural Research Center coordinated with FAO Organization, Conferences Cairo International Center, 25 March 2003. |
Symposium titled; Horizons of Production and Exportation of Tomato in Fayoum Governorate, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, coordinated with Agricultural Integrated Pest Management Project, 24 May 2004. |
The First Conference of Virology: Towards best Strategic to face the viral diseases, Cairo University Conference Center, 7-8 December 2004. |
Symposium titled; Birds Influenza, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 28 November 2006 |
The Second Conference of Agricultural Integrated Pest Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 16-18 January 2006 |
Final Media Conference of activation draft of ministerial decisions for banning the use and eat of banned pesticides in agricultural production. "For a clean cultivation and safe food" Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University – 4 December, 2006. |
Symposium titled; Agricultural Production for Exportation, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum coordinated with MUCIA, 24 December 2006. |
Symposium titled; Control of Birds Influenza and the future of Poultry Industry in Egypt, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 4 April 2007 |
Symposium on "know the Fulbright grant," Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University, 11 April, 2007. |
The Third Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 12-14 November 2007. |
The Eleventh Conference of Phytopathology, Egyptian Phytopathological Society, 27-28 November 2007. |
Fayoum University Second Conference for studies of Cultures and Heritage - Fayoum University - Egypt - in the period from 25-26 March, 2008. |
The Second Conference of Virology: Emerging and Exotic viral infection: Challenging Threats of Human, Animal and Plant Health, Egyptian International Center for Agriculture, 5-6 April 2008. |
Symposium titled; Nanotecnology in Food and Dairy, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 23 April 2008. |
The Fourth Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 20-22 October, 2008 |
The Fifth Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 21-23 December, 2009. |
The Third Conference of Virology: Current Challenge of viral diseases, Cairo University Conference Center, 24-25 November, 2010. |
Symposium on foot and mouth disease and the current situation in the Arab Republic of Egypt "- Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University - 22 March, 2012. |
Basics of the Virus and Viroid |
Viral Diseases |
Non-Fungal Diseases |
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology |
Storage Diseases |
Basics of the virus |
Viral Diseases |
Serology |
Viroid Diseases |
Mycoplasma Like Organisms(MLOs) |
Bacterial Diseases |
Mycoplasm Diseases |
Seif-El Yazal, M. A. and Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2013). Metabolic Changes in Plants under Salinity and Virus Stress. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8,66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Seif-El Yazal, M.A.; Mohamed Dwidar, E.F. and Seif-El Yazal, Sawsan.A(2013). Stress Tolerant Agents. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8,66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2014). Molecular and Modern Studies on Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV). LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8, 66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2014). Plant Virus Inhibitors. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8, 66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2014). Biological Control and Tissue Culture. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8, 66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2014). Plant viruses and Molecular Biology. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8, 66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Mohamed Dwidar, E.F.(2015). Genetic Engineering. LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str.6-8, 66121 Staarbrucken, Deutschland, Germany. |
Supervisor on Eight scientific theses; Four master theses and four Ph.D. ones |
First: Local Journals |
El-Khouly, N.M., Rahil, A.A., and Dwidar, E.F.(2015). Survey of spider
populations(ARANEAE) in tomato fields at Fayoum
Governorate. Fayoum J.Agric.Res.&Dev., 31(2):36-51.
El-Khouly, N.M., Rahil, A.A., and Dwidar, E.F.(2016). Effect of three
insecticides on some biological and histological aspects of the
spider Anelosimus aulicus (Koch). Fayoum J.Agric.Res.&Dev.,
El-Amrety, A.A.; El-Refaei, M.I.; El-Khaleely, M.I.; and Mohamed,
E.F.(2000). Ultrastracture thin sections studies of potato virus Y in
Egypt. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 15(12) 374-384.
El-Amrety, A.A.; El-Refaei, M.I.; El-Khaleely, M.I.; and Mohamed, E.F.
(2000). Using of some serological and molecular biology methods in
detection of potato virus Y. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 15(12) 385-394.
Mohamed, E.F. (2004). Effect of some microelements on the infection of
squash mosaic comovirus (SqMV). Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 19(12A) 29-42.
Mohamed, E.F. and El-Yazal, M.A. (2005). Physiological and Histo-
cytopathological Changes in Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Geminivirus
(TYLCV)- Infected Tomato Plants. Annals Of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor,
Osama Y. M. Shalaby ; M. I. E. Barakat; M. I. El-Refaei and E. F.
Mohamed (2005). Cytopathological effects of Potato leaf roll
luteovirus (PLRV) on micropropagation shoots of potato plants.
Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 20(2B) 389-397.
Osama Y. M. Shalaby; M. I. El-Refaei; M. I. E. Barakat and E. F.
Mohamed (2005). Serological and molecular modern detecting of
Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) in shoot and micropropagation shoots. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 20(2B) 398-416.
Mohamed, E.F. and El-Yazal, M.A. (2006). Ultrastructural Changes in
Leaves Cells of Some Cruciferae Plants infected with Virus and its
content of Some Enzymes and Nucleic acids. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci.,
21(3) 117-132.
Mohamed, E.F. and Sabra, I.M. (2006). Studies on sugar beet mosaic virus
isolated from Beni-Sweif region, their transmitting aphids and chemical composition of sugar beet roots. Annals Of Agric. Sc.
Moshtohor, 44(3): 973-985.
Mohamed, E.F.(2007). Characterization of maize dwarf mosaic virus
(MDMV) and its effect on the yield loss of maize under Fayoum
conditions. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 22(4A) 1-12.
Mohamed, E.F. and Sabra, I.M. (2007). Effect of aphid transmitted onion
yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) on the yield of onion plants (Allium
cepa L.) in Fayoum. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 22(4A) 13-24.
Mohamed, E.F. and Shalaby, O.Y.(2008). Effect of some antioxidants on
squash mosaic virus(SqMV) and on chemical components of
squash plants. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci., 23(11) 58-72.
Mohamed , E.F.; El-Refaei, M. I.; Hilal , A. A. and Abdel-Wahed , A.
G(2012). Biological control of root rot and wilt diseases of
Pelargonium graveolens plant in Egypt. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci.,
27(3) 27- 46.
El-Refaei, M. I ; Mohamed , E.F.; Hilal , A. A. and Abdel-Wahed , A.
G(2012). Using of fungicide alternatives in control of root rot and
wilt diseases of Pelargonium graveolens plant in Egypt. Egypt.
J.Appl. Sci., 27(3) 47- 70.
Sabra, I.M.; Mohamed, E.F. and Taman, A.A. (2012). Economic
importance of two leafhoppers and associated viruses and Sesamia
cretica on Maize at Fayoum. Zagazig Journal of Agricultural
Research, 39(5):951-958.
Second: Regional Journals |
Ahmed, E.A; Shalaby, O.Y; Dwidar, E.F.; Mokbel, A.S.; El-Attar,A.k.
(2014). Occurrence, Etiology and Molecular Characterization of
phytoplasma diseases on Solanum lycopersicum crop in Egypt.
Egyptian J.Virology, 11(2): 244-261.
Mohamed, E.F. and and Owayss, A.A. (2004). An inhibitory activity of
propolis extract against broad bean mottle Bromovirus(BBMV).
Egyptian J. Virology, 1: 313-321.
Mohamed, E.F. and Sabra, I.M. (2004). The influence of gibberellic
acid(GA) and indole acetic acid(IAA) on the production of local
lesions on Nicotiana sylvestris plants infected with tomato mosaic
tobamovirus(ToMV). Egyptian J. Virology, 1: 323-332.
Mohamed, E.F.(2011). Systemic acquired resistance to onion yellow dwarf
virus (OYDV) in Chenopodium (Chenopodium amaranticolor
Coste&Reyn) plants. Egyptian J. Virology, 8: 93-116.
Azza, G. Farag; Mohamed, E.F.; Osman, T.A.M; and Eman, A.A.(2011).
Detection and Molecular Characterization of Squash leaf curl
begomoviruses (SqLCV) in Egypt. Arab J. Biotechnology,
Third: International Journals(Without Impact Factor) |
Mohamed, E.F.; Azza, G.Farag; Osman, T.A.M; and A, Eman, A.(2012).
Histo Pathological Changes in Leaves Cells of Squash Plants
infected with Squash leaf curl begomovirus(SqLCV). Report and
Opinion 4(5): 65-75.
Mohamed , E.F.; M. I. El-Refaei ; Hilal , A. A. and Abdel-Wahed , A.
G.(2012). Using of tissue culture to decrease the deterioration of
productivity of Pelargonium graveolens plant in Egypt.
Researcher 4(6): 25-35.
Fourth: International Journals(With Impact Factor) |
Samir A. Seif El-Yazal, Mohamed A. Seif El-Yazal, Emad F. Dwidar
and Mostafa M. Rady(2015). Phytohormone Crosstalk Research:
Cytokinin and its Crosstalk with Other Phytohormones. Current
Protein & Peptide Science. 16(5): 395-405.
Mohamed, E.F.(2010). Antiviral Properties of Garlic Cloves Juice
Compared with Onion Bulbs Juice Against Potato Virus Y (PVY). Journal of American Science, 6(8): 302-310.
Mohamed, E.F.(2010). Interaction Between Some Viruses Which Attack
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Plants and Their Effect on
Growth and Yield of Tomato Plants. Journal of American Science,
6(8): 311-320.
Mohamed, E.F.(2010). Using Some Growth Retardants for Inhibition of
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV). Journal of American
Science, 6(9):5-13.
Mohamed, E.F.(2011). Inhibition of Broad bean mosaic virus (BBMV) using
extracts of Nigella (Nigella sativa L.) and Zizyphus (Zizyphus
spina-christi Mill.) plants. Journal of American Science, 7(12):
727-734. |
Mohamed, E.F.(2011). Changes in protein, amino acids composition and
leaf cells of beet plants (Beta vulgaris L.) due to Beet mosaic virus
(BtMV) infection. Journal of American Science, 7(12): 845-854. |
Referees Committee member of the Permanent Scientific Committee to examine the scientific production for positions of professors and assistant professors - The Supreme Council of Universities - Agricultural Studies Sector – Plant Protection and Plant Diseases Committee - The Thirteen Session (2019 - 2022). |
Special Referees Committee member of Assiut University Encouragemental Prize for the year 2019/2020 to the members of Assiut University teaching staff. |
Referees Committee member of the Permanent Scientific Committee to examine the scientific production for positions of professors and assistant professors - The Supreme Council of Universities - Agricultural Studies Sector – Plant Protection and Plant Diseases Committee - The Twelfth Session (2016 - 2019). |
Special Referees Committee member of the Damietta University prizes for the year 2016/2017 to the members of the faculty and the ancillary staff. |
Referees Committee member of the Permanent Scientific Committee to examine the scientific production for positions of professors and assistant professors - The Supreme Council of Universities - Agricultural Studies Sector – Plant Protection and Plant Diseases Committee - The Eleventh Session (January 2013 - December 2015). |
Journal of General and Molecular Virology |
International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research |
The merit research journal of environmental science and toxicology |
Global advanced research journal of agricultural science |
The merit research journal of medicine and medical sciences |
Journal of agriculture and food sciences |
Journal of microbiology research |
Journal of medicine and medical sciences |
African journal of applied microbiology research |
Medicinal and aromatic plant research journal |
African journal of microbiology research |
International research journal of biochemistry and bioinformatics |
Journal of microbiology research and reviews |
International research journal of biochemistry and bioinformatics |
International research journal of plant science |
Journal of advances in agricultural science and technology. |
Journal of ecology, environment and biology |
International journal of biological and physical sciences. |
Global advanced research journal of microbiology |
Advanced Journal of Agricultural Research |
International Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences |
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Security |
International Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences |
International Research Journal of Plant and Crop Sciences |
Global Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
The International Research Journal of Biotechnology |
European Journal of Molecular Biology. |
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment(Lead Guest Editor). |
Cell Biology. |
American Journal of BioScience. |
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 11 September 2008. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 12 February 2009. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 20 May 2009. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 4 July 2009. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 12 August, 2009. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 22 November 2009. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 18 February 2010. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 21 April, 2010. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 21 April, 2010. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 12 June, 2010. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 12 July, 2010. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 26 August, 2010. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 18 October 2010. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 20 November 2010. |
. Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 19 December 2010. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 26 March, 2011. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 13 April 2011. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 22 May 2011. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 7 June 2011. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 3 July, 2011. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 18 July 2011. |
Effective Presentation Skills Course, FLDP, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, 20 August 2011. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 14 September 2011. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 15 October 2011. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 27 October 2011. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 7 February, 2012. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 22 February 2012. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 9 August 2012. |
Time Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 25 December 2012. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 15 June, 2013. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 29 October 2013. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 17 February 2014. |
Scientific Research Ethics Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 5 March 2014. |
Students Evaluation and Tests Systems Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 27 March 2014. |
Scientific Research Ethics Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 30 March 2014. |
Scientific Publication Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 25 June 2014. |
Effective Communication Skills Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 9 July 2014. |
Scientific Conference Organization Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 9 August 2014. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 24 August 2014. |
Team Management Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 21 October 2014. |
Academic Advising & Student Support in Higher Education Institutions Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 15 December 2014. |
Scientific Research Ethics Course, FLDP, Projects Management Unit, Fayoum University, 7 February 2015. |
Human Resources Development Course, Development Research & Consultation Center, Fayoum University, 17-29 March 2015. |
Presentation Skills Course, Development Research & Consultation Center, Fayoum University, 14-15 April 2015. |
Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) Writing Course, Development Research & Consultation Center, Fayoum University, 21 April 2015. |
Interview Skills Course, Development Research & Consultation Center, Fayoum University, 29 April 2015. |
Participated in the development of vision and mission and goals of the Crisis Management Center at the university. |
Meeting was held on 27 November 2013 with the directors of the management crises & disasters units at University faculties and this: to look at the most important various crises facing the university, reports Civil Protection former sent from the colleges to the center and discussed, insurance procedures exams and Controls, set up a fund for complaints university faculties. |
On day 3 December 2013, meeting was held in the presence of the Director of Quality Assurance Center and director of the Center for Development of calendar systems and examinations to develop scenarios to prepare for exams and securing business Controls. |
In the period from 29 November 2013 till 6 December 2013, meetings have been holding with some representatives of the Students' Union and the Trustees of Union of the faculties to discuss the crisis demonstrations inside the university. |
On 5 December 2013, a special page of crisis and disaster management was set up on the site of Fayoum University. |
In the period from 9 December 2013 till 20 December 2013, meetings have been holding with some of the deans of faculties and Agents to discuss the scenarios insurance business, controls exams and colleges such as archeology, engineering, tourism, hotels, education, social service, quality education, morals, agriculture and medicine. |
On 16 December 2013, logo of center crisis and disaster management center was designed. |
In the period from 17 December 2013 to 25 December 2013,
a report has been written for the Center for Development of calendar systems and examinations in response to some inquiries and questions on insurance business scenarios, controls and exams.
In the period from 26 December 2013 to 21January 2014, the internal regulations of the Centre for crisis and disaster management has been written. |
In the period from 12 February 2014 till 3 March 2014, a guide to crisis and disaster management center has been done.
In the period from 17 February 2014 till 25 February 2014, plans and scenarios for crisis management & disaster reduce has been done. One of the main scenarios of crises and disasters as follows:
- Tests leakage
- Demonstration for students or staff on campus
- Sit-in students or employees
- Fire inside one of the faculties buildings
- Burst water pipes or sewage college
- Power outages during the end of chapter tests
- Malicious rumors
- Theft of a controls
- Collapse of part of a university building
- Natural disaster (Earthquake)
- Pandemic outbreaks within the university
- Food poisoning in university cities
- leakage from a chemical laboratory
- Radiation leakage from a university hospital devices.
On 18 February 2014, scientific article about swine flu and its symptoms and ways to prevent it and to take precautions and preventive measures necessary to prevent the spread of swine flu has been prepared.. |
In the period from 26 February 2014 till 9 March 2014, crises management center offers faculty members the university opinion poll to take their views and suggestions on how to increase the students benefit from courses during the short period of the second semester. . |
Participated in the development of a proposed strategic plan for the center. . |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculty of Arts on Wednesday, 3 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculty of Social Work on Thursday, 4 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculties of specific Education and Early Childhood Education on Sunday, 7 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculties of Agriculture and Nursing on Tuesday, 9 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculties of Education and Archaeology on Wednesday, 10 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculties of Science & Computers and Information on Thursday, 11 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculty of Tourism on Wednesday, 17 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with crowd" which gives to administrators at University Hospital on Thursday, 18 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a course entitled "Advanced course in crises management" at Central Library, Fayoum University on Tuesday, 23 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students" which gives to administrators at Faculty of Medicine on Wednesday, 24 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "How to deal with students " which gives to administrators at Faculty of Engineering on Thursday, 25 September, 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "The Art of the security personnel dealing with University workers " which gives to the security personnel at Fayoum University, Central Library, Fayoum University on Sunday 28 September 2014. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "The dealing art with University workers " which gives to administrators working in halls of residence and student services at Fayoum University, Faculty of Arts on Wednesday 1 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community" which gives to students, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University on Sunday 19 October 2014 |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community" which gives to students, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University on Monday 20 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Education, Fayoum University on Wednesday 22 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University on Thursday 23 October 2014 |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University on Sunday 26 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University on Sunday 26 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Computers and Information, Fayoum University on Monday 27 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University on Tuesday 28 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University on Wednesday 29 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Tourism, Fayoum University on Thursday 30 October 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of specific Education, Fayoum University on Sunday 2 November 2014.
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Fayoum University on Monday 3 November 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, Fayoum University on Tuesday 4 November 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University on Tuesday 5 November 2014. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Ethics of the university community," which gives to students, Faculty of Dentistry, Fayoum University on Tuesday 6 November 2014. |
Crises management center has held fourth meeting with the managers of crisis management units at the university faculties. Wednesday, 17 December, 2014, central library, Fayoum University. |
A workshop titled "Crises are expected to occur during the period of the exams and how to deal with it was held. Wednesday, 24 December, 2014, the Central Library, University of Fayoum. |
Organize a competition for university students about the use of methods of crises management at the University of Fayoum. Sunday, 28 December, 2014. |
Writing a contingency plan for university cities. Monday, 29 December, 2014. |
Writing and printing 500 special stickers on how to use fire extinguishers and distributed to university faculties in the period from 28 –29 December, 2014. |
Writing and printing 500 special stickers with instructions to be followed during an emergency and distributed to university faculties in the period from 11-12 January, 2015. |
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Medicine to identify the true potential and shortcomings. Sunday, 4 January 2015. |
Writing and distributing the evacuation plan of the buildings on the faculties of the university. Monday, 5 January, 2015. |
The second meeting of the Board of the Center was held. Monday, 5 January, 2015, the Office of President of the Fayoum University. |
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of science to identify the true potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 6 January 2015. |
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of nursing to identify the true
potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 6 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of agriculture to identify the
true potential and shortcomings. Thursday, 8 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of dentistry to identify the
true potential and shortcomings. Sunday, 11 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of specific Education to
identify the true potential and shortcomings. Monday, 12 January
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Social Work to identify the
true potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 13 January 2015.
The implementation of the evacuation plan of the central Fayoum
University Press. Wednesday, 14 January, 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Dar Al Uloom to identify
the true potential and shortcomings. Thursday, 15 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Archaeology to identify the
true potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 18 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Tourism & Hotels to
identify the true potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 13 January
Crises management center has held fifth meeting with the managers of
crisis management units at the university faculties. Wednesday, 21
January, 2015, central library, Fayoum University.
The implementation of the evacuation plan of the principal
administration building, Fayoum University. Thursday, 22 January,
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Science & Computers and
Information on to identify the true potential and shortcomings.
Monday, 26 January 2015.
Doing an exploratory visit to the faculty of Arts to identify the true
potential and shortcomings. Tuesday, 27 January 2015.
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Medicine on Monday, 9 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Engineering on Tuesday, 10 February, 2015. |
Crises management center has been printed a guide for crises management and disasters reduction and distributed to the university faculties in the period from 11- 12 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Education on Wednesday, 11 February, 2015. |
Crises management center has held sixth meeting with the managers of Crisis management units at the university faculties. Wednesday, 11 February, 2015, central library, Fayoum University. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Arts on Sunday, 15 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Science & Computers and Information on Tuesday, 17 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Archaeology on Wednesday, 18 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Dar Al Uloom on Thursday, 19 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Tourism & Hotels on Sunday, 22 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Agriculture on Monday, 23 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Faculty of Early Childhood Education on Tuesday, 24 February, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Nursing on Wednesday, 25 February, 2015. |
Writing a contingency plan for Central Fayoum University Press.
Sunday, 1 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Science on Monday, 2 March, 2015. |
Participated in the work of a training course entitled "Teamwork and team-building skills" which gives to students at Specific Education on Tuesday, 3 March, 2015. |
Crises management center has held seventh meeting with the managers of Crisis management units at the university faculties. Wednesday, 4 March, 2015, central library, Fayoum University. |
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of medicine
on Sunday, 8 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics
in Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
engineering on Monday, 9 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of agriculture
on Wednesday, 11 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of social
work on Sunday, 15 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of arts
on Monday, 16 March, 2015.
Writing a contingency plan for the Central Restaurant, Tuesday,
17 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of science
on Wednesday, 18 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Archaeology on Sunday, 22 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Dar Al Uloom on Wednesday, 25 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Tourism & Hotels on Sunday, 29 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Education on Monday, 30 March, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Early Childhood on Wednesday, 1 April, 2015.
Crises management center has held Eighth meeting with the
managers of Crisis management units at the university faculties. Wednesday, 1 April, 2015, central library, Fayoum University.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Nursing on Sunday, 5 April, 2015.
Participated in the work of a workshop entitled "Advanced Topics in
Crises Management" which gives to faculty staff, faculty of
Dentistry on Monday, 6 April, 2015.
Security and safety Guide (in electronic form) was issued, Wednesday,
22 April 2015.
Writing a proposal for some measures to ensure the Exams and
Controls during the Exams period, Wednesday, 29 April 2015.
Crises management center has held Ninth meeting with the
managers of Crisis management units at the university faculties. Monday, 4 May, 2015, central library, Fayoum University
Prize for Excellence in International Scientific Publication, Fayoum University for the year 2015/2016. |