Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964 |
E-mail Address: hmh03@fayoum.edu.eg |
Office : Faculty of Agriculture - DepartmentBotany
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Botany Department - POBox: 63514 |
B. Sc.: Agriculture (Plant Pathology) - Cairo University - Fayoum branch - 1999 |
M. Sc.: Agriculture Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (T: Preliminary evaluation of the sanitary status of grapevine in Egypt with references to viral diseases)- from Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari(IAMB) - Italy - 2003 |
Demonstrator:1999 to 2004
Assistant Lecturer: 2004 To 2014 |
Lecturer: 2014 Until Now |
Plant diseases
Biotechnology |
Transmitted diseases by insects. |
Plant viruses |
Ahmed-Hoda M.H., M. Digiaro nd
G.P. Martelli (2003).
"Preliminary survey for grapevine
viruses in Egypt". 14th ICVG
conference, Locorotondo 12-17th
September, 2003.
Ahmed-Hoda M.H., M. Digiaro nd
G.P. Martelli (2004).
and virus diseases of grapevine
in Egypt". EPPO Bulletin 34 (3),