faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Neimate Ali Hassan

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: nah01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Agricultural Sciences Cairo University – 1978
M. Sc.: Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University – 1982
Ph.D.: Cairo University - Branch fayoum – 1992
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1979 To 1982
Assistant Lecturer: From 1982 To 1992
Lecturer: From 1992 To 2006
Assistant Professor: From 2006 To 2011
Professor: From 2011 Up Till Now
Academic Activities
Acting Head of Department from 2013 Up Till Now.
Research Interests
Dairy Microbiology
Lactic acid bacteria
Utilization of dairy products
Neautration and health of dairy products for some special foods
List Of Puplications
Elewa, Neimat A; EL Tantawy, Rateeba B. ; Metry, Wedad A. ( 2004 ) Utilization of some dairy by – products and over ripened yoghurt in producing jelly yoghurt”. Annals of Agric . Sc. , Moshtohor , 42 , (1) : 139 – 147 .
Aly, Salwa.A. ; Galal E. A and Elewa, Neimat.A.H ( 2004) Carrot yoghurt: Sensory, chemical, microbiological properties and consumer acceptance. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 3(6): 322-330
Elewa, Neimat A, H., Galal E. A. and Salwa. A. Aly (2005) Hygienic safety and physico-chemical properties of some imported milk powder in the Egyptian market. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 30 (11, November, 2005)
Aly, Salwa. A. and Elewa, Neimat, A.H. (2006) The effect of Egyptian honeybee propolis on the growth of Aspergillus versicolor and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis in Ras cheese Journal of Dairy Research (2006) 73:1-5
Elewa, Neimat.A.H and Aly, Salwa.A. ( 2006) Microbiological and biochemical aspects of Kishk fermentation 1-whey Kishk. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20:(1) 199.
Elewa -Neimat A, Degheidi M.A; EL Tantawy Rateeba B. El-Garhi (2006). Induction of resistance to penicillin and streptomycin in some lactic acid bacteria. Egyptian journal of dairy science.34 (1)1-11.
Elewa, Neimat A; Metry,Wedad A., (2006) Aspects in production and evaluation of probiotic kishk Assiut J. Agric . Sci. , vol 37 , no. 2 : 127 – 143 .
El –Tantawy B. A. Ratebia , Degheidi, M. A.;Elewa, A.H. and Hossam M. El-Garhi (2006) "Ras" cheese manufactured with antibiotics resistance starter culture. Egyp. J. of Microbiology.13: 374-364.
Elewa, Neimat A (2006) Microbiological and biochemical aspects of Kishk fermentation 2-Egyptian Seidi KishK. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20:(1) 192-199.
Deghedi , M. A., El –Tantawy, Ratebia B.A., Elewa, Neimat, A.H. and El-Garhi ,H.M (2006). The induced resistant yoghurt starter (Str.Salivarius subsp.thermophilus and Lb.delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus) which were applied to yoghurt containing streptomycin. Egypt J. Biotechnol.22: 229- 240.
El –Tantawy , Ratebia B.A , M A. Degheidi, M.A ,Elewa, Neimat A.H, and El-Garhi, H.M (2006). Preparation of "Ras"cheese slurry made with antibiotics induced resistant starter culture. Egypt J. Biotechnoll.23:276- 290
Elewa, Neimat A.H and, El-Fakharany, A.M (2007). The Influence of bifidobacteria on some Synbiotic BeveragesThe Third Conference of Sustainable Agriculture Development 12-14 November 2007 Page 48) Egypt. J. Food Sci. 35, PP, 123-134 (2007)
Degheidi; M.A., Elewa, Neimat A. H., Zedain,M .A., and Malim, M. A.(2007). Utilization of Probiotic bacteria on UF white soft cheese 10th Egyptian Conf. for Dairy Sci. and Tech. The international agriculture Centre, Cairo 19-21 November 2007.
Elewa, Neimat A. H.; Degheid M .A. i; Zedain M. A., and Malim, M. A. .(2007) Synergistic Effects of Inulin or Cellulose in UF Probiotic white soft cheese. 10th Egyptian Conf. for Dairy Sci. and Tech. The international agriculture Centre, Cairo 19-21 November 2007. Poster
Metry, Wedad A.; Elewa, Neimat A. H.; El-Demerdash O and Ebid, Warda, M. (2008) Properties of Bioghurt during storage as influenced by certain dried herbs and their oils. The 4th Arab Mansoura Conference of Food and Dairy Science & Technology 10-14/11/2008
Elewa, Neimat A. H.; Metry, Wedad A. ; El- Demerdash, O. and Ebid, Warda M. A. (2009) Influence of adding certain aromatic herbs on technological properties of acidophilus- bifidus- thermophilus (ABT) cultured milk Egypt. J. Food Sci. 37, pp, 99-113(2009)
Elewa, Neimat A. H. and Metry, Wedad A. (2010) Antagonistic effect of herbal cultured milk on some pathogenic bacteria 11th Egyptian Conf. for Dairy Sci. and Tech. The international agriculture Centre, Cairo 1-3 November (2010) Proc. 11th Egyptian Conf. Dairy Sci. & Techn. 537- 551 (2010).
Metry, Wedad A.; Attalla K. M.; Elewa, Neimat A. H. and Nesreen M. Nasr* (2010) Utilization of some by products to produce biopreservatives from certian lactic acid bacteria. 11th Egyptian Conf. for Dairy Sci. and Tech The international agriculture Centre, Cairo 1-3 November (2010.) Egyptian J. Dairy Sci., 38:159- 169 (2010). Poster
Elewa, Neimat, A. H. and El-Fakharany. A. M. A. (2011) Induction resistance of some lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria to certain antibiotics. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci., 39: 9- 20 (2011).
Elewa, Neimat, A. H. and Aly, Salwa, A. (2011) Chemical Composition, Microbiological quality and growth of some probiotics in camel milk from North Sinai. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci., 39: 29- 38 (2011).
Elewa, Neimat, A. H. and Salama, Wafaa, M. (2011) Evaluation of certain probiotic bacteria for biosynthesis of vitamin B complex in cultured milk. Accepted in Egypt. J. Food Sci. 39 :---( 2011)
Aly, Salwa, A. and Elewa, Neimat, A. H. (2011). Quality Assurance of Kareish Cheese. J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 2(6): 285-296.
Elewa, Neimat, A. H.; Metry, Wedad, A ; Atalla, Kh.M. and Nasr, Nesreen, M. (2011). Influence of Lb. rhamnosus metabolites as a bio-preservative on chemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of processed cheese Accepted in Egypt. J. Food Sci., 39 :---( 2011)