faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr.Wedad Azab Matary

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: wam01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Agricultural Sciences – Dairy and food Industries – Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 1984
M. Sc.: Technology of Dairy Products – Diary Products Department - Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1990
Ph.D.: Technology of Dairy Products – Diary Products Department - Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1995
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1984 To 1990
Assistant Lecturer: From 1990 To 1995
Lecturer: From 1996 To 2003
Assistant Professor: From 2003 To 2011
Professor: From 2011 up till now
Computer and Training Courses
Skilled in computer and internet applications.
Qualified as a University Lecturer.
Passed in 7 training courses in FLDP.
Training course in electronic learning.
Food Hygiene and Safety, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK. September, 2003.
Hygiene and HACCP Course, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK. September, 2003.
Teaching Courses
A- Under graduate:
1- Principles of food and dairy industries.
2- Cheese Technology
3- Fatty dairy products and their substitutes
4- Sanitation of dairy farms and factories
5- Special dairy products
6- Fermented milk technology
7- Ice cream & freezed milks technology
8- Analysis of milk and its products
9- Engineering of dairy plants
10- Quality control of milk and its products
11- Chemistry of milk and its products
12- Food and dairy processing technology
B- Post graduate:
1- Sanitation of dairy farms and factories (advanced).
2- Nitrogenous and mineral components of milk
3- Milk enzymes technology
4 –Minor components of milk
5- Heat treatments of milk
6- Quality control of milk and its products (advanced).
7- Milk technology (advanced).
Scientific and academic interests
Skilled in computer and internet applications.
Quality control of milk and its products
Chemistry of milk and its products
Technology of milk and its products
Sanitation of Dairy Farms and Plants
Food additives and natural preservatives
Scientific supervision ( Master and Ph.D. )
3 M.Sc. Theses and 4 Ph.D. Theses. Besides, participation in the judgment and discussion committees of M.Sc. Theses.
Scientific conferences and symposia
The 7th Egyptian conference for dairy Science & Technology. The international Agricultural center, Cairo, 7-9 Nov. 1998 .
The 1st annual conference on “Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 28-30 March 2001.
The 8th Egyptian conference for dairy Science & Technology. The international Agricultural center, Cairo, 3-5 Nov. 2001 .
The 2nd annual conference on “Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 8-10 June 2002.
The 9th Egyptian conference for dairy Science & Technology. The international Agricultural center, Cairo, 9 -11 October 2004 .
The 2nd international conference on food industries & nutrition division on " Future trends in food science and nutrition . National research center, Cairo. Egypt ,27-29 Nov. 2005 .
The 3rd annual conference on “Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ., 12-14 Nov. 2007.
The 10th Egyptian conference for dairy Science & Technology. The international Agricultural center, Cairo, 19-21 Nov. 2007.
The 4th annual conference on “Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ., 20-22 Oct . 2008 .
The 3 rd international conference on food science & nutrition . National research center , Cairo . Egypt, 3-5 Nov. 2008
The 4th Arab Mansoura Conference of " Food and Dairy Science & Technology " . Mansura Univeristy ”. Fac. Agric., and Fac . of Tourism and hotels . 10 – 14 Nov. 2008 .
Alexandria 5th conference food and dairy Science & Technology. Fac. Agric., Alexandria University , 4-6 March, 2008 .
Nanotechnology in foods and dairy. Egypt. Dairy Sci. Association and Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ. April 23, 2008.
Symposium on “Food Additives in dairy industries”. National research center , Cairo . Egypt , 30 June 2009
Workshop on Hazard analysis and critical control point system (HACCP), June 17-22, 2000, Regional Center for Safety and Quality of Food Stuffs.
The Science and Psychology of Hand Decontamination. School of applied sciences - University of Wales Institute , Cardiff , UK .17 – 18 August 2004
Food safety program for agriculture technical schools , Mucia Cairo 14 July 2008.
Safety of laboratories – 1 July 2009, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University.
How to secure laboratories against fire, 15 July 2009, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University.
Visual aids and active learning strategies, Cairo, Mucia Cairo, 2007-2008.
Food Hygiene and Safety, University of Wales Institute , Cardiff , UK . September, 2003
Applied and research projects
Participating in workshops for training the supervisors on students housing , including:
* Food and nutrition, 19-21 Aug., 2008, Fayoum Univ.
* Principles of safety and health of food. 26-28 Aug., 2008, 17-19 February 2009, Fayoum Univ.
Participating in a project between Cairo Univ. and University Wales Institute Cardiff(UWIC), UK, entitled" Improving the hygiene practices of food handlers, especially females in El- Fayoum region – Egypt, 2002-2004.
Supervising on production lines (Fermented milk- cheese ..etc) and Quality Control Lab. of Ideal Unit of Dairy Products, Fayoum Univ. 200-2002.
Training rural facilitators in simplified methods for making dairy products. 2001, Fayoum Univ.
Training and extension programs
"Recent applications in dairy science" for Agricultural teachers, Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), AERI Institutional Linkage Project, 2007-2008.
Participate in MUCIA program to train students for jobs after graduation ( Career development and training center ). Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), AERI Institutional Linkage Project.
Summer training for dairy students.
Preparing reports of quality assurance in university education.
Lectures in "balanced nutrition during lactation and nursery "to specialists of pre-childhood.
Lectures in "balanced nutrition during lactation and nursery "to specialists of pre-childhood.
Lectures in "balanced nutrition during lactation and nursery "to specialists of pre-childhood.
Training students of different faculties on "making dairy products with simple and modern methods" throughout the project of producing student" Fayoum Univ., 2006.
Visual aids and active learning strategies
Scientific and environmental societies
Member of Egyptian Society for Food Science and Technology
Member of the Scientific Society of Food Industries
Member of Egyptian Society for food quality control and consumer protection. Fac of Veterinary, Cairo Univ.
Management activities
Member of labs. and apparatuses committee.
Member of annual inventory committee.
Member of committee of scientific and cultural relations, Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ.
Member of committee of student affairs.
Member of committee of examination affairs.
List Of Publication
wedad Azab Metry Studies on Cottage Cheese ”. Department of Dairing - Faculty of Agriculture at Fayoum - Cairo University    

wedad Azab Metry Studies On Buffalo Milk And Some Of Its Products ”. Dairying Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - Fayoum    

Moawad A.A.; E.A. Galal and W.A.Metry ( 2001 ) Egyption Bee propolis as a natural preservative for ultrafiltered soft cheese ”. Proc . 8 th Egyption Conf. Dairy

Ibrahim , Azza M.; K.M.Atalla and Wedad , A. Metry ( 2003 ) Microbiological , chemical and Organoleptic studies to produce desirable and safety Domiati cheese ”. Egypt. J .Appl. Sci ; 18 ( 12 B ) : 655 – 674 .   

Wedad.A.Metry , A.I.Nagib and E.M.El-Hadidy ( 2003 ) Some chemical , physical , microbiological and organoleptic properties of ice cream produced by using some legumes or their derivatives ”. J.Home Economics , Minufiya Univ. , vol. 13 , No. 2 : 115 – 135 .

Metry , Wedad A. ( 2004 ) Ultrafiltered soft cheese as affected by soymilk , Lactobacillus acidophilus starter and certain flavour additives ”. J. Agric . Sci . Mansoura Univ .,vol . 29 , no . 11 : 6369 – 6388 .   

Metry ,Wedad A. , M.A. EL – Batawy , M.A.Zedan and H.S.M EL-Tawel ( 2004 ) Utilization of goats' milk in Edam – like cheese making ”. Alex . J. Fd . Sci . & Technol .vol . 1 , no . 2 , pp. 1 – 12 .   

EL- Batawy , M.A.; Wedad A.Metry ; Zedan , M.A. and El- Tawel H.S.M ( 2004 ) Influence of salting method on the quality of Edam cheese ”. Proc.The 9 th Egyption Conf . for Dairy Sci . & Tech. " Milk and Dairy products for a Healthy future " , Cairo , Egypt .493 – 508    

Neimat A. Elewa ; Rateeba B. EL Tantawy ; Wedad A. Metry ( 2004 ) Utilization of some dairy by – products and over ripened yoghurt in producing jelly yoghurt ”. Annals of Agric . Sc. , Moshtohor . vol 42 , no . 1 : 139 – 147 .

EL- Batawy M.A.; Zedan M.A.; Wedad A . Metrry and EL-Tawel H.S. ( 2004 ) Use of ultrafilteration technique in Edam – like cheese making ”. Minufiya J . Agric . Res . vol . 29 , no . 3 : 611 – 622 .   

Neimat A. Elewa ; Wedad A. Metry ( 2006 ) Aspects in production and evaluation of probiotic Kishk ”. Assiut J. Agric . Sci. , vol 37 , no. 2 : 127 – 143 .

Rateeba B. EL Tantawy ; Wedad A. M. ; Mohamed , O. EL-Demerdash ; Abd EL-Baky , H.M.Abd EL-Aziz ( 2006 ) Effect of Cardamom , thyme and Clove powder on the composition and quality of white soft cheese made from goats' milk ”. Assiut J.Agric. Sci . , vol . 37 no. 4 : 139 – 157 .   Abstract           Introduction

Wedad A. Metry , Ratiba B. Ahmed , Mohamed , O.E. & Abd EL-Baky , H.M.A. ( 2007 ) Effect of adding Cardamom , Thyme and Clove essential oils on some properties of white soft cheese made from goats' milk ”. Alex . J.Fd . Sci. & Technol . vol . 4 , no. 1 : 1 – 19 .