faculty of agriculture

Faculty Dean

On behalf of the family of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University: faculty members, teaching assistance, and the administrative staff, I am pleased and honored to welcome you all at the Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University which has been established since 1976. The faculty committed itself to implement new developments in different sectors: undergraduate students and instruction, graduate studies and scientific research, as well as community service and environmental development, through dissemination of cognition and imbedding the culture of research, innovation and creativity for successive generations of graduates and researchers and keeping abreast of the latest scientific developments and modern technologies.
The faculty supplies the society every year with highly qualified and distinguished graduates who are able to compete locally, regionally and internationally in agricultural and biotechnological fields having the latest requirements of the labor market. In addition, the faculty enriches the global scientific research in different areas and contributes to upgrade the surrounding environment keeping in mind sustainable development of our society to cope with the modern era.
The Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University is an accredited institution from the National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education (NAQAAE) in August 26, 2019 (Resolution 192). Currently, the Faculty has 14 academic departments, provides nine undergraduate academic programs, offers Master and Doctorate degrees and a number of research papers are published every year in different fields of agriculture and biotechnology in order to achieve the sustainable development goals in light of Egypt's Vision: 2030.
Dear Students
As you are the scientists of tomorrow and the future leaders, I invite you all to take advantage of the advanced educational services provided by our faculty and in the meantime, you are required to exert more efforts, determination and perseverance in study and achievement, adhering to the ethics and the requirements of the university standards.
We hope that your contribution to the advancement of our country and Fayoum region will continue to support our economy and maintain the country's progress, well-being and pride.
In conclusion, I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks, appreciation and gratitude to all faculty members, teaching assistance and the administrative staff for their efforts and time to maintain our faculty in the highest rank.

Prof. Mahmoud Ali Abdelfattah
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
Fayoum University, Egypt

Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Ali Abdel Fatah
Faculty Dean