faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Abdel-Azeem Mohamad Mostafa

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: amm02@fayoum.edu.eg
E-mail Address: azem-mostafa@hotmail.com
Office : Agriculture Building
Postal Address : Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Economics Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Agricultural Economy – Cairo University – 1968
Ph.D. : Agricultural Economy – Cairo University – 1979
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer: From 1978 To 1979
Lecturer: From 1979 To 1983
Assistant Professor: From 1983 To 1988
Professor: From 1988 Up Till Now
List of Publications
Techniques of Planning , memo No. (845) , ministry of planning , Cairo 1972 .
Capital accumulation in Egyptian agriculture , fifth conference for Egyptian association for political  Economics Statistics and Legislation Cairo 1979 .
Determinants of Agricultural Price Policy in Egypt , (Published in English) , Egypt contemporin in Bulletin,Vol. No. (385) Cairo,July 1981 .
The Role of Egyptian Agricultural in Food Security , Egypt Contemporin Bulletin vol No. (386) October 1981 .
Combination of Varieties and Resources in Relation to Technological progress possibilities in Egyptian agriculture , Researsh Bulletine of Scientific Research Ain – Shams University, No (2000) October 1982 .
Economic Aspects of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural labour force A Case Study on Fayoum Governorate , Res. Bulletin Ain- Shams University, No.(2001) November 1982 .
Feasibility Study for Agricultural Projects , A case study on Graduate Village,Gharb El- Mawhoob, New Vally, Research Bull. Ain – Shams University .
Aggregate Production Function for Egyptian Agricultural Sector (1966-1979) , Research Bull. No. (2106) Bulletin of Scientific Research Ain- Shams University, December 1982 .
Development Strategy of Small-Scale Industries Urban and Rural Areas in Egypt , Bulletin of commercial studies and Research, scientific Bulletin, Faculty of commercial, Vol. No. (5) Banha, 1982 .
The Rural Non - Farm Employment Project in Egypt , survey results of phase , Michigan State University .
Some Economic Industries of Medical and Perfume Plants, a case study on fayoum governorate , Arab Conference for Medical Plants, National Research Center with others, March 1984 .
Using The New Co-ordination System In Estimating the Distribution – Structure of Agricultural Holding in Egypt , Bulletin of commercial studies and Research, scientific Bulletin, Faculty of commercial Vol. No. (3) Banha, 1986 .
Machine Shops in Egypt with Special Reference To Its Economics in Fayoum Governorate , Bulletin Scientific Research Fuculty of Agric. Cairo University, Vol. No. (37), 1986 .
The Rural Agricultural Implements Industry in Egypt with Special reference to its Economics in Fayoum Governorate , Zagazig journal of agricultural research .
An Analytical Study of Profitability of Main Agricultural Crops and capital productivity for small enterprises in Fayoum governorate , Zagazig Journal Of Agricultural Research, Vol (113), December 1986 .
Production and Cost Function for the Most Important field and Vegetables Crops in Fayoum Governorate ,  Annual Conference in statistics , Computer science and operations Research, Vol. No.(1) applied Statistics & Economics Cairo University 14th – 18th December 1986 .
Main Features for Economics And Marketing of Camels and Their Production in Arab countries , Middil and near east regional animal production and health project (MINEADEP) FAQ Of UN Proceedings of Kuwit Semenar October 1986 .
Dairy Industry in Kuwait , An Economic and technical study , Kuwait institute of scientific Research , October 1986 .
Supply Function of Agricultural Sector in the State of Kuwait , Zagazig university,1986 .
An Econometric Analysis for Kuwait's Imports of fruits by Type , Bulliten Agriculture Science , Fac.of Agric. Zagazig university .
Arab Agriculture Crisis and Co-operative Arab Economic performance , conference of Prospects of Co-Ordination betwin arab regional integration in the Field of Economs. Uneversty of Mansoura, March 1990 .
Testing The Effects of Some Agricultural Policies With limiting Government Interference in the Egyptian Agriculture , Egypt contemporain Bullletin, Vol.(1) No (417),1990 .
Future Prospects of Agricultural Development in Fayoum Governorate , conference of fayoum Development prospects, Cairo Unevirsty, March 1990 .
Lenders Characteristics in the Credit Program , (IfAD) Project Studies, 1991 .
Agricultural Credit Analysis for farmers in Fayoum governorate , (IfAD) Project Studies, 1991 .
Analysis of The Agricultural Debt Bay-back in Fayoum Governorate , (IfAD) Project Studies,1991 .
Evaluation of The Performance of the Agricultural Development Bank in Fayoum , (IfAD) Project Studies,1991 .
Socio Economic Percent Change in the Egyptian Rural Areas , Bullletin of Scientific Research Faculty of agriculture , Cairo university,1992 .
Analyze The Policies of Agricultural Subsidy in Kuwait , Yearly Conference for American Society for Agriculture Economic, August 1994, San Diego California, published of the Paper in American Magazin for Agriculture Economics No. (76) .
Co-ordination Between Agriculture Marketing Policy in G.C.C countries , Conference of Integration Policies for Agricultural marketing, Kuwait March 1995 .
Development Of Kuwait's Agricultural Sector (1995-2015) , Team work Published in English – KISR, 1995 .
Economic Sides for Development of Kuwait's Agricultural Sector 5th volume Study for the Master Plan for Development of Kuwait's Agricultural Sector(1995-2005) , Team work Published in English, Kuwait Institute .
Agricultural Marketing & the Master Plan for Development of Kuwait's Agriculture Sector (1995- 2015) , Team work Published in English, 1995 .
Marketing of the Kuwait's Animal Products in Institute Co-operatives , development of animal sector project , Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Science , 1997 .
Agricultural Economics Studies for Animal Sector (poultry-cows) in Kuwait Development of Animal Sector Project , Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Science, 1997 .
Development Projects Policies for Animal Sector in G.C.C Countries – Development Animal Sector Project , Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Science , 1997 .
Feasibility Study to Establish Specialized farm in Cultivating Alfa - Alfa and Parlay in the State of Kuwait , Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Science 1998 .