faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Enas ElSayed Sadek

Contact Information
Phone Number:084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: ess00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Agriculture Building
Postal Address : Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences - Cairo Univ - Fayoum branch - 1991
M.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences - agricultural economy - Cairo Univ - Fayoum branch - 1997
Ph.D. : Agricultural Sciences - agricultural economy - Cairo Univ - Fayoum branch - 2001
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1992 To 1997
Assistant Lecturer : From 1997 To 2001
Lecturer : From 2001 To 2006
Assistant Professor: From 2006 To 2012
Professor: From 2012 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Agricultural economy
Foreign Trade
List of Publications
< /> An Economic Study on the Euro-Egyptian Partnership and Relevance of Quality Standers,the concept of Sustainable Agricultural development Conference, Faculty of Agriculture in Fayoum, (2001).

< /> An Analytical Study of the Concept of Arab Food Security Concept under Present Economic and political Situation, Arabic Food Security Conference, Egyptian Agricultural Economics Association, (2002).

An Economic Evaluation for Integrated Pest Management Programs in producing Cotton,The First Integrated Pest Management Conference, Fayoum, Egypt, (2002).

An Analytical Study of the Most Important Human Development Indicators and Future Challenges in Egypt, Human Rural Development Conference in Egypt, Egyptian Agricultural Economics Association, (2003).

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting in Activating the Role of Rural Women in Human Development,Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics, Vol. (15), NO.(1) March (2005).

The Economic Impacts for Price Policies on the main Cereal Crops in Egypt,Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences ,The Egyptian Society of Applied Sciences, EL-Sharkia, Egypt Vol. (20) NO.(10) October, (2005).

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting in the Consumption of the Wheat and the Role of Extension in Rationalizing Consumption, Research Journal of Environment and Society Service, Scientific Society for Rural Environmental Protection, EL-Sharkia, Egypt Vol. (4) NO.(4) December, (2005).

Economic Impact of Using Bio-Farming System on Tomatoes Production,The Second Integrated Pest Management Conference, Fayoum, Egypt, January, (2006).

An Economics Analytical Study of Animal Product Wastes, Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, Vol. 45 No. (1) March, (2007).

The Economics of the Project of Producing Animal Foods from Corn and Maize Wastes, Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 22 No. (4B), April, (2007).
The Economics efficiency of Essential Oils' Extraction Units "Case Study in Fayoum and Bani Suiaf Governorates", The Third International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 12-14 November,(2007).
An Analytical Study on Increasing in International Food Prices and Its Effects on Arab Food Security, the Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics Conference, 15-16 October, (2008).
The Impact of Development Policies and Human Activities on Bio-diversity of Genetic Resources of Some Crops in El-Fayoum Governorate, The Fourth International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 20-22 October,(2008).
An Analytical Study of Human Development Indicators and The Opportunities for Enhancing Living Standard in El-Fayoum Governorate, Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics, Vol.(19), No.(4), December, (2009).
Needs of the Suitable Methods of Agricultural Waste Recycling for Small Farms and Its Environmental and Economic Impacts, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Vol.(1), No.(8), August, (2010).
The Role of The Agricultural and Non-agricultural Institutions on Enhancing Linkages between the Farm Non- farm Activities in Egypt, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Vol.(1), No.(11), November, (2010).
The Economic Impacts of Using Covered drainage Method in El- Fayoum Governorate, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Vol.(2), No.(3), March, (2011).
The potentials for the development of Egyptian organic agricultural exports, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Vol.(2), No.(6), June, (2011).
The Opportunities for Enhancing Economic cooperation and Agricultural Bilateral Trade between Egypt and Nile Basin Countries, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(25), No.(2), July, (2011).
Organic Agricultural in Egypt, Production Economics and Challenge, Journal of American Science; 7(9): [2008-2015]. (ISSN: 1545-1003), 2011.
Clusters Characterization and Value Chain Mapping of the Main Economic Sectors in Fayoum Governorate, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(26), No.(2), July, (2012).
Economic and Environmental Impacts of Using Agricultural Waste for Producing Non- Traditional Feeds, Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, Vol.(16), November, 2013.
The Economic Impacts of Applying the Quality Standards on Egyptian Exports of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Vol.(5), No.(5), May, (2014).
An Economic Study to Evaluate Performance of the Most Important Small Scale Agric-Industrialization Project, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(29), No.(2), July, (2015).
The Economic Impacts of Climate Changes on Agricultural Production, Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian
Association of Agricultural Economics, Vol.(19), No.(4), December, (2016).
Value Chain Analysis of Olive in Fayoum Governorate, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(32), No.(2), July, (2017).
Economic Evaluation of Some Projects Funded by NGOs and Their Role in Human Development in Fayoum Governorate,
Egypt, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706, Volume 7, Number 06 (2018).
The Role of NGOSin Some Fields of Human Development in Fayoum Governorate, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(32), No.(1), July, (2018).
An Analytical Study for the Impact of Agric. And Price Policies on Production and Consumption of Some Oil Seed Crops in Fayoum Governorate, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(33), No.(1), January, (2019).
An Analytical Study of the Edible Oils Gap in Egypt, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.(33), No.(1), January, (2019).
Analysis of economic efficiency indicators of organic farms management patterns at Fayoum Governorate, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol. (33), No. (1), January, 2019.
Measuring The Impact of The Applcation of TQMon The Economic Efficiency of Some Projects of Processing Agricultural Crops, Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol. (33), No. (1), January, 2019.
Economics analysis of the trade balance of agricultural crops using linear programming and goal programming, 10th International Conference for Sustainable Agricultural Development 2-4 March 2020, Fayoum J. Agric. Res,&Dev.,Vol. 34 No. 1(B) March,2020.
The trade balance of virtual water for the most important Egyptiam agricultural crops, Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., Vol. 34, No.2, July, 2020.
Effect of Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Crops on the Water Situation in Egypt, World Rural Observations, 12(1), 2020.
Scientific Activities
Economics of Small-scale Projects Seminar organized by Development and Agricultural Credit Bank in Fayoum, (2002). Lecture about (An Economic Evaluation of Small-scale Projects in Egypt and Feasibility Studies of some Small-scale Projects).

Fayoum Exports Horizons’ Seminar organized by Egyptian International Trade Point in cooperation with Trade Champer in Fayoum, (2003). Lecture about(Organic Farming as an important approach for developing Egyptian Agricultural Exports).

Economic Usage of Agricultural Crops’ Residuals organized by Research center at Misr Bank, (2003). Lecture about (An Economic and Environmental Benefits of Agricultural Waste Recycling).

Economic Impacts of Exchange Rates liberation Seminar organized by Communication Support Center in Fayoum, (2003). Lecture about (Impacts of Exchange Rates liberation on the Egyptian International Trade).

Oil Crops Development Seminar organized by Faculty of Agriculture in Fayoum in cooperation with Extension System in Fayoum, (2003). Lecture about (Possibilities and Constrains of Developing Self-efficiency Ratio of Important Oil crops).

JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) Seminar organized by Egyptian International Trade Point in cooperation with Trade Champer in Fayoum Governorate, (2003). Lecture about(the Possibilities of developing Egyptian Agricultural Exports to Japanese Market).

Workshop aboutHuman Development in Egypt, (2003).

Workshop about Human Development in Fayoum Governorate, (2003/2004). (As an Academic Coordinator for Sustainable Human Rural Development Project in Fayoum Discrete).

Annual Conferences of Egyptian Agricultural Economics Association (as a member).

Study Tour in the Netherlands ( Visit to Fruit- Applied Research, Plant Research International, Plant Protection Research, International Agricultural Center, Research Farm Biodiversity and Practical Agricultural Training Institute's Training Programmes For Chain Management, Food Technology and Safety, Gender Issues and Visit to Research Farm Biodiversity).

Training course in the field of Economics of Integrated Pest Management by Integrated Pest Management Project (IPM) as a trainer for change agents with Extension System.

Training course about marketing development, in Italy and the Netherlands ( Visit to some elements of supply chain management, and make marketing plan with SWOT analysis for some important products).

Training course about marketing development with MUSIA project as a trainer for change agents with Extension System.

Nominated by The Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA) to work as a head of Working group (Socio -economic-& commercialization) of The Regional Medicinal & Herbal Plants Sector.

Training course as a trainer about Improving Animal Production in Fayoum Governorate, for NGOs working at this Sector in order to do PRA.

Training course as a trainer about Improving Graduates Skills in Feasibility Studies and Marketing, with Trade Champer in Fayoum Governorate.

Training course about Faculty Development in USA ( Visit to University of Florida IN Gainesville, attend some courses about preparing course syllabus, interactive learning methods, questioning strategies, measuring and evaluation performance, implementing critical thinking. How to apply internships and capstone course. Attend and organize seminars and work on developing marketing course.

Workshops about Faculty Development with MUSIA project as a trainee before traveling to USA ( workshops in Alex., Cairo, Menia and Assute University), and as a trainer after that (workshop in Fayoum University).

Work as a supervisor in executing field study about the economic effects of the organic agriculture, with Care international association (The Safety agriculture project of Egyptian farmers)aims mainly to evaluate the economic effects of using the organic agriculture technique in producing the most important horticultural crops .

Work as an expert in Human Development, Development Opportunities in Fayoum governorate, Fayoum University, (2008).
Arab Food Security Conferences on Kiewit, as a speaker, (2010).
Work as an expert in Clusters and Value chain analysis, Local Economy Assessment Project, UNDP, (2011).
Work as an expert in the centre of excellence in El-Fayoum governorate, NICHE project (NICHE /EGY/109), for training the staff of the centre (CE) of FFS in monitoring and evaluation system, (2012).
The Regional Roundtable on Preparing Skilled Workforce for Agricultural Development in the Mideast, as a speaker, Agricultural Studies Committee Supreme Council of Universities, Cairo, Egypt,(2013).
Training course (as a trainer) about Feasibility Studies, Development Research & Consultation Center, (2014).
International conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Konya City, Turkey, (2014).
Training course (as a trainer) about SPSS, Development Research & Consultation Center, (2015).
Training course (as a trainer) about How to wright CVs, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, (2016).
International conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Solo City, Indonesia, (2017).
Work as an expert in Sustainable Development Nile Basin Countries, National Planning Institute, (2017).