faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr.Usama Metwali Mohamed

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: umm00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Agricultural Economics Building - Faculty of Agriculture
Postal Address : Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Economics Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.:Rural community - Faculty of Agriculture – Alexandria University - 1989
M. Sc: Rural community - Faculty of Agriculture – Alexandria University - 1995
Ph.D: Rural community - Faculty of Agriculture – Alexandria University - 2001
Academic Positions
Lecturer : from 2005 to 2009
Assistant Professor : from 2009 to 2015
Professor : from 2015 Until Now
Academic Rank
Researcher of Rural Sociology and Chairman of Social Organizations Unit , Socio-Economic Division , Desert Research Center (From April 2002 to June 2005).
Researcher Assistant of Rural Sociology, Socio-Economic Division , Desert Research Center (June 1996 to May 2005).
Agric. Specialist, Socio-Economic Division , Desert Research Center (Jan. 1991 to May 2005) .
Vice Dean of the College of Agriculture for Education and Student Affairs from 16/1/2022 .
Published Researches
Determinants of societal belongingness in Siwa Oasis, the 30th international conference for statistics, computer science and its applications, Cairo, April 2005.
Utilizing an alternative method for social developmental needs assessment in a desert society, ninth conference of agricultural development researches, Cairo, March 2004.
Determinants of organizational coordination in some villages of Beer EL-Abd District, North Sinai Governorate, Egyptian J. Desert Res., Vol 54 No. (1) , 2004.
Some factors Affecting the adoption of wheat and barley farmers of the Agricultural extension recommendations in some rain fed areas in Matrouh Governorate, Egyptian J. Desert Res. , Vol 52 No. (2) , 2002 .
Gender and land Salinity Problems : case study of Nubaria Region in Egypt , the International symposium on optimum resources utilization in Salt-Affected Ecosystems in Arid And Semi-Arid Regions , Desert Research Center , Cairo , April 2002.
Evaluation of water users associations implementation in IFAD project area in Nobaria, Conference of the Role Of Social Researches and Technologies in Development, The Egyptian Rural Sociology Society , Kafr El-Shikh, June 2001.
Some variables affecting degree of irrigational deviation in Nubaria Area , Conference of the technologies in Rural development , the Egyptian Rural Sociology Society, Kafr El-Shikh, June 2001.
Some Factors Correlated to Satisfaction Level on Rural Developmental Services Quality in Tameia District- Fayoum Governorate
An Analytical study for citizenship Behavior of Rural Youth in Fayoum Governorate
Some Indicators of Village Local Units Effectiveness in Beni Suef Governorate
Developing a Scale for Agricultural Modernization in Rural Communities
Determinants of Rural Female Headed Household Empowerment in Fayoum Governorate
Viability of Rural Social Organizations in Fayoum Governorate
A) Research Projects :
Team member of the " Role of Agricultural Extension Institutions and Rural Organizations in the Agricultural development in the frame of economic liberalization policies and programs " , El-Azhar University , 2002 .
Team member of the " Some Social, Economic, Technical , Ecological and personal Factors affecting water use efficiency in Newly lands in Egypt", Alexandria University, 2002 .
Team member of the " Social, Economic and Technical Indicators Needed for Determining the places of Land Reclamation Projects in Egypt ", national Academy of Science and Technology , 2000 .
Team member of the " Social, Economic Survey of Halayeb , Shalateen , Abu-Ramad Area ", Desert Research Center , 1997.
Team member of The " Organizational and Institutional Changes Needed for Rural Development of Egyptian Villages ", national Academy of Science and Technology, 1992.
Pillars and Social Impacts of Settlement Project in New Lands and their Role in the Social Planning of the New Mega National Agricultural Projects, May 2003 till now .
B) Experience in Teaching and Training:
Teaching the following courses in the following courses in the high institution of agricultural cooperation: Rural Leadership – Demography – Psychology – Management.
Teaching the following courses in the college of agriculture, El-Fayoum University: Rural Sociology – Demography – Social Statistics – Social Rural Problems – Farm Management – Social Rural Management – Advanced Rural Sociology .
I took part as a trainer in some training courses organized by the Leaders Preparation Center for Governmental Sector.
Designing , implementing , teaching and evaluation of the training course : " The Development of Rural Leaders Skills in El-Fayoum Governorate ", organized by the National Council for Woman .
Participant in some training courses organized by the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities ( MUCIA ) .
C) Other Experiences :
Attending training courses in the following topics :
" The Geographic Information System Program " , Information Technology Institute , 1998.
" The Teacher and Trainers of Modern Management Program " , the Leaders Preparation Center for Governmental Sector , 2004.
" The Scientific Implementation for statistical Analysis " , National Research Center , 2005 .
" The Complementary Contention of Agricultural Pesticides ", College of Agriculture, El-Fayoum University, 2005 .
" The Art of Teaching and Learning Assessment ", Midwest University for International Activities ( MUCIA ) , 2006 .
Membership of scientific and professional associations
The Egyptian Rural Sociology Society .
The society of Rural Sustainable Development .
The National Council for woman in El-Fayoum Governorate.
"Factors Correlated to and Determinants of Technology Transfer Process in Agriculture among Farmers in Newly Reclaimed Land in Egypt"
"Selected Determinants of Farmers’ Rational Use of Irrigation Water in Nubaria Area"