faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr.Khaled Abdel Hamid Salim

Contact Information
Phone Number :084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: kas00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture
POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Food Technology – Cairo university - 1991 .
M. Sc. : Natural Products – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Chania, Greece - 1998.
Ph. D. : Food Science and Technology – Cairo university - 2005 .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1992 To 1999 .
Assistant Lecturer : From 1999 To 2005 .
Lecturer : 2005 To 2013.
Assistant Professor : 2013 To 2020
Professor : 2020 Until Now.
Short Courses, Training and Workshops
Short Courses, Training and Workshops in Food Science and Technology
Post Doctor Research, Department of Growing and Processing of Plant Products, University of Applied Science, From 17-4- to 11-10-2014, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Germany.
Post Doctor Research, Department of Methods in Food Biotechnology, From, 24-2-2012 to 24-4-2012, TU Berlin University, Berlin, Germany
International Training Workshop on Food Safety Assessment and Quality Control, from Dec. 8, 2014 to Dec. 26, 2014, South China University of technology, P.R. China
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and gas Chromatography (GC) in Medical Biochemistry, Short Course, and Medical technology center for research and services, medical research institute, Alexandria University, Elex. Egypt, 12-15 April, 2010.
Qualification of Quality Manger for the quality control managements of medicinal and aromatic plants, Training Program, faculty of agriculture, Fayoum Univ., Egypt, 19- 22 January, 2009
Food Safety Program for Agricultural Technical Schools, Seminar, (MUCIA) Inc. and Universities of Illinois, Cairo, July, 14, 2008. Seminar speaker; Prof. Dr. Vincent Hegarty, professor of food safety, Michigan State University, U SA.
Gamma Irradiation and Its Applications, Workshop, Middle Eastern Radioisotope Center for the Arab Countries, Cairo, July, 2007
Natural ingredients from wild plants used in food industry, Short Course, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece and Central Laboratory for Agriculture climate, Cairo, Sept. 1999.
Biotechnology, Short course, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. “The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece”.1997
Training and Workshops in Teaching Skills Development and New Teaching Strategies
Training Program on: External Auditors (external packet + simulation models), National authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, Cairo, Egypt, July, 2009.
Integrating Communications Skills into Agri-Science Education, Workshop, International linkage Project Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), Inc. and Universities of Illinois, Egypt, 22- 24 October, 2008,
Curriculum Development and Teaching Methods, Workshop, International linkage Project Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), Inc. and Universities of Illinois, port Said, Egypt, July ,2007
Active learning Strategies, Workshop, (MUCIA), Inc. and Universities of Illinois, luxor, Egypt, Mrch, 2009.
Active learning TOT workshop, International linkage Project Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), Inc. and Universities of Illinois, Cairo, Egypt, December ,2008
Communications Skills, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, December, 2010
New Strategies in Teaching, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, January, 2006.
Evaluation of Teaching, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, September, 2006
Affective presentation Skills, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University
Decisions Making and Problems Solving, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, December, 2005
Crisis Management, Training Program: Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University.
Time and Meeting’s Managements, Training Program Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, January, 2010.
Thanking skills, Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, May, 2014.
Principles of Education Quality Management for Higher Education Institutionsو Training Program, Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, September, 2019.
Civic Education Training Program, Fayoum University, Fayom, Egypt in cooperation with the University of Maryland, USA and US Embassy Cultural Office, March 2011
International Computer Driving licence, (ICTB) Supreme Council of Universities, Central Unit of ICT Training (CUICTT), improving higher education workforce ICT Skills Project, May 20, 2007
Training on Education Quality and Training of Trainers
Training of Trainers (TOT), Preparatory Programme, Workshop, National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development, Egypt, 3- 8-10-2009
Training of Trainers (TOT), on Active Teaching Strategies for faculty members in the agriculture faculties, workshop, (MUCIA), Inc. and Universities of Illinois, Cairo, Egypt, 4 -5 December, 2008
Training of Trainers (TOT), Training Program, Community service and Environment Development Center, Fayoum University, Egypt, 17 – 22 August 2008, with GPA for program 4.41 points out of 5.
Training of Trainers (TOT), in Civic Education Program, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt in cooperation with the University of Maryland, USA and US Embassy Cultural Office
Conferences and workshops
The 5th Alexandria Conference of Food and Dairy Science and Technology, March, 4- 6, 2008, the scientific Society of Food Industry in Cooperation with The faculty of agriculture, Alexandria university, Egypt.
The 4th Mansoura Arabian Conference of Food and Dairy Science, November, 10-14, 2008. Mansoura University, Egypt.
The 4th International Conference of food and Nutrition Division on "Innovation in food Science and nutrition: Future Challenges ", September, 27-29, 2010, National research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
International Conference& Exhibition on Total Quality Management of Herbs & Medicinal Plants & Their Products "Packaging Technologies System For Enhancing the Exportation, December, 6-8, 2011, Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture research Center, Egypt.
The 7th International Conference of food industries at service of tourism, 31 March- 3 April 2017, Hurghada, Egypt.
The 7th International Conference of food industries ant nutrition division on "food and nutrition ", September, 25-26, 2018, National research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
The International Conference of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture, October, 4-6, 2012, , Bucharest, Romania.
Oleochmicals and sustainable development of palm oil, workshop, 11May, 2015, Malaysian Palm oil Council, Semiramis inter-continental hotel, Cairo, Egypt.
Future Vision in food Science and technology, Symposium, 24 April, 2018, National Research center, Cairo, Egypt.
Production and encapsulation of flavours and antioxidants from Arabian Aromatic plants, workshop, held in Pyramisa hotel, September, 19, 2018, Cairo, Egypt
The IX International Scientific agriculture Symposium" Agrosym" ,04th to7th October 2018, Jahorina mountain, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Teaching and training activities
During my work in the Food Science & Department, I have been given the task to teach the following courses:
1- Food Quality Control
2- Food Analysis
3- Nutrition and Biological Evaluation of Foods
4- Technology of Food Extracts
5- Food additives
6- Nutrition of groups and special needs
External Auditors in National authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, Cairo, Egypt,
Trainer in National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development, fayoum university, from 2009 tell now
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial effect of some medicinal and aromatic plants extracts (Approved)
Chemical and Biological properties of some oils rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (Approved)
Effect of pre- treatments in the quality of Siwe date and Siwe date syrup (Approved)
Chemical and Biological Evaluation of the Antioxidants in Grape Skin and Seeds (Approved)
Chemical and biological study on some natural and synthetic food colorants and their effects on experimental rats (Approved)
Color Evaluation and Stability Studies of Hibiscus Subdariffa Extract as a Natural Food Colorant (Approved)
Effect of some technological treatments on physical, chemical and biological properties of some edible oils (Approved)
Chemical and biological studies on some edible oils (Approved)
Studies on utilization of some by-products of oil factories (Approved)
Chemical and technological studies on by products in some food factories (Approved)
Prof. Dr. M. Kamal Mostafa, food science and technology department, Faculty of agriculture, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Costas G. Billiaderis, (Supervisor) Aristotle University, Faculty of agriculture, department of Food Science and Technology, P. O. pox. 256, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Prof. Dr. Maria Tsimidou, (Supervisor). Aristotle University, Faculty of Chemistry, Lab. of Food Chemistry and Technology, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. I. Smetanska, Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry, Department of Methods in, Food Biotechnology, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
List Of Puplication
Response of Growth, Chemical Composition, Anatomical Structure, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Marjoram to Yeast and Methionine    

Effect of some natural and synthetic food colorants on experimental rats   

The Beneficial Effects of Different Types of Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil and Their Blend on CCl4 – Induced Liver Hepatitis in Rats
Effect of bioactive compounds of defatted flaxseed meal on rheological and sensorial properties of toast and cake    

Effect of Extraction Condition, Heat Treatments and Spay-drying on Stability of Roselle Anthocyanins as Natural Food Colorant   

Influence of incorporation of orange juice by-product on the quality properties of sponge cake and low-fat beef burger   

Dairy Ices with High Nutritional Value Fortified with Date and Pomegranate Dibs and Red Beet Root Juice Concentrate as Natural Colorant
Utilization of Olive Pomace as A Source of Bioactive Compounds in Quality Improving of Toast Bread    

Khaled A. Selim (1998). Degradation of encapsulated saffron carotenoids in amorphous polymer maxtrices, M Sc.; Mediterranean agronomic institute of chania, Crete, Greece .   

Khaled, A. Selim (2005). Studies on Extraction, Encapsulation, and Utilization of Red Pigments from Roselle Calyces and Red Beet Roots, Doctor of philosophy, Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture, El-Fayoum, Cairo University .   

Selim, K.; Tsimidou, M. and Biliaderis, C.G. (1999). Degradation of encapsulated saffron carotenoids in amorphous polymer matrices, 1st International congress PFT , March 24-26, Sevilla, Spain.

Selim, K.; Tsimidou, M. and Biliaderis, C.G. (2000). Kinetic studies of degradation of encapsulated saffron carotenoids in amorphous polymer matrices, Food Chem., 71:199-206.    

Selim, K. A., Khalil, K. , Abdel-Bary, M.., and Abdel-Azeim, N. (2008). Extraction, encapsulation and utilization of red pigments from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) as natural food colourants. Alex. J. Sci. & Technnol. Special volume Conference, pp. 7-20, mar. 2008    abstract

Magda. R. A., Awad, A. M., and Selim, K. A., (2008). Evaluation of mandarin and navel peels as natural antioxidants in bescuts, Alex. J. Sci. & Technnol. Special volume Conference, pp. 75-82, Mar. 2008   

Mahmoud, A. A., Selim, K. A., and Magda R. Abdel-Baki (2008). Physico-chemical and oxidative stability characteristics of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) seed oil as by-product. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 23 (7), 247-257    Abstract   Introduction

Selim, K. A.; Sahar, S. A. Soltan, and El- Fakharany, A. M, (2008). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of three varieties of date fruit extracts (Phonenix Dactylifera L. Arecaceae), Medical. J. Cairo Univ., vol. 76, No. 2 June; 235-245.

Sahar, S. A. Soltan, and Selim, K. A. (2010). Antioxidant Activity of Blackberry, Strawberry and Red beet freeze dried juices. Egyptian J. food science, .

Abdella, M., and Selim, K. A. (2010). Effect of some practices agriculture on Growth, Chemical Composition, Essential oil, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Tagetes minuta L. Plants. Egyptian J. Horticulture science,.

Selim, K. A.; Abdelbary, M. and Ismaael, O. (2012).Effect of Irradiation and Heat Treatments on the Quality Characteristics of Siwi Date Fruits (Phoenix Dactylifera L.). AgroLife Scientific Journal, Vol. 1, pp.103-111.
Samah, M. Ishmael; Sahar S. A. Soltan; Khaled, A. Selim and Hoda, M. H. Ahmed (2012). Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of White, Red, Black Grape Skin and White Grape Seeds. Life Science Journal 2012;9(4), 3464-3474.
Roby, M. H.; Sarhan, M. A.; Selim, K. A. and Khalel, K. A. (2013). Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenols and Phenolic Compounds in Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris L.) Sage (Salvia Officinalis L.) and Marjoram (Origanum Majorana L.) Extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 43, 827-831
Roby, M. H.; Sarhan, M. A.; Selim, K. A. and Khalel, K. A. (2013). Antioxidant and antimicrobial Activities of essential oil and extracts of fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare L,) and chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla L.) Industrial Crops and Products, 44: 437- 445.
Khaled, A. Selim ; Ebtsam M.. Abdella, and Gamal F. Mohamed (2014). Response of growth, chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial actively of marjoram to yeast and methieonine. International journal of academic research, part A; 641, 18-30.
Samah, M. Ishmael1, Sahar, S. Abdel Magied 2, Khaled, A. Selim3, Nada I. B. Ahmed (2015). Effect of Some Natural and Synthetic Food Colorants on Experimental Rats, African Journal of Biological Sciences, Volume: 12 Issue: 2
Khaled SELIM, Mohamed ABASS, Ahmed SAMIR (2018). Effect of extraction conditions, heat treatments nd spray-drying on stability of Roselle anthocynins as natural food colorants, the IX international scientific agriculture symposium "Agrosym2018", Bosnia and Herzegovina/strong>
Khaled A. Selim; Laila A. Rabee; Mohammed Abd El-Bary and Magda Abd El-Baki (2016). Protective effect of flaxseed oil from different sources on CCl4 –induced liver hepatitis in rats, The 6th international Conference of Food Industries and Nutrition Research Division, October 12-15, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Adel Abd EL-Razek Mohdaly, Khaled Abd El-Hameed Seliem, Abd EL-Moneam Maher Abu EL-Hassan and Awad Abdel Tawab Mahmoud (2017). Effect of Refining Process on the Quality Characteristics of Soybean and Cotton Seed Oils, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, V. 6 N. 1 pp. 207-222.
Manal K. A. Khider1, Khaled A. Seliem2, Mohamed A. Ibrahim1 and Ratiba B. Ahmed (2018). Functional Dairy Ices with High Nutritional Value Enriched with Date or Pomegranate Dips and using Red Beet pigments as Natural Colorant. The 7th International Conference of food industries ant nutrition division on "food and nutrition ", September, 25-26, 2018, National research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Khaled A. Selim, Nady A. El-Neairy, Laila A. Rabee and Adel G. Abdel-Razek (2018). Maximize Utilization of Sand Smelt Fish and Some Fish Processing Wastes as a Source of Omega-3-rich Oils. The 7th International Conference of food industries ant nutrition division on "food and nutrition ", September, 25-26, 2018, National research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Selim, K. A.; Ismaael, O. and Abdelbary, M. (2019). Influence of incorporation of orange juice by-product on the quality properties of sponge cake and low-fat beef burger, Journal of Food Science & Technology, V. 4, (7): 1-17.