faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Zaky Ahmed El-Feky

Contact Information
Phone Number: 0846356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: zaf00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Genetics Department Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Genetics Department -
POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Genetics - Faculty of Agriculture - Tanta University - Egypt - 1980
M. Sc.: Genetical Studies on Nodulation Ability in Soybean. (M.Sc. Thesis - Cairo Univ., Egypt) - 1991
Ph. D.: Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Studies on Salt Tolerance in Wheat Embryo Culture. (Ph.D. Thesis , Cairo Univ. , Egypt) - 1998
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: 1985 - 1991
Assistant Lecturer: 1991 - 1998
Lecturer: 1998 - 2003
Assistant Professor: 2003 - 2012
Assistant Professor: 2012 - Uptill Now
Academic Rank
Acting Head of department: from 10/10/2011 until 2018.
Vice-Dean for Education & Students from 28/8/2012 for three years.
Research Interests
Plant Molecular Biology
Trichoderma molecular biology .
Ticks molecular biology.
RAPD, RFLP, AFLP, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics.
Associate Professor in Genetics Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University - Fayoum - Egypt
Member of Faculty Council - Faculty of Agriculture.
Vice director of Genetics Department - Faculty of Agriculture.
Manager of the Central Lab - Faculty of Agriculture.
Member of “Management Automation Committee”, Faculty of Agriculture.
Associations Membership
The Egyptian Society of Genetics and Cytology - The Egyptian Society of Plant Breeding – The Egyptian Society of Genetic Engineering.
Teaching courses
Teaching the following courses for post and under graduate students, Faculty of Agriculture:
(Genetics, Microbial Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Biology, Gene Technology and Population Genetics)
Teaching Genetics course for under graduate students, Faculty of Vetirinary Medicine, Beni Sweef University.
Teaching Molecular Genetics Course for post graduate students, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal Univ.
Gene Technology:
Conducted by scientists from the Technical University at Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany and Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University. (1-21 November, 1988).
Molecular Biology:
Conducted by Prof. Dr. J. Weil, France and Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. (18-22 December, 1988).
Plant Molecular Biology Course:
Conducted by Ambassade de France Caire and Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. (25 November - 6 December, 1989).
Scientific Writing:
Conducted by Agricultural Research Center. (12-16 June, 1994).
Nutritional Plant Physiology (Procedures for the Chemical analysis of plants):
Conducted by Japan International Cooperation Agency & Hiroshima University and Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. (25 September - 5 October, 1995).
The Genetic Engineering and Tissue Culture Training Course:
Conducted by Institute of Plant Genetics & Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Research Institute , Menoufia University. (19-31 July, 1997).
Principles of Genetic Engineering:
Conducted by Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Alexandria University. (20-24 February, 2000).
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Conducted by Ministry of Agriculture, The Netherlands. (18-28 December 2002).
Concepts and Applications: Conducted by Faculty of Science, Alexandria University. (27-29 April, 2004).
Plant Tissue Culture & Transformation Techniques:
Conducted by Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Egypt and AERI Institutional Linkage Project (MUCIA). 27th Nov. – 8th Dec. 2004.
The Practical approach to DNA sequencing and Bioinformatics, Cooperative Interactions between Towson University and Fayoum University (17 January 2007).
Training courses organization (2001- 2004)
Modern techniques in biotechnology.
Plant tissue culture and genetic engineering.
Electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids & image analyses.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Consultation (2000-2005)
Consultant in the project:
“Studies on resistance of different farm animals and poultry to parasitic infestation and the production of Anti-Acarine Vaccine”, Cairo University, Ministry of Economy and International Cooperation (Dept. of Economic Cooperation with the USA).
El Fiky, Z. A.; G. M. Hassan, and A. M. Emam (2012). Quality Parameters and RAPD-PCR Differentiation of Commercial Baker's Yeast and Hybrid Strains. Journal of Food Science, 77: M312-M317.

El Fiky Z. A. (2011). Comparative analysis of RAPD marker sequences in relation to gamma radiation in sesame. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 40 (2): In Press.

Emtithal M. Abd-El-Samie and Z. A. El Fiky (2011). Molecular phylogeny and identification of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata established in Egypt. Journal of Insect Science, 11 (177): 1-11. Available online: insectscience.org/11.177.

  El Fiky Z. A., H. Fouly and S. B. Martin (2011). Genetic diversity of Waitea circinata var. zeae in South Carolina revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 40 (1): 145-159.

Wafaa M. Sharawy, Hoda M. Ibrahim and Z. A. El Fiky (2011). Phylogenetic relationships among teosinte, maize and its hybrids. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 40 (1): 129-144.

El Fiky Z. A.; O. Y. Shalaby and Nada F. Ahmed (2006). Biochemical and molecular Characterization of Trichoderma isolates in relation to antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani. The Second Conference on Farm Integrated Pest Management Faculty of Agric., Fayoum Univ., 16-18 January, P. 154-171.
El Kammah Kawther M. and Z. A. El Fiky (2005). Molecular markers of some tick genera in Egypt based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2): 1- Ixodidae (Boophilus and Hyalomma). Arab. J. Biotech., 8 (1): 61-66.
  Sayed M. A.; Kawther M. El Kammah and Z. A. El Fiky (2004). A preliminary study on the DNA-vaccine for chicken protection against tick Argas persicus (Oken,1818). Arab. J. Biotech., 7 (2): 273-282.

El Fiky Z. A., Samira R. Mansour, Y. El- Zawhary and Samar Ismail (2003). DNA-fingerprints and phylogenetic studies of some chitinolytic actinomycete-isolates. Biotechnology, 2 (2): 131-140.

Sharawy Wafaa M. and Z. A. El Fiky (2003). Characterization of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) genotypes based on yield traits and RAPD-PCR analyses. Arab. J. Biotech., 6 (1): 67-78.

El Fiky Z. A., M. A. Sayed and Kawther M. El Kammah (2003). Esterase and RAPD-PCR analysis of common tick species in Egypt. Arab. J. Biotech., 6 (1): 39 -48.

El Fiky Z. A. (2003). A simple and rapid method for mini preparation of high molecular weight DNA from certain acarines, bacteria and soybean. Insect Sci. Applic., 23 (1): 51-57.
Mansour Samira R. and Z. A. El Fiky (2003). Evaluation the diversity among Frankia isolates exist within single nodule of Casuarina plant. Al-Azhar Bultien of Science, 14 (1): 25-38.
EL Fiky Z. A., Mona H. Hussein, E. M. Mohamed and H. A. Hussein (2002). Biochemical and molecular genetic studies using SDS-protein, isozymes and RAPD-PCR in some common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars. Arab. J. Biotech., 5 (2): 249- 262.

Hussein Mona H., H. T. Mahfouz, F. M. EL-Domyati, Z. A. El Fiky and H. A. Hussein (2001). Molecular fingerprinting of newly developed soybean (Glycine max L, Merr,) cultivars. Arab. J. Biotech., 4 (1): 63- 74.

EL Fiky Z. A., M. A. M. Aly, S. R. Kafaga and T. M. Sabet (1998). Genotype x environment effect on callus formation and plant regeneration from wheat mature embryos under salt stress. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 27: 151-167.
Nada Fathi Ahmed - M.Sc. (Awarded, 2006)- Genetic analysis of Trichoderma isolates in relation to antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani - Cairo Uni.
Ayat Ahmed Omar - M. Sc. (Not Yet)- Genetic studies on Pasteurella isolated from animal farm - Fayoum Uni.
Nada Fathi Ahmed - Ph.D. (Not yet)- Characterization of biocontrol genes in Egyptian isolates of Trichoderma - Fayoum Uni.
Soha Ahmed Amien - Ph.D. (Not yet)- Genetical studies on Japanese quail - Fayoum Uni.
Mohamed Ibrahim Nassar - Ph.D. (Not yet)- Molecular genetic studies in some populations of Egyptian sheep - Fayoum Uni.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sharkawy, Genetic Engineering Centre, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt. Tel. (Work) : 202-33463725
Prof. Dr. Hashem Ahmed Hussein, Genetics Dept., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt. Tel. (Home) :202- 35855684 (Mobile): 2010-1426609
Prof. Dr. Tawfic Mohamed Sabet, Genetics Dept., Fac. of Agric., Fayoum Univ., Fayoum, Egypt. Tel. (Home) :202- 22671633 (Mobile): 2010-1011912