faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Naremin Ahmed Yousef

Contact Information
Phone Number : 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: nay00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Plant Protection Department - 3rd floor
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - plant Protection Department - POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.: Agricultural Sciences - (Plant Protection Dept) - Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University -1981.
M.Sc.: Agricultural Sciences - (Plant Protection Dept.) - Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University - 1991.
Ph.D.: Agricultural Sciences - (Plant Protection Dept.) - Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University - 1998.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1985 to 1991
Assistant Lecturer : From 1991 to 1998
Lecturer : From 1998 Until Now
Assistant Professor : From 2006 To 2010 Department of Biology - Faculty of Science, University of Taif
Assistant Professor : From 2009 To 2016
Professor : From 2016 Until Now
Research Interests
Using of fungi , bacteria and viruses against insect pests.
Mass searing of parasites and predators in laboratory and using against insect pests.
Narmin A. Youssef (2008). Insecticides activities ofBacillusthuringinsis bacteria and Steinernemacarpocapsae nematode on Spodopteralittoralis. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 23(5) 335-384.
Amin G. Alotaibi S., Narmen A. Youssef and Saleh W.D(2008). Bio- hnsecticide production by the bacteriumBacillusthuringinsis (Pattern of cell growth, toxin production and- by product synthesis). Archivex of Agronomy and Soil Science. Vol. 54.No.4.August 387-394
Amin G. Alotaibi S., Narmen A. Youssef and Saleh W.D. (2008).Optimization of a fermentation process forbio- insecticide production by Bacillus thuringinsis.World J. Microbial Biotechnol. 24: 2465-2471.
EL- Gendi, S. S. and Narmin A. Y. (2004). Susceptibility ofwheat varieties to investigation with green aphidSchizaphisgraminum (Rondani), and wheat thripsFranklinilellatritici under field conditions at FayoumGovernorate. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., (12B) 761-765
Narmin A. Y, F. F. M. Mostafa, A.A.M. Okil and HudaR.K.(2006). Seasonal flight activity of Scolytus amygdaleguer on apricot trees by using trap logs atFayoum Governorate. FayoumJ.Agic. Res.Dev. vol.2 (1) 186-191
Narmin A. Y. and EL- Gendi, S. S. (2005). Ecologicalstudies on cereal aphid Schizaphisgraminum(Rondani) on wheat plants and associated naturalenemies in Fayoum Governorate. Fayoum J. AgricRes. & Dev. 19: (1), 17-23
Narmin A. Youssef, F. F. M. Mostafa, A. A. M. OkilandHuda R. Ali (2006). Laboratory studies on shot- holeborer, Scolytusamygdaliguer attacking apricot treesand its associated parasitoids at El- FayoumGovernorate. Annals Agric. Sci. Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1(2): 523-530..
Narmin A. Youssef, F. F. M. Mostafa, A. A. M. OkilandHuda R. Ali (2006).Certain factors affecting infestationof apricot trees with Scolytusamygdali in Fayoum. Annals Agric. Sci. Ain Shams University, Cairo, 51(2):541-550
NarmenA.Youssef (2014). Effect of certain entomopathogenic fungi and nematode on the desert locust Schistoceracgregaria (Forskal).Annals Agric. Sci., 59(1):153-161.

Gamil A. Amin, NarmenA.Youssef, Saleh .B and Saleh .D.(2010).Assessment of insecticidal activity of red pigment produced by the fungus Beauveriabassiana.WorldJ.MicrobialBiotechnol 26:2263-2268.
NarmenA.Youssef ,GamilA.AminandSalah El-DinEl-Assal (2014).Isolation and identification of local isolated bacterial strains as a biological control agent against the cotton leafwormSpodopteralittoralis(Boisd.) Egyptian J. of Biological Pest Control,24(1),

  NarmenA.Youssef and Hassan G.M. (2013).Bio-insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringensis isolates on the tomato borer, Tutaabsoluta (Meyrick) and the molecular identification Egyptian J.of Biological Pest Control, 23 (1),107-116.

  Ibrahim,H.H.Ali; NarmenA.Youssef;EkramF.Hashim and Mohamed A.El.Deeb.(2012).insecticidal effect of some marine algae extracts on Spodopteralittoralis (Boisd.) and Aphis craccivora (Koch).J.Egypt.Soc.Toxicol.45:73-77.
NarmenA.Youssef, Mostafa F.F.M. and Huda R.K.(2013).Ecological studies on the powder post beetles lyctusafricanus lesne.Bull.ent.Soc.Egypt.Ser.,90:63-68.
 NarmenA.Youssef, Mostaf F.F.M. and Huda.R.K.)2013(.Biological studies on the predator,TarsostenusunivittatusRossi ( coleoptera : cleridae) of the powder post beetle,LyctusafricanusLesene (coleopteran:Lyctidae) Egyptian J.of Biological Pest Control, 23 (2),295-299.
NarmenA.Youssef and Amira A.Abu El-Magd)2012(.Insecticidal potentialities of leaf extracts of Azadirachtaindica (A.Juss.)and Calotropisprocera (Ait) against Spodopteralittoralis (Boisduval) ( Lepidoptera:Noctuidae).Bull.ent.Soc.Egypt.Econ.Ser.,38:59-69. .

Narmen A. Youssef (2015). Efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi for controlling the tomato leafminer ,Tutaabsoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae). Arab Univ.J. Agric.Sci.,Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, 23 (2), 591 – 598. .

Narmen A. Youssef (2015).Ecological study on three major insect pests of tomato plantations in Fayoum Governorate.Fayoum J. Agric. Res.& Dev., Vol. 31, No. 2, 1- 16.

Narmen A. Youssef and Atef A. Abd-Elgayed (2015). Biological parametersof the predator,AmphibolusvenatorKlug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) when preyed on larvae of TriboliumconfusumDuv. (Coleoptera: Tenebriondae). Annals of Agri.Sc., 60(1), 41 – 46

Atef A. Abd-ElgayedandNarmen A. Youssef (2015). Effect of some stored insect pest species on biological aspects of the predator,AmphibolusvenatorKlug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Annals of Agri.Sc., 60(1), 47 – 51.

Narmen A. Youssef and Atef A. Abd-ELgayed (2015). Evaluation of some commercial formuilations against Spodopteralittoralis and Hyperabrunneippennis larvae. Annals of Agri.Sc.,Moshtohor 53(2), 1-6.

“Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensisasbiocontrol agent for some insect pests.”
Pathological and ecological studies on the Whitefly, Bemisiatabaci (Genn) with reference to the tomato bug, Nesidicoristenus(Reut) on tomato at Fayoumgovernrate.
1-12 March 2000 1st Conference of Applied Entomology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
18-22 December 1994 2nd International Symposium of Afro-Asian Society of Nematologists, El Sadat City of Menofia Governorate
3rd Egyptian Symposium titled “ New Trends to Control of Plant- Parasitic Nematodes “, Menofia University, Faculty of Agriculture.
28-30 March 2001 2nd Scientific Conference titled “ Sustainable Agriculture Development”, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Fayoum Branch.
April 28, 2002 A Symposium on “Effects of Soft Scale Insect on Sugarcane: The Status quo and Solutions ”, Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA), Dokki..
2-5 March 2002 2nd International Conference ofPlant Protection Research Institute PPRI titled “ Role of Integrated Pest Management to Get a Safe Agricultural Product and Pollution – free Environment”
8-10 May 2002 2nd Scientific Conference titled “ Sustainable Agricultural Development ” , Faulty of Agriculture, Fayoum Branch..
11-12 December 2002 Integrated Pest Management Project – Fayoum Directorate of Agriculture..