faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr.Ibrahim Mohamed EL-samnoudi

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: ims01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Agriculture - Building of Soils and Water Science Department
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Soils and Water Science Department - POBox : 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Soil Sciences - Cairo University - 1970
M.Sc. : Soil Sciences - Cairo University - 1977
Ph.D. : Soil Sciences - Cairo University - 1982
Academic Positions
Lecturer : From 1982 To 1987
Assistant Professor : From 1987 To 1992
Professor : From 1992 Up Till Now
Academic Activities
Head of Soils and Water Sciences : From 2003 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Soil physics,Parameter estimation of hydraulicproperties.
Soil and water management for salinity control of vadose zone processes.
Development of best management practics between soil physical,hydrological,And chemical properties,sequental reuse of agriculture drainage water.
List Of Publication
EL-Samnoudi, I.M.; Simunek,J. and M.T.van Genuchten ( 2008). Salinity dynamics of cultivated vertisoles irrigated with waters of different quality, Egypt. Soil and Water Conservation Socity ,,2008 Annual Conference July 26-30, 2008 ,Tucsun, Arizona, USA. (Accepted March 15, 2008 ).

EL-Samnoudi, I.M. ; Simunek, J. and M.T. van Genuchen (2007 ).). Salinity dynamics of alluvial clay loam soils irrigated with waters of different quallity,Fayoum. The 8 th National Conference of Soils and Water Studies in Sustainable Agriculture Systems. Egypt.Intr.Center for Agriculture,Dokki, Egypt,November 25-26, 2007.

Ibrahim, A.M.; EL-Samnoudi,I.M. and T.A. Abdel Mageed (2006) . . Impact of both salinity levels and soil depths on sorghum crops under Fayoum conditions.Fayoum J. Agric. Res.& Dev., Vol.20,No.1, Janury, 2006.

Ibrahim, A.M.; I.M. El- Samnoudi and M.A.abdel Razik (2006).). Stress significance of moisture and salinity levels on some characteristics of soil and plant under applying different rates of organic fertilization. Egypt. J. of Applied Sci..21 (7) 2006.

El-Samnodi, I. M. ( 2006). Impact of soil salinity on growth, yielg and grains quality of sorghum in Fayoum Governorate., 10 th Conf. Agric. Dev. Res.,Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.,., 6-8 November, 2006 , Cairo, Egypt.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. (2000). ). Contribution of ground water in moisture supply to Maize in Fayoum. Golden Jubilee Congress on “Soil and sustainable Agriculture in the new century” Cairo, , Egypt. Oct. 23-25, 2000.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and Adel A. Abou Arab (2000).). Influence of some soil physical properties on water movement of clayey soils in Fayoum-Golden Jubilee Congress on “Soil and sustainable Agriculture in the new century”. CairoEgypt. Oct. 23-25, 2000.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. A. Abou Arab (1999).Soil salinity effects on germination, yield and sugar content of some sugar beet varities in Fayoum. Recent Technologies In Agriculture, 1st Congress, Cairo Unversity, Fac. Of Agric., Egypt. Nov. 27-29, 1999.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. Abou Arab (1997). ). Soil Salinity and ground water depth effects on growth, yield and quality of the sugar beet crop in Fayoum. International Symposium on “Sustainable management of salt affected soils in the arid ecosystem". Cairo,, Egypt. 22-28 September 1997.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. Abou Arab (1997).). Soil salinity effects on growth, yield and seeds quality of sunflower. International Symposium on "Sustainable management of salt affected soils in the arid ecosystem". Cairo, , Egypt. 22-28 September 1997.

El-Samnoudi, I.M., F.A.Askar and M.H.EI-Shakweer (1993). ). Suitability of natural soil conditioners for improving hydrophysical and chemical properties of Alkaline clayey soils.. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 33: 35-45.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. (1992). Impact of appling drainage water on hydrophysical properties of clayey soils in Fayoum. Egypt. J. Soil Sci.,32 : 373-390.

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A.EI-Eakeel (1992).Contribution of ground water in moisture supply to sugar beet plants in North Delta, Egypt. Fayoum J. Agric., Res. & Dev. 6 :184-199.

Professional Activities
Visitor Professor to University of California, Riverside, Department of Environ mental Sciences as Visiting Scholar in April 2007for discuss the Numerical Modeling of water flow and solute transport aplication under American and Egyption condition.

Visitor Profissor to Warsaw Agriculture University Department of Soils and Forest in Septemper,1994,both sides agreed to cotinue work in; ”Mdelling of Relation between soil moisture and dynamic ground watre flow under Polish and Egyption conditions”.

Principal investigator of project titled "Contribution of ground water in moisture supply to sugar beet plants in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt."NARP ,during 1995- 2002.

Vice principal investigator of project titled"An Approach for efficient leaching during the reclamation of saline clayey soils using subsoiling under field conditions.", NARP, during 1995 and 1996.

Scientifc activeties
Attended many international and local congresses and symposiums .

Published more than fourty scientific papers .

Supervisor about 18 M.Sc and Ph.D in soil physics and soil & water management.

Applied researches for increasing the main crops productivity and for increasing water use efficincy.

Contrbution of water table in moisture supply to crops and determination of crop water requirement .