faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Ali Abdelfattah

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6356731                          
  Fax number: 084 6334964
  E-mail Address: maa06@fayoum.edu.eg
  Post Address: Fayoum - Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum University - Soils and Water Department POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
  B. Sc.: Cairo University 1991
  M. Sc.: ITC - the Netherlands 1998
  Ph.D.: Cairo University 2002
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1992 to 1998.
  Assistant Lecturer: From 1998 to 2000.
  Lecturer: From 2004 to 2009.
  Assistant Professor: From 2009 To 2014.
 Professor: From 2014 up till now.
Academic Rank
Dean of the College of Agriculture from 29/8/2022
Director of the project management unit for a year
  Acting Undersecretary Research and Strategic Studies of the Nile Basin countries to the affairs of the Institute of community service and development environment from 25/09/2016 .
Research Interests
Major research interests range from soil surveying and mapping to soil chemistry and plant nutrition, salinity management, use of new technologies such as remote sensing and geographic information system, farming systems, and recently water management. The following are the main trends in research interests:
Soil contamination and remediation
Salinity assessment, mapping, monitoring and management
Soil surveying and mapping
Soil fertility and plant nutrition
Water quality assessment and management
Land degradation and desertification
Crop management and production
Land evaluation and land use planning
Soil use and management
A. Articles in International Peer-reviewed Journals
Pain CF, Abdelfattah MA. 2015. Landform evolution in the arid northern United Arab Emirates: impacts of tectonics, sea level changes and climate. Catena, 134: 14-29.


El-Keblawy A., Abdelfattah MA, Khedr A. 2015. Relationships between Landforms, Soil Characteristics and Dominant Xerophytes in the Hyper-Arid Northern United Arab Emirates.

Journal of Arid Environments, 117: 28-36. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.10.001.
Abdelfattah MA, Kumar AT, 2015. A web-based GIS enabled soil information system for the United Arab Emirates and its applicability in agricultural land use planning.

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8, 3:1813-1827. doi:10.1007/s12517-014-1289-y.
El-Keblawy AA, Abdelfattah MA. 2014. Impacts of Native and Invasive Exotic Prosopis Congeners on Soil Properties and Associated Flora in the Arid United Arab Emirates.

. J. Arid Environments 100-101, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.10.001.
Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA. 2014. A Landmark in Soil Taxonomy: International Recognition of New Soil Discovered in UAE. Farming Outlook, 13 (4): 20-23.
Abdelfattah MA. 2013 Pedogenesis, land management and soil classification in hyper-arid environments: results and implications from a case study in the United Arab Emirates.

Soil Use and Management J. 29(2):279–294. doi:10.1111/sum.12031.
Abdelfattah MA. 2013. . Integrated Suitability Assessment: A Way Forward for Land Use Planning and Sustainable Development in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Arid Land Research and Management J. 27(1): 41-64.

Abdelfattah MA, Pain C. 2012. Unifying regional soil maps at different scales to generate a national soil map for the United Arab Emirates applying digital soil mapping techniques, Journal of Maps 8(4): 392-405.


Abdelfattah MA. 2009. Land Degradation Indicators and Management Options in the Desert Environment of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Soil Survey Horizons J.

,Soil Science Society of America 50:3-10. https://www.soils.org/files/publications/soil-survey-feature-spring-2009.pdf

Shahid SA, MA Abdelfattah, AK El-Saiy, KA Mufti. 2009. Commercial Value Assessment of Newly Discovered Anhydrite Soil in the Coastal Lands of Abu Dhabi Emirate. European Journal of Scientific Research, 29(1):36-46.

Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA. 2009. Gypsum Polymorphism in the Desert Environment of Abu Dhabi Emirate.

European Journal of Scientific Research 29(2):237-248.
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Othman YR. 2009. Soil Salinity Mapping Model Developed Using RS and GIS – A Case Study from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. European Journal of Scientific Research 26(3): 342-351.
Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Wilson MA. 2007. A Unique Anhydrite Soil in Coastal Sabkha of Abu Dhabi Emirate.

Soil Survey Horizons, Soil Science Society of America 48(4): 75-80.
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2007. A Comparative Characterization and Classification of Soils in Abu Dhabi Coastal Area in Relation to Arid and Semi-Arid Conditions using USDA and FAO Soil Classification Systems. Arid Land Research and Management 21(3): 245 – 271.

B. Books (Author or Editor)
Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Wilson MA, Kelley JA, Chiaretti JV. 2014. Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. ISBN 978-94-007-7419-3. Available at:http://www.springer.com/environment/soil+science/book/978-94-007-7419-3

Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Taha FK (Eds.). 2013. Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation, Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 808. ISBN 978-94-007-5684-7. Available at:


Shahid SA, Taha FK, Abdelfattah MA (Eds.). 2013.Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0. Available at:


Dawoud MA, Abdelfattah MA (Eds.). 2011. A Strategy for the Use of Recycled Water in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Pp. 88.
Taha FK, Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA (Eds.). 2010. Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments Abu Dhabi, (ICSC 2010), 17-19 May 2010.
Abdelfattah MA, Al Muhairbi MA. 2005. The Soils of Al Wathba Wetland Reserve. Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (ERWDA). Pp 60.

Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Arshad KR. 2004. Soil Survey f or the Coastline of Abu Dhabi Emirate. 2 volumes (Reconnaissance Survey and Atlas Soil Maps). The Environmental Research & Wildlife Development Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
C. Book Chapters
Pain CF, Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, C. Ditzler. 2016. Soil-landform relationships in the arid Northern United Arab Emirates. . In: Zinck, J.A., Metternicht, G., Bocco, G., Del Valle, H.F. (Eds.), Geopedology, An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and Landscape Studies. Springer Science+Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 211-225.


Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2014.Spatial distribution of soil salinity and management aspects in the Northern United Arab Emirates. In: Khan MA; B?er B; ?ztürk M; Al Abdessalaam TZ; Clüsener-Godt M; Gul B. (Eds.). Sabkha Ecosystems: Volume IV: Cash Crop Halophyte and Biodiversity Conservation Sabkha Ecosystem.


Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Mahmoudi H. 2013.. Innovations in soil chemical analyses – New ECe and total ions relationship in Abu Dhabi Emirate soils. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Eds.), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, pp 799-812. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0. Available at: http://www.springer.com/environment/book/978-94-007-5331-0
Shendi MM, Abdelfattah MA, Harbi A. 2013. Spatial monitoring of soil salinity and prospective conservation study for Sinnuris District soils, Fayoun, Egypt. In: Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Taha FK (eds.) Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation, Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture, pp. 199-217. Springer Science+Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 808. ISBN 978-94-007-5684-7.


Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Othman Y, Kumar A, Taha FK, Kelley JA, Wilson MA. 2013. Innovative Thinking for Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Resources in Abu Dhabi Emirate Through Scientific Soil Inventory and Policy Development. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Eds.), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, pp 3-49. Springer Science+Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0.


Kelley JA, Wilson MA, Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2013. Quality Assurance Standards: USDA Perspective of the Extensive Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi Emirate. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Eds.), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, 813-822. Springer Science+Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0.


King P, Grealish G, Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA. 2013. Land evaluation interpretations – Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi Emirate. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Editors), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, 147-164. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0.


Wilson MA, Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Kelley JA, Thomas JE. 2013. Anhydrite formation on the coastal sabkha of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Editors), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, 175-202. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0.


Verboom WH, Pate JS, Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2013.Effects of plants on soil forming processes: case studies from arid environments. In: Shahid, S.A., Taha, F.K., Abdelfattah, M.A. (Editors), Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications, Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources, 329-344. Springer Science+ Business Media, B.V., Berlin. Pp. 858. ISBN 978-94-007-5331-0. Available at:


Shahid SA, Taha FK, Ismail S, Al Dakheel A, Abdelfattah MA. 2011. Turning Adversity into an Advantage for Food Security Through Improving Soil Quality and Providing production Systems for Marginal Saline Lands: ICBA Perspectives and Approaches. In: Behnassi M, Shahid SA, D’Silva J (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture Development, Recent Approaches in Resources Management and Environmentally-Balanced Production Enhancement. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0519-7_3, Springer Science+ Business Media B.V.


Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA. 2008. Soils of Abu Dhabi Emirate. In: RJ Perry (Ed.), Terrestrial Environment of Abu Dhabi Emirate”.ISBN 978-9948-408-33-8. Pp. 71-91.


D. Articles in International Conferences/Symposia and Technical Reports:
Clothier B, Green S, Müller K, Herath I, Gentile R, Abdelfattah MA, McCann I. 2014. Measuring and Modelling the Ecosystem Services Delivered by Soil Hydrological Processes. ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings, Grand Challenges-Great Solutions, Nov. 2-5, 2014, Long Beach, CA, USA. https://www.acsmeetings.org/

Green S, Mc Cann I, Clothier B, Abdelfattah MA, Dakheel A. 2014. Water use of date palms growing in the saline desert soils of the United Arab Emirates. The 29th International Horticultural Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 17-22 August 2014.


Abdelfattah MA. 2012. Assessment and Mapping of Degraded Lands in the Desert Environment of Abu Dhabi using Geoinformation Technologies. Proceedings of the 8th International Soil Science Congress on "Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management", May 15-17, 2012, Ce?me-?zmir, Turkey. Pp. 81-87. http://www.soilcongress.ege.edu.tr/files/books/Volume1.pdf

Dawoud MA, Sallam OM, Abdelfattah MA. 2012. Treated Wastewater Management and Reuse in Arid Regions: Abu Dhabi Case Study.Proceedings of the 10th Gulf Water conference, Doha, Qatar, 22-24 April 2012. Pp. 732-752.


Abdelfattah MA. 2012. Application of digital soil mapping in traditional soil survey – an approach used for the production of the national soil map of the United Arab Emirates. European General Assembly, 22–27 April 2012. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, Vienna, Austria.  http://www.egu2012.eu/home.html

Pain C, Abdelfattah MA. 2012. Soil Spatial Information and Production of Thematic Maps for the Northern Emirates, UAE. European General Assembly, 22–27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14.  http://www.egu2012.eu/home.html
Abdelfattah MA. 2011. Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi and Future Land Use Planning. Proceedings of the USA National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference, “Soil Survey — Interpreting the Inventory in a Digital World” Asheville, North Carolina, USA. May 22-26, 2011.  http://soils.usda.gov/partnerships/ncss/conferences/2011_national/agenda.html
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Wilson MA. 2010.Anhydrite soil, an innovation in soil taxonomy. Book of Abstracts, the International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments, Abu Dhabi, (ICSC 2010), 17-19 May 2010.
Burke K, Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2010. Exploring Subsurface Resources through Deep Drilling in the Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Book of Abstracts, the International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments, Abu Dhabi, (ICSC 2010), 17-19 May 2010.
Othman YR, Goulding P, Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Kumar AT. 2010. Cartography and Maps of Abu Dhabi Soil Survey. Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments, Abu Dhabi, (ICSC 2010), 17-19 May 2010.
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2010. Combating desertification by means of mapping surface and subsurface salinity in Abu Dhabi Emirate. The International Conference on "Combating Land Degradation in Agricultural Areas (LANDCON1010), Xi’an, China, October 11-15, 2010.
Abdelfattah MA. 2010. Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi Emirate and Future Land Use Planning. Annual Conference of Map Middle East, 22-24 March 2010. Abu Dhabi national Exhibition Center. http://mapmiddleeast.org/2010/pdf/MME10_AliAbdelfattah.pdf
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Othman YR, Kumar AT. 2010. Soil Salinity Mapping Through Extensive Soil Survey and Using GIS, Case Study from Abu Dhabi, UAE. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Management of Soil and Groundwater Salinization in Arid Regions”, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. January 11-14. Book of Abstracts, p. 135.
Shahid SA, Abdelfattah MA, Omar SA, Harahsheh H, Othman YR, Mahmoudi H. 2010. Mapping and Monitoring of Soil Salinization using Remote Sensing, GIS, Modelling, Electromagnetic Induction and Conventional Methods – Case Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soils and Groundwater Salinization in Arid Countries, 59-97 (2010), Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, January 11-14, 2010.
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA. 2009. Assessment of land degradation for sustainable use of soil resources in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The International Conference on "The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Development, and Ecosystems in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco, 12-14 November 2009. Book of Abstracts, p. 15.
Dawoud MA, Abdelfattah MA. 2009. Development of an Integrated Soil and Water Information System (ISWIS): Abu Dhabi Case Study. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Conference, UAE University. Volume I, pp. 693-703.
Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Wilson MA. 2009.Gypseous and anhydritic soils - Proposed changes in the USDA Soil Taxonomy. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Conference, UAE University. Volume I, pp. 167-176. Book of abstracts. http://sra.uaeu.ac.ae/Conference_10/index.htm

Abdelfattah MA, El-Keblawy A, Dawoud MA. 2009. Impacts of long-term sewage effluent application on heavy metals level in soils of urban parks of Al-Ain, UAE. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Conference, UAE University. Volume I, pp. 597-606. Book of abstracts is available at: http://sra.uaeu.ac.ae/Conference_10/index.htm

Abdelfattah MA, Dawoud MA, Shahid SA. 2009. Soil and water management for combating desertification – towards implementation of the United Nations convention to combat desertification from the UAE perspectives.Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil Degradation, Riga, Latvia, 17-19 February 2009. Pp. 35-45. http://www.venteko.com/eng/files/VentEko_materiali_2009_web.pdf

Abdelfattah MA. 2009. Land degradation in the arid environments and management options – The case of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil Degradation, Riga, Latvia, 17-19 February 2009. pp 160. http://www.venteko.com/eng/files/VentEko_materiali_2009_web.pdf

Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Wilson MA. 2008. Characterization of Anhydrite soils discovered in the coastal sabkha of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Joint Annual Meeting of the GSA-ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GCAGS-GCSSEPM, Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, Texas, USA. http://a-c-s.confex.com/crops/2008am/webprogram/Paper50710.html

Abdelfattah MA, Shahid SA, Othman YR. 2008. A model for salinity mapping using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems - A Case Study from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, Australia 30 March - 4 April 2008. Forum Handbook (Abstracts), pp 92. http://www.internationalsalinityforum.org/14_final.html

Abdelfattah MA, Dawoud MA. 2007.Status of Soil and Water in the newly established Organic Center Farms, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE. EAD Internal Report, March 2007.
Abdelfattah MA, Dawoud, MA. 2007. Waterlogging of Agricultural areas in Al Ajban, Sameeh, Rahba, and Bahia areas, the problem and solutions. February 2007. EAD Internal Report.
Abdelfattah, MA. 2006. Soil Investigations of Existing Mangrove Forests in Al Musafah Channel as a Guide for Selecting New Plantation sites. EAD Internal Report.
Abdelfattah MA, Abdessalaam T, Al Cibahy A, Himansu D. 2006. Mangroves of Abu Dhabi Coastal Waters, Khor Al Bateen and Mussafah Channel, Present Status and Conservation Options. Environment Agency Abu Dhabi. Internal Publication, November 2006.
Abdelfattah MA. and S. A. Shahid. 2006. Characterization and Classification of Soils in the Coastline of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Proceedings of the 5th International Agroenviron Symposium titled "Agricultural Constraints in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum”, 4-7 September 2006, Ghent, Belgium. Pp. 347-354.


Abdelfattah MA., S. A. Shahid, K. R. Arshad and M. Al Muhairbi. 2005.Soil diversity in the coastline of Abu Dhabi Emirate. . International Symposium on “Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the United Arab Emirates”, held in Abu Dhabi June 5-8, 2005.
Abdelfattah, MA. and M. Al Muhairbi. 2005. Soils of Al Wathba Wetland Reserve. Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi. Environment Agency Abu Dhabi publications, reference number EP 361.
Abdelfattah, MA, Shahid S. A., Arshad K. R. U. & Al Muhairbi M. A. 2005. Soil Diversity in the Coastline of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the UAE Symposium, page #. 14, June 5 – 8, 2005, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Abdelfattah, MA, M. M. Shendi and E. K. Khater. (2004). Integration of GIS and ALES Techniques for Modelling Physical and Economic Land Suitability Evaluation. The 4th International Agroenviro Symposium-2004, Italy, 20-24th October 2004.
Shahid, S. A., MA Abdelfattah, K. R. Arshad and M. A. Mehairbi. 2004. Soil Survey for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Municipality Al-Murshad Magazine No. 70, pp. 6-11.
Shahid, S. A., MA Abdelfattah, K. R. Arshad and M. A. Al Muhairbi (2003). Irrigation Water Quality Manual. ERWDA Soil Bulletin No. 3, pp. vii+33.
Abdelfattah M.A. (2002). A GIS evaluation of Soil and Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in El Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cairo University, Egypt.
Abdelfattah MA, Farshad A, Henneman R, Shendi MM (1999). Automated land evaluation for the Eastern part of the Fayoum Depression, Egypt. The National Conference of Recent Technologies in Agriculture, from 27 to 30th of Nov. 1999, Faculty of Agriculture, Giza, Cairo University, Egypt.
Abdelfattah, MA (1998). Land evaluation for sustainable land use planning in the NE part of the Fayoum Depression, Egypt. M.Sc. thesis, ITC, Enschede, the Netherlands.
Abdelfattah, MA. (1996).Studies on Soil Fertility in Fayoum Soils, Egypt. M.Sc. thesis, Cairo University, Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture, Egypt.
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Soil Survey and Land Evaluation
Soil Morphology and Classification
Soil Genesis
Soil Chemistry
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Design and Preparation of Maps
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
Laboratory Techniques in Soils
Land Degradation and Conservation
Participation in the Training workshop entitled: "Program and Courses Structure and Contents", Organized by "Egyptian National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education" 13-15 December 2015.
Participation in the regional workshop on the “United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification”, jointly organized by the United Nations and UAE Ministry of Environment and Water, 18-20 June 2014, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Participation in the workshop “The Use of Treated Wastewater in the agricultural production in the Arab World: Current status and future prospective”, jointly organized by the UAE Ministry of Environment and Water in collaboration with the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai, 14-16 January 2014.
Organizing and teaching in a training workshop titled: “Utilization of Soil and Thematic maps for Agricultural Development”, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, UAE, 23-25th September 2013.
Organizing and teaching in Training Workshop titled: “Soil Survey and Sustainable Use of Land Resources in the Northern Emirates”, 23-27 January 2011 Al Dhahid, UAE.
Teaching Soil Course entitled: “Basic Principles of Soil Science” at Faculty of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University – second semester 2010.
Organizing the International Conference titled: “Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments”, (ICSC 2010), May 17-19, 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Teaching in the Regional Training Workshop titled: “Biosaline Agriculture Technologies for the Arab Region”. Jointly organized by Arab League, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Environment General Authority Libya and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA). Held at Misrata, Libya, 6 - 10 January 2008.
Teaching in an International Workshop titled: First Expert Consultation titled: “Advances in Assessment and Monitoring of Salinization for Managing Salt-affected Habitats” of the Global Network on Salinization Prevention and Productive Use of Salt-affected Habitats (SPUSH). Organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Global Network on Salinization Prevention and Productive Use of Salt-Affected Habitats (SPUSH), International Center for Biosaline Agriculture and Inter-Islamic Network on Biosaline Agriculture (INBA). 26-29 November, 2007. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Teaching in the International Workshop titled: “Biosaline Agriculture Technologies for Arid and Semi-arid Regions with Reference to Africa. Jointly organized by Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the International Centre for Biosaline agriculture (ICBA). Held in Dubai from 27 October to 8 November 2007.
Teaching in the Soil Training Workshop titled: “Laboratory Techniques in Soils”. Jointly organized by the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai and held at ICBA, Dubai, UAE, from 20-24th May 2007.
Attended the Regional Workshop and Mid-Term Review Meeting titled: “Using Saline Water for Forage Production”. Amman, Jordan. Organized by National Center for Agricultural Research & Technology Transfer, Jordan, the OPEC Fund for International Development ad the International Center for Biosaline agriculture. Amman, Jordan, 11-15 March. 2007.
Attended an International Workshop titled: “ICBA’s Vision and Strategy 2007-201”. Organized by the International Center fro Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) and held at Metropolitan Hotel, Dubai, 5-6 February 2007.
Teaching in the International Workshop titled: “Use of Saline Water for Agriculture”. Jointly organized by Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), Sudan, Ministry of Environment and Water, UAE and International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture, held at Ras Al Khaima, United Arab Emirates on November 19-23.
Teaching in the Internship Program titled: “Biosaline Agriculture”, organized by International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, UAE, from November 5th to December 5th, 2006.
Attending Training Workshop titled: “Breakthrough to Peak Performance" on 21st September 2006 at Al Raha Hotel (Abu Dhabi). Organized by SiGulf in collaboration with Environment Agency Abu Dhabi.
Attended Training Workshop titled: “Cross-cultural Management and Team Building”, 6-7 June, organized by Sue Canney Davison of Pipal Ltd Nairobi-UK, held at ICBA, Dubai.
Teaching in the Training Workshop titled: “Biosaline Agriculture” organized by the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, April 28-30, 2006. Held at the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture, Extension & Agricultural Relation Directorate, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Teaching in the Training Workshop titled: “Soil Survey Concepts and Framework” organized by the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) in collaboration with the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai and held at ICBA, Dubai, UAE, from 10th-14th February 2006.
Attending a Training Course titled: “Management of Salt affected Ecosystems”, held at the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai from 5-9 February 2005.
Attending a Training Course titled:“Introductions to GIS”, 19-19 March 2004, organized by ERWDA in collaboration with ESRI, USA.
Attending a Training Workshop titled: “Remote Sensing Techniques”, Organized by Japanese Oil Company (JODCO), Held at Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (ERWDA) HQ, Abu Dhabi, UAE. From 11-15th October 2003.
Attending Workshop titled: “Habitat Restoration and Rehabilitation”. Em & m International FZE, Ras Al Khaima, June 30 to July 2, 2003.
Attending a Training Course titled: “Project Cycle Management”, orgainzed by em&m International FZE, Ras Al Khaima, May, 24-28, 2003.
Organizing and teaching on the Training Workshop titled: “Soil Resources Assessment and Management”. Organized by the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE. October 6-9, 2002. Trainer and trainee.
Attending the International Specialized Workshop titled: "Decision Support Tools and Models for Agricultural Resource Management", held in the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, from 11th to 22nd October 1999.
Attending the International Training Short Course titled: "Routine Laboratories for Soil and Water Analyses", organized by The German Scientific Cooperation Project collaborated with the National Research Centre in Cairo, from 22nd to 24th June 1998.
Attending the International Training Course titled: “Soil Surveying, Mapping and Classification”, followed by intensive fieldwork training about soil sampling, description and classification”, held in Antequera area, Malaga province, South of Spain, from 20/4 to 3/5/1997.
Attending different computer courses in Egypt and the Netherlands mostly concerned with Remote Sensing, GIS and statistical analysis softwares (1993-1998).
1. The Netherlands:
1996-1997: Attending Postgraduate Diploma Course at The International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science (ITC), Enschede, the Netherlands entitled “Soil Survey using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems”.
1997-1998: Attending Master of Science at The International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science (ITC), Enschede, the Netherlands with dissertation entitled: Land Evaluation for Sustainable Land Use Planning in the North-eastern Part of the Fayoum Depression, Egypt.
March 2010: Training Short Course at Wageningen University Greenhouse Horticulture (WUR) as part of establishing “Abu Dhabi Protected Agricultural Center”.
2. Spain
April - May 1997: Attending the International Training Course titled: “Soil Surveying, Mapping and Classification”, followed by intensive training fieldwork held in Antequera, Malaga Province, South of Spain.
3. Turkey
October 1999: Attending the International Specialized Workshop titled: "Decision Support Tools and Models for Agricultural Resource Management", held in the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
May 2012: Attending and presenting a research paper at the International Soil Science Congress on "Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management", Ce?me-?zmir, Turkey.
4. Kingdom of Bahrain
April 2006: Teaching in the Regional Training Workshop titled: “Biosaline Agriculture” organized by the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture. Held at the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture, Extension & Agricultural Relation Directorate, Kingdom of Bahrain.
5. Belgium
September 2006: Attending and presenting a research paper at the 5th International Agroenviron Symposium titled "Agricultural Constraints in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum”, Ghent, Belgium.
6. Kingdom of Jordon
March 2007: Attended the Regional Workshop and Mid-Term Review Meeting titled: “Using Saline Water for Forage Production”. Amman, Jordan. Organized by National Center for Agricultural Research & Technology Transfer, Jordan, OPEC Fund for International Development and the International Center for Biosaline agriculture. Amman, Jordan.
7. Australia
March 2008: Attending and presenting a research paper at the 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, Australia.
8. United States of America (USA)
October 2008: Attending and presenting a research paper at the Joint Annual Meeting of the GSA-ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GCAGS-GCSSEPM, Houston, Texas, USA.
May 2011: Attending and presenting a research paper at the USA National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference, “Soil Survey - Interpreting the Inventory in a Digital World” Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
8. United States of America (USA)
October 2008: Attending and presenting a research paper at the Joint Annual Meeting of the GSA-ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GCAGS-GCSSEPM, Houston, Texas, USA.
May 2011: Attending and presenting a research paper at the USA National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference, “Soil Survey - Interpreting the Inventory in a Digital World” Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
8. United States of America (USA)
October 2008: Attending and presenting a research paper at the Joint Annual Meeting of the GSA-ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GCAGS-GCSSEPM, Houston, Texas, USA.
May 2011: Attending and presenting a research paper at the USA National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference, “Soil Survey - Interpreting the Inventory in a Digital World” Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
8. United States of America (USA)
October 2008: Attending and presenting a research paper at the Joint Annual Meeting of the GSA-ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GCAGS-GCSSEPM, Houston, Texas, USA.
May 2011: Attending and presenting a research paper at the USA National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference, “Soil Survey - Interpreting the Inventory in a Digital World” Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
9. Latvia (Former Soviet Union)
February 2009: Attending and presenting two research papers at the International Conference on Soil Degradation, Riga, Latvia.
10. Sultanate of Oman
January 2010: Attending and presenting a research paper at the International Conference on “Management of Soil and Groundwater Salinization in Arid Regions”, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
October 2011: Attending a national workshop entitled “Oman Salinity Action Plan” organized by Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), held at Muscat, Oman.
Republic of China
October 2010: Attending and presenting a research paper at the International Conference on "Combating Land Degradation in Agricultural Areas (LANDCON1010), Xi’an, China.
11. Kingdom of Morocco
November 2009: Attending and presenting a research paper at the International Conference on "The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Development, and Ecosystems in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco.
12. Republic of Libya
January 2008. Teaching in the Regional Training Workshop titled: “Biosaline Agriculture Technologies for the Arab Region”. Jointly organized by Arab League, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Environment General Authority Libya and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA). Held at Misratah, Libya.
13. France
Several visits during the period 1996-1998.
14. Germany
Several visits during the period 1996-1998 and in 2010.
15. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Several visits for Haj or Omra.
16. United Arab Emirates
September 2000 - July 2014: Work at the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai and the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD).
17. Kuwait
March 2015:Scientific visit to Desert Agriculture and Ecosystems Program Department, the Environmental and Life Sciences Research Center (ELSRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).
ArcGIS for mapping processing and production
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems “GIS” software packages ILWIS-GIS “the Integrated Land and Water Information System” and Arc-GIS.
The Automated Land Evaluation System “ALES”, Cornell University.
Crop Calculator called SPASMO.
CropSyst, cropping systems simulation model.
Land Use Planning Information System “LUPIS”.
Statistical softwares “SAS and SPSS”.
In addition to the usual software packages such as Microsoft Office package “Word, Excel, Power Point, etc." and the Internet.
Dutch and German
Dr. Michael Wilson - National Leader and Research Soil Scientist, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Lincoln, Nebraska. Email: mike.wilson@lin.usda.gov
Prof. Colin Pain - MED_Soil Research Group, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. Email: colinpain@gmail.com
Dr. Mohammed Al Attar Former Director General, International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai, United Arab Emirates and now Advisor, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). Email: malattar@kfas.org.kw,alattarm@live.com,alattarmhg@gmail.com,buwaleed545@yahoo.com
Prof. Faisal Taha Former Director of Technical Programs, International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai, United Arab Emirates and now Consultant/Advisor to Director General, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. Email: ftaha@kisr.edu.kw
Dr. Frederic Launay Executive Director, Environment Quality Sector (EQS) and Former Assistant Secretary General for Science and Research, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Email: flaunay@ead.ae
Prof. M. M. Shendi Head of Soils and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Egypt. E-mail: mmshendi@yahoo.com
Winning the United Stated Department of Agriculture “USDA“ Award for leading a research team to add anhydrite soils to the USDA Soil Taxonomy 2014 at three levels.
Winning the best employee at the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi – end of 2011.
Winning the best geo-information project in the Gulf region by ESRI, the United Stated for developing the United Arab Emirates Soil Information System (UAESIS) available online athttps://www.uaesis.ae/
Winning The Ministry of Environment and Water Award, United Arab Emirates for the high quality implementation of the Soil Survey of the Northern Emirates.
Winning the Abu Dhabi Executive Council Award for the best project in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in 2012 for the Soil Survey of Abu Dhabi Emirate.
Member – American Soil Science Society
Life Member- World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWC).
Member- International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) Alumni Association.
Member- Egyptian Soil Science Society.
Soil Use and Management.
International Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management.
African Journal of Agriculture Research.
International Journal of Agricultural and Soil Science.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution.