faculty of agriculture

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Taher Imbabi Bakheet

Contact Information
Phone Number : 084 6356731                          
Fax Number : 084 6334964
E-mail Address: ati00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building - Agricultural Engineering Department.
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Soils and Water Science Department - POBox : 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Soil Sciences - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1978
M.Sc. : Agricultural Engineering - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1985
Ph.D. : Agricultural Engineering - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1992
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1979 To 1985.
Assistant Lecturer : From 1985 To 1992.
Lecturer : From 1992 To 1999.
Assistant Professor: From 1999 To 2004.
Professor: From 2004 UpTill Now.
Research Interests
Studying of different Mechanization Systems for cereal crops Production.
Studying of Harvesting Systems for Root Crops.
Modification of Agriculturial Machines to be suitable for Small Areas.
Design and Modification of Harvesting Machines for Oil Crops.
Publications lIST
EL-Raie, A.R.S., Imbabi,A .T.,Hassan, M.F. and Gabber K.A.(2004) .Precision Soils leveling by using laser technology under the conditions of Fayoum Governorate . Misr J. Ag.Eng., 21(2):321-340 .

Imbabi,A .T.and Omran, M.S. (2003).Study of the influencing factors on optimizing the rotary plough performance . . Misr J. Ag. Eng.,20(4):906-918 .

Imbabi,A. .T. (2003). Improving a crop-residues cutting machine for environment preservation. Misr J.Ag.Eng., 20(3):783-801 .

Imbabi,A .T. Azzam,B.S.and Abdou,M.Z. (2003). An evaluation of using a small reel mower for cutting Egyptian clover . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 20(2):557-570 .

Imbabi,A .T. and Omran, M.S. (2002).Proper depth and spacing between subsoiling furrows in clay-loam soil with hardpans. Misr J.Ag. Eng., 10 th Conference of Misr Society of Ag. Eng., 16-17 October, 2002:327-336.

Imbabi,A .T. and Omran, M.S. (2002) . Development of a feeding device for walking planting machine . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 19(2): 422-436 .

Imbabi,A .T. (2001). Weed control in sesame for reduced pollution under Egyptian conditions. Misr J. Ag. Eng.,18(3):726-740.

Imbabi,A .T. (2001).Field evaluation of a combination unit for seed-bed preparation and planting wheat under Egyptian conditions. Misr J. Ag. Eng., 18(2):261-278 .

Danasory, M.M. and Imbabi, A.T. (1998). Study on mechanical and manual pickup and baling of wheat straw after harvesting with combine . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 15(2): 246 – 260 .

Nasr,H.M.,Nasr,G.M. and Imbabi, A.T. (1998) . Mechanization of seedbed preparation for sunflower production . Misr J.Ag. Eng., 15(2): 225 – 245 .

Danasory, M.M. and Imbabi, A.T. (1998) . A Study on the efficiency of using water falling energy in Fayoum. Misr J. Ag. Eng.,15(1): 16-32 .

Imbabi, A.T. (1997). Performance of three different shapes of rotary cutter during cutting corn-stalks. Performance of three different shapes of rotary cutter during cutting corn-stalks.

Danasory, M.M. and Imbabi, A.T. (1996) . Study on the situations of services stations in Fayoum Governorate . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 13 (4) , 4 th Conference of Misr Society of Ag. Eng., 28 October 1996: 105-118 .

Imbabi, A.T. (1996) . Effect of field dimensions on the performance and productivity of the planter machine for planting sunflower seeds in flat and furrow soil . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 13(3): 558-574 .

Imbabi, A.T. and Taieb, A.Z. (1996). Evaluation of tracter mounted mower performance in cutting safflower plants . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 13(1):71-84.

Taieb, A. Z. and Imbabi, A.T. (1995).Energy requirements for the cutting operation of some crops . Misr J. Ag. Eng., 12(2): 510-526 .