*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    Fayoum University Organizes Scientific Seminar on "Food and Sustainable Agricultural Development"  

   Prof. Khaled Ismail Hamza, Fayoum University President witnessed a scientific seminar entitled: "Food and Sustainable Agricultural Development" which is organized by Faculty of Agriculture in cooperation with Scientific Association for Food Industries on Thursday, 7/4/2016, in the hall of Prof. Saad Nassar. The seminar was attended by Prof. Mohamed Abd El-Wahab, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Ashraf Abd El-Hafeez, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Mona Abd El-Tawab Al Khashab, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Ramadan Abd El-Aziz Madani, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Khaled Atallah, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Wedad Azab, Head of Dairy Department, Prof. Rajab Ismail Mourad, Professor at Faculty of Desert and Environmental Agriculture, University of Alexanderia. Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Youssef, Professor of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, and a number of members of the Scientific Association for Food Industries, Faculty members of Fayoum University and Alexandria University.
   Prof. Khaled Hamza expressed his great pleasure in attending this symposium, which is organized by a faculty with an honorable history such as Faculty of Agriculture. He pointed out that he does not hesitate to extend a helping hand and continuous support to the management of the Faculty and its various projects because it deserves all appreciation and respect for the fruitful efforts.
   In the same respect, he praised the role of the Faculty in achieving sustainable development in the agricultural and rural lands in Fayoum Governorate. He also pointed out the need to pay attention to the issue of using agricultural waste because it is considered a thorny file that must be taken into consideration. Fayoum University is going to organize the first conference for student exchange at the level of Arab universities, which will be held from 12-15 / 5/2016. The conference will be attended by 200 vice presidents of different universities. Fayoum University took part in this conference in 2010, which is a very short period compared to other universities participating in the conference. So the academic staff and students are doing their best to ensure the success of this conference and highlighted in an honorable way to be a step forward. He also said that the organization of this conference aims to promote tourism in Fayoum Governorate.
   Prof. Mona Al-Khashab affirmed that the seminar discussed a number of topics related to food and sustainable agricultural development which are: Agricultural and health importance of olive oil and its production waste, promising non-traditional crops and their role in sustainable development in marginalized lands in Egypt, biofuels derived from vegetable oils as a sustainable fuel. The environment can be used to manage diesel engines and aircraft, the mushroom system for sustainable development, the economic and environmental impacts of the use of agricultural waste in the production of non-traditional fodder). She also expressed her hopes that the seminar will produce some recommendations that benefit food and sustainable agricultural development in Egypt.
   Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Youssef, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Association for Food Industries, said that it was founded in 1997 and was co-founded by 32 Faculty members of Food Science and Technology, Alexandria Agriculture. Accordingly, the members of the association now reached 650 members from different universities, research centers and food processing companies. He mentioned that the association includes several aspects besides its pivotal scientific role such as: (Issuing a scientific journal periodically, Unilever annual competition to encourage scientific research). He added that this seminar is an activation of the association's vision and that its activities are not limited to its headquarters at the University of Alexandria only, but last year the association participated in organizing a symposium in collaboration with Kafr El-Sheikh University.
   At the end of the seminar, Prof. Khaled Ismail Hamza presented the University Shield to Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Yousef, the spokesman on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Association for Food Industries.

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