*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    Fayoum University opens new outlets  

   In line with its strategy to expand its reach to the surrounding community, Fayoum University has opened a number of outlets for selling different products in the presence of University's top officials and staff. These Outlets are located next to the gate of the Faculty of Agriculture. The opening ceremony was attended by Professor Abdel Hamid Abdel Tawab Sabry, President of Fayoum University, Professor Magdy Hanna, Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Professor Farid Awad Hedar, Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, Professor Khaled Ismael Hamza, Vice-President for Education and Students' Affairs, Professor Helmy Ghoniemy, Dean of the Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture, and Dr. Mohammad Bahnas, director of the Advisory Center for Agricultural Services. A number of deans, vice-deans, and faculty members were present, too. The new outlets provide a wide spectrum of local products, including meat, fish, dairy products, honey, rice, and sugar for reasonable prices. Photo Gallery

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