*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    6th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development Opens  

   The 6th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development started its activities at the Hall of Saad Nassar, Faculty of Agriculture. The conference was held under the auspices of Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research Hani Helal; Dr. Galal M. Said, Governor of Fayoum; and Professor Ahmed El-Gohary, President of Fayoum University. The three-day event, 27-29 December 2010, was scheduled to discuss a variety of agriculture-related subjects, including agricultural economics, extension, rural sociology, plant protection, animal, poultry and fish production, biotechnology, dairy products and agricultural engineering. Professor Magdy Hanna, Vice-President, Postgraduate Studies and Research, inaugurated the conference. A host of high-profile faculty attended the inauguration ceremony. Key among them were Dean Ahmed Al Shiway; Professor Magda Soliman, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environment Development; and Professor Helmy Ghoniem, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. On the other hand, the conference witnessed the participation of notable scientists and scholars who represent some scientific and research institutions from Egypt and the Arab World. Representatives from agricultural companies were present, too. In her welcome note, Prof. Magda Soliman welcomed the guests to Fayoum University. Following, Prof. Ahmed Al Shiway delivered his speech, pointing out that the main objective of the conference was to provide novel scientific research papers which can contribute to the agricultural development in Egypt and the Arab World. In his speech, Prof. Magdy Hanna emphasized the role played by the scientists and scholars majoring in agriculture, noting that the Fayoum University Faculty of Agriculture is a key factor in the progress of the University. He also inaugurated the Agricultural Production Materials Exhibition which was held on the sidelines of the conference. The exhibition featured some of up-to-date equipment for agricultural and animal development.

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