*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    The Agricultural Economics Department Council Holds Its Monthly Meeting for November 2022  

   Under the auspices of Prof. Mahmoud Ali Abdel Fattah, Dean of the College, , the Agricultural Economics Department Council held its meeting, today, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, under the chairmanship of Prof. Hanaa Mohamed Hawari, Head of the Department, and in the presence of all the honorable members of the council. At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Hana Muhammad Hawari welcomed the members of the council, then the minutes of the previous meeting were approved, before discussing topics related to student affairs, postgraduate studies, the college council, and any any other business .

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