Faculty of Archaeology

Dr. Ayman Abdel Fattah Hassan Waziry

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: aah00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Egyptology Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Egyptology Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc : Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 2000 .
Pre-Master : Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 2002 .
M.A: Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Fayoum Branch - Cairo University – 2006.
PhD : . Archaeology, department of Egyptology, faculty of Archaeology Cairo University, 2009
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2001 to 2006 .
Assistant Lecturer : From 2006 To 2009 .
Lecturer : From 2009 To 2013.
Assistant Professor : From 2014 To 2019 .
Professor : From 2019 up till now .
The Concept and Manifestations of Immortality (Eternity) in Ancient Egypt until the End of New Kingdom Period "Linguistic and Cultural Study"
The Idioms of Time in Ancient Egypt until the End of New Kingdom Period "Linguistic and Cultural Study"
Academic Rank
Associate Professor of Archaeology and Egyptology, Supreme Council of Universities, Egypt, since 2014.
Professor of Archaeology and Egyptology, Supreme Council of Universities, Egypt, since 2019.
Secretary General of the communication Committee in the Total quality Control and Management project in the faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Executive Manager for the Department of training and development students in the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University from 2009 till 2010 and advisor for the activities of students at the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum Uni. since 2010.
Executive Manager of the Total Quality Control and Management held in the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University since 2012.
Secretary General of the Cultural Committee in the Egyptian Archaeologists Association admitted at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt under No.1001 of the year 2009.
Director of the Union of Egyptian Archaeologists admitted at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt under No.4643 of the year 2012, Fayoum Branch, Egypt.
One of the Founders of the Union of Egyptian Archaeologists admitted at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt under No.4643 of the year 2012.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Egyptian Archaeologists admitted at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt under No.4643 of the year 2012. This Union was held in Egypt in order to defend on the rights of archaeologists and who are interested in studying History of Civilization and Humanity, in addition to preserve the archaeological Heritage and to energize and stimulate nationalist tourism. Moreover, it achieves cultural exchanges that help to understand culture which is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively, it also contributes to increase awareness of the evidences of civilization which is the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced.
Member in the " (DEMEC)" project " the Development of the Environmental Tourism in the Middle East "I.e. the development of Ecotourism in the Middle east countries co-operated with the faculty of tourism and hotels, Fayoum university and the Japanese international cooperation Agency (JICA).Agreed to work together in August 4th 2011 in order to establish a training course for ecotourism site planning, management, and assets preservation. The course will be held at FOT/FU, Fayoum, under JICA's third –country training program, (TCTP).
A reviewer of American Journal of Social Science Research, American Institute of Science (AIS) , Public Science Framework, USA.
A reviewer of Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, American Institute of Science (AIS) , Public Science Framework, USA.
A reviewer of Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, American Institute of Science (AIS) , Public Science Framework. USA.
Egyptian review Board of International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
An editorial board member/Peer Rev. of Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, American Institute of Science (AIS) , P.S.F, USA.
An editorial board member/peer Rev. of American Journal of Social Science Research, American Institute of Science (AIS) ,P.S.F, USA.
An editorial board member/peer Rev. of Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, American Institute of Science (AIS) ,P.S.F, USA.
An editorial board member/peer Rev. of SCIREA Journal of Mathematics, Science Research Association (SCIREA) is an association of scientists from all over the world.
An editorial board member/peer Rev. of Journal of Anthropology Reports.
  The Evolutionary Manifestations of the Orthography Systems and Writing Forms in Structural Syntax saHa-sHnt
 Linguistic Symbolic Approach of Ancient Egyptian Differentiation between Northern and Southern Constellations
Probability Hypothesis and Evidence of Astronomical Observatories in Ancient Egypt
Evidences on Harbingers of Mensuration Methodology in Ancient Egyptian Mathematics and Geometry
The So-called Seqed and Scientific cradle of the angle θ in ancient Egypt
  The Goddess Chentayt in the Pyramid Texts
 An Unpublished Pedestal of Ramses II from Antinoopolis with reference to the Nine Bows
  An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning A pledge
  Publication.Assistant Professor
 The Budaiya along with the Statement Sciences and their Manifestations in Ancient Egyptian Language
 The Materials and the Tools of the Mummification Process (Analytical Study)
  Manifestations of the Primeval Hill in the Terrestrial and Celestial and Cosmic beliefs (Analytical Study of the Evolution Methodology through ages)
 The Standard record of Ancient Egypt through ages to approach the Calendars Methods
Manifestations of the Emergence of the Astronomical Zodiac and its Ancestry in ancient Egypt
  The Cosmic Concept of saHa-sHnt in Ancient Egyptian Beliefs (Analytical Study of Connection Manifestations with Other Rituals and Ceremonies)
Research interests
Interested in studying ancient Geometry, Surveying, Leveling, Dimensions, Arithmetic, Numeration, Digit, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology.
Interested in studying the ancient History, Archaeology, Egyptology and to what extent this history communicate with other ancient civilization in the Middle East.
Interested in studying Ancient Egyptian Civilization and Near East Civilization; recognizing their relations with other civilizations in the Middle East.
Interested in studying Astronomy in ancient Egyptian civilization and compare this science with its partner in ancient Arab era and how it affects modern Astronomy nowadays.
Interested in studying several sciences such as Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology in ancient Egypt and the ancient Arab world.
Interested in studying methods of measuring time and units of measurement according to the linguistic sources of the ancient Egyptian and Arab world.
Interested in studying Mathematics in both ancient Egypt and the Arab world along with comparing this scope of study with its partner nowadays.
Interested in studying ancient traditions and customs along with comparing to other customs and traditions nowadays.
Interested in studying Customs and Traditions in the Ancient Arab world.
Teaching and administrative Experience
Participated in teaching Archaeological sites in ancient Egypt and the Arab world.
Participated in teaching ancient Egyptian society and its relations with ancient Arab civilization.
Participated in teaching Religion in ancient Egypt and the Arab world.
Participated in teaching Sciences of Museums and Archaeological sites in Egypt and the Arab world.
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian society, Customs and Traditions and Cultural Heritage in the Arab world.
Participated in teaching Ancient Arab world History and Monuments.
Participated in teaching Religion in ancient Arab Civilization.
Participated in teaching Ancient Arab world History and Civilization.
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian History and Monuments.
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphics"
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian language "Hieratic".
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian language "Coptic".
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian language "Demotic ".
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian Religion.
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian History.
Participated in teaching Ancient Egyptian Archaeology.
Participated in teaching Archeological texts in English.
Participated in teaching Sciences in ancient Egyptian Civilization.
Participated in teaching scientific life in ancient Egypt and its relation to the ancient Near East.
Academic and researches Activities
The Concept of Maximum Cosmic Velocity, "Velocity of Light in ancient Egypt". The First International Conference on Ancient Egyptian science, the Mysteries of Ancient Egyptian civilization in science 2010 cared by Cairo University, Supreme Council of Antiquities and Scientific Heritage Center of Cairo University.
Tools and Materials that used in the ancient Egyptian Mummification process "analyzing study". The First International Conference on Ancient Egyptian science, the Mysteries of Ancient Egyptian civilization in Science 2010 cared by Cairo University, Supreme Council of Antiquities and Scientific Heritage Center of Cairo University.
An attempt to determine an exact date for the construction of the Great pyramid according to astronomical sources. The First International Conference on Honoring Prof. Nour El-Deen, M.A., cared by Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Faculty of Archaeology in both Cairo University and Fayoum University, 2009-2010.
The Manifestations of the Primeval Hill in the Terrestrial Celestial and Cosmic beliefs Analytical Study of the Evolutionary Methodology through the ages, Journal of Faculty of Archaeology in Qena - South Valley University, Academic Scientific periodical for the publication of archaeological studies,2010.
The Cosmic Concept of ritual tent installation in ancient Egyptian beliefs, Journal of Faculty of Archaeology in Qena - South Valley University, Academic Scientific periodical for the publication of archaeological studies,2011.
Buzz in ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom, Journal of Faculty of Archaeology in Qena - South Valley University, Academic Scientific periodical for the publication of archaeological studies, 2011.
An authenticated Law submitted to the Egyptian Cabinet of the year 2011, which presents this basic idea "Cultural Heritage Property Rights, Applied Study on Egyptian Antiquities and Cultural Heritage", Egyptian Council of Ministers, 2011.
The record of Egypt through its historical ages in the adoption of calendar methods. The First International Conference on Humanities Sciences and the challenges of the 21th Century cared by faculty of Arts, Fayoum University, 2012.
The Manifestations of Emergence and Beginning of Astronomical Zodiac circle and its origin in ancient Egypt. The Second International Conference on Egyptian Sciences through the Ages cared by Scientific Heritage Center of Cairo University, Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism Guidance, MISR/MUST University for Sciences and Technology and Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University, 2012.
The sciences of Al-Budaiya and Statement and their manifestations in the ancient Egyptian Language. An analytical study in ancient Egyptian Language especially in semantics, Bulletin of Ain Shams University Center of Papyrological Studies and Inscriptions, 2012.
Mechanical Reton in ancient Egypt, the International Conference held by the Arab Archaeologists Association in Morocco, 2012.
A two-faced memorial plaque for two successive stages of cosmos creation, Scientific Excavations of Rostov College, Journal of Heritage, , Rostov College, Russia,2012.
Linguistic Symbolic Approach of Ancient Egyptian differentiation between Northern and Southern Constellations, Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS" An International peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually, 2015.
Probability Hypothesis and Evidence of Astronomical Observatories in ancient Egypt, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, , 2016.
Evidences on Harbingers of Mensuration Methodology in Ancient Egyptian Mathematics and Geometry, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, ,December,2016.
Participated in scientific work on Textile and textiles since ancient times until modern times, published By Corporation of Oriental Weavers, Egypt, 2016-2017.
Patterns of repetitive rhythmic structure in ancient Egyptian and Arabic literary styles, "Comparative analytical study in the light of modern stylistics", Annals of the Sixth International Conference on Arabic Language cared by the International Council of Arabic Language - Dubai – UAE, 2017.
The So-called Seqed and Scientific cradle of the angle ? in ancient Egypt, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2018.
Orthographic formulations and inclusiveness in a metaphorical sense within Mensuration methodology of dimensions and tangent angles in ancient Egyptian mathematics - under publishing
Participated in review and edit of several scientific publications in the field of archaeology and Egyptology since 2003.
Participated in the translation of Fish and Fishing in ancient Egypt under printing by the General Egyptian Book Authority, Egypt.
The Goddess Chentayt in the Pyramid Texts, Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie (CCdE) n°23, 2018.
An Unpublished Pedestal of Ramses II from Antinoopolis with reference to the Nine Bows, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (JAHA), Vol. 6, Issue 1 , 2019.
An Unpublished Fragment of Papyrus Concerning A pledge, ARCADIA International Journal of Literary Culture/ Internationale Zeitschrift für literarische Kultur, 2019.
Training Courses at Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) of Cairo and Fayoum Universities:
Teaching using modern technology" Professional study"
Scientific publishing program according to the concept of modern technology.
Ethics and Profession in the teaching process "Research ethics program"
Time management in a scientific way "Professional study".
Effective presentation skills according to modern standards.
Effective ways of teaching according to modern standards.
Professional program in credit hours.
Organization of scientific conferences.
Course Description.
Creative thinking skills.
Academic guidance and student support.
Management of the research team.
Evaluation methods of students and exams.
Decision-making and problem-solving.
Basics of quality management of the educational process.
Effective communication skills.
Teaching methods.
Learning outcomes.
Total Quality Management.
More recent teaching skills using modern technology till 2019.
More recent training courses at Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
teaching using Modern Technology" Professional study"
Scientific publishing program according to the concept of Modern Technology
  The great role of ethics in the teaching process "research ethics program"
 Managing time in scientific way" Professional study"
Professional program in "Credit Hours"
The effective ways of teaching according to Modern standards
An active member of the following
Board member of the ancient Egyptian archaeology Department since 2010.
Council member of Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University since 2013.
Member of the Antiquities Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture 2014.
Board member of Directors of Heritage and Civilization Center, Fayoum University since 2016.
Faculty members club - Cairo University, the faculty club is an organization established for the purpose of supporting social and business relationships among Cairo University staff.
The faculty members club - Fayoum University, the faculty club is an organization established for the purpose of supporting social and business relationships among Fayoum University staff.
Executive Director of the system development project student assessment and examinations, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University's Supreme Council of Universities in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
General Secretary of the Cultural Committee of Egyptian archaeologists Association, No. 1001of the year 2009 in the Ministry of social solidarity in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Director of the Egyptian archaeologists Association section, Fayoum office No.1001 of the year 2009.
Participated actively in teaching of the project of revival the Pharaonic music held by of the Supreme Council of Universities, Arab Republic of Egypt - Helwan University.
Participated actively in teaching of the Pharaonic music revival Diploma held by the Supreme Council of Universities in the Arab Republic of Egypt - Helwan University.
Participated actively in the project of the Egyptian Museum School in the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt.
Participated actively in teaching the education project of the tour guides, the Pharaonic Village held in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Participated actively in the project that held in order to educate both archaeologists and tour guides through weekly online meetings; among activities undertaken by this project publishing a valuable information about the cultural and archaeological heritage in general, on the website of the Group in order to facilitate knowledge about the archaeological sites and historic places, on the website of Group "Egypt in the eyes of the tourists' guide.
- Participated actively in the project of educating archaeologists, tour guides and generally interested in heritage through performing weekly online meetings in order to publish consciousness culture and archaeological heritage in general on the website of Group House of Books.
- Participated effectively in the project of educating archaeologists, tour guides and generally interested in heritage in another website which is "the archaeologists" in order to inform archaeologists how to study and preserve the artifact; moreover, achieving objectives of learning more about culture and evaluation of extinct civilization.
- Participated in teaching archaeology and relating subjects at the faculty of tourism and hotel management, Fayoum University and in some private universities and institutes.
- Participated effectively in several scientific conferences on various fields of ancient History, Egyptology and Archaeology; moreover, my main responsibility was the preparation and processing stages for these conferences and committees set up in the following Faculties;
•Faculty of Archaeology of Al-Fayoum University.
•Faculty of Arts of Alexandria University,
•Faculty of Archaeology and tourist guidance of Misr University for Science and Technology, as well as participating effectively in various scientific subjects which can be estimated as follows:
•Six conferences in the Faculty of Archaeology - Fayoum University since 2002.
•Two conferences in the city of Alexandria at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and in the calligraphy center which is one of the research centers affiliated to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, its purpose is to study inscriptions, calligraphies and writing over the world throughout the ages from 2007-2009.
•Two conferences in the city of Rashid and Beheira from 2008-2009; where my participation in the organization of events conferences was very effective and my supervision as well.
Participated in numerous scientific symposiums during my effective preparation which was related to the topic of symposia and could be summarized as follows:
? Seminar on the civilization and antiquities in the Arabian Peninsula held in Faculty of archaeology and tourist guidance, MISR/MUST University for Sciences and Technology, 2010.
?Seminar on the Revolutions in Egypt through the ages held in Faculty of archaeology and tourist guidance, MISR/MUST University for Sciences and Technology, 2011.
?Seminar on archaeological work between hope and reality cared by the Japanese organization JAICA, the symposium was held at the faculty of tourism and hotels Fayoum University of the year 2012.
?Seminar on how to differentiate between original and counterfeit antiquities; i.e. the means of verifying authenticity of archaeological objects, cared by the students activities, Faculty of archaeology, Fayoum University, 2012
Participated in the preparation of courses regulations at some colleges, such as the Faculty of Archaeology in Fayoum, as well as regulations in the Faculty of archaeology and tourism guidance at MISR/MUST University for Sciences and Technology, as well as the list of Department of antiquities and civilization of the Arabian Peninsula newly created in the Faculty of Archaeology and Guidance – Tourism MISR/MUST University for Sciences and Technology,2010-2012.
Participated in development of some electronic courses such as the course of ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphics", Faculty of archaeology, Fayoum University, 2012.
Participated in description of some specific courses by following the ways of modern technology through my work as a director of assessment unit of students and examinations, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Development of Student's Assessment Systems Project of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, as well as my effective working as a chairman for some committees in the Quality Assurance unit in the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, the project of quality assurance and accreditations of Fayoum University and Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.
Scientific works and researches
Assessment as approach and Evaluation as a curriculum in the educational process, a booklet of editions of the Development of Student's Assessment Systems Project of Fayoum University, Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, 2009.
Dialogue of Civilizations in the History of art, analytical study for methodology and technical evolution of the history of art through the ages, Al-Aqsa for the printing and publishing, Cairo, 2011.
Excerpts from the texts of the ancient Egyptian language through the ages, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, 2012-2015.
Ancient Egyptian art between duty, obligation and freedom, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, 2014-2016.
Textile and textiles since ancient times until modern times, published By Corporation of Oriental Weavers, Egypt, 2016-2017.
Message of Sciences and Harbingers of Scientific Life in Ancient Egypt, OmniScriptum Publishing Group- LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-B?cking-Str., Germany,2017.
Scientific Life in Ancient Egyptian Civilization "Historical and Analytical Study of Geometry, Mathematics, Astrology and Astronomy", SWEEK- A GLOBAL COMMUNITY FOR PUBLISHING, 2019.
Revolution in Time and Timing in Ancient Egypt, A Comparative Study between Old Concepts and Contemporary Developments from the Cognitive Perspective of Time Synonyms and Timing Synchronizations, Vol.1, OmniScriptum Publishing Group- LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-B?cking-Str., Germany,2019.
Supervision of the Theses in Egyptian universities:
Cosmic and astral gods in ancient Egypt, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Assiut, Egypt.
Aspects of sanctification and worship of the Alexandria Trinity outside the capital until the end of the Greco-Roman eras, a comparative study with ancient Near and Far East, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Assiut, Egypt.
The Tasks of the princes in ancient Egypt until the end of the Middle Kingdom, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Assiut, Egypt.
Cosmic concept and the replacement ideology and substitution in the Osiris doctrine and manifestations of global beliefs till the end of the Greco- Roman eras, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The direct aspects of the relations between individuals and the official gods in the late periods, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Astral entities Ixmw-sk and Ixmw-wrd in ancient Egypt, a linguistic and cultural study, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Concept and Symbolism of HDw in ancient Egypt, Faculty of Archaeology, M.A. Thesis, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Sign "I" and its uses in ancient Egyptian language, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Goddess Menqt and its role in Egypt since the New Kingdom till the End of the Greco-Roman eras, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum Uni., Egypt.
The Taboos and the religious concept of Obligation and Adherence in ancient Egypt until the end of the New Kingdom, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Names of foreign countries and cities and the symbolism of Geographical Determinatives until the end of ancient Egyptian dynasties, analytical linguistic study, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Holders of the title $rdw n k(A)p and their role in ancient Egypt, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The semantic contexts in the structure of the ancient Egyptian sentence, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Hybridization in Ancient Egyptian Language in the late classical stage, A Philological Study, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The positive role of snakes, serpents and symbols of evil in ancient Egyptian beliefs until the end of the Greco-Roman periods, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The tomb of Kho-Nes and his wife at the west of Aswan - a historical study of the landscape and its accompanying texts, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The methods of artistic expression of time in ancient Egypt, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Kafr el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Hieratic Graffiti through the age of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasties, Paleographical and Linguistic study, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Pig and its role in daily life and religious beliefs in ancient Egypt, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Religious and Administrative Titles of the officials of Animals Cemetery at Tuna el-Gebal throughout the Demotic Documents, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Iron Age in the United Arab Emirates, an archaeological and cultural study, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Kafr el-Sheikh.
The scenes of breast-feeding on the walls of Egyptian temples until the end of the Greco-Roman periods, M.A Thesis, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Southern Arabian influences in the land of Abyssinia from the 8th century BC until the 4th century AD, Historical and Archaeological study, M.A Thesis, Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University, Egypt.
Mathematics and Astronomy Sciences in Ancient Egypt, Historical and Cultural Study, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Al Minya, Egypt.
The Scenes and Texts of the Fourth hour of the Books of the Other World on the Antiquities of the New Kingdom, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Univ. of Banha, Egypt.
The Second Tense in Middle Egyptian, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Western Ladder Room (S) and the Western Ladder (T) at the Edfu Temple, a cultural linguistic study, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum Uni., Egypt.
The individual tombs of the first intermediate era at the Memphis cemetery in the light of modern archaeological discoveries, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
- The drawings and rock inscriptions in the Mount of El-silsila until the end of the Middle Kingdom era in the light of modern archaeological discoveries from 2012/2015, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
- The divine statues of the 25-26th Dynasties in the Egyptian Museum, M.A Thesis, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
- The Non - royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, analytical study, M.A Thesis, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Sadat City University, Egypt.
- Astronomical Plates for measuring and dividing time in ancient Egypt in the Ramesside period, Analytical study, M.A Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, Egypt.
The Goddess Shent(A)yt and her Role in Ancient Egyptian beliefs, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The ritual of twisting and amputation of birds in ancient Egypt beliefs until the end of the Greco-Roman periods, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum Uni., Egypt.
The devastation rites of Apophis in ancient Egypt until the end of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The nine arches and their significance in ancient Egypt until the end of the Greco-Roman periods, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Qena University, Egypt.
The sign "I" and its uses in the ancient Egyptian language, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Flaying Bodies a pathway into Eschatological Celestial World of Ancient Egypt, Analytical Study, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
NTrw in the Pyramid Texts, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The linguistic and cultural significance of the concept of IAt in ancient Egyptian beliefs, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The linguistic significance and the religious symbolism of the concept of sH-nTr in ancient Egypt, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Epagomenal days in the ancient Egyptian beliefs until the end of the Greco-Roman periods, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
¤AH in the ancient Egyptian doctrines till the end of Greco-Roman Periods, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
A Historical and Archaeological Study of the Fama and Kulah tombs at the Bahariya Oasis, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Royal Family scenes in the tombs of individuals in Ramesside period, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
The Concept and Symbolism of Stars and Orbs in the Pyramid Texts, Ph.D. Degree - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University- Egypt.
Flaying Bodies a pathway into Eschatological Celestial World of Ancient Egypt "Analytical Study" M.A. Degree- Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University- Egypt.
The Concept and Symbolism of Stars and Orbs in the Pyramid Texts, Ph.D. Degree - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University- Egypt.
Structure scenes in the New Kingdom’s private tombs at western Thebes, M.A. Degree- Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University- Egypt.
A group of unpublished offerings tables dating from the late period until the end of the Ptolemaic era preserved in the Egyptian Museum, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt.
The Books of the Afterlife listed on the priests' coffins and their relatives during the late periods until the beginning of the Ptolemaic era(In the light of published study for a selected group of Coffins), Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.
More recent Theses of the year 2019.