Faculty of Archaeology

Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Sattar Ibrahim

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: eae01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Egyptology Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Egyptology Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
  B.A : Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 1998 .
M.A: Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Fayoum Branch - Cairo University – 2004.
PhD : . Archaeology- Egyptology Department - Cairo University 2009 .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : from 1998 to 2004 .
Assistant Lecturer : from 2004 To 2010 .
Lecturer : From 2010 To 2015.
Assistant Professor : From 2015 To 2020 .
Professor : From 2020 until now .
Publication List
  Two Unpublished False Doors of Intj and Xwj.t from Giza
The False Door of N(y)-sw sA-jb from Giza
The Anthropoid Wooden Coffin of Sn(?j)-jw f in Cairo Museum (CG. 61010.1-2)
Two Middle Kingdom Stelae of Nn-rn?f and Snbj in the Egyptian Museum Cairo (CGC 20524- 20521)
  Two Identical Ptolemaic Stelae of Wn-nfr and PA-nfr in Cairo Museum (JE 5387) -(JE 5388)
Un-transmitted Spells into the Post-Unis Old Kingdom Pyramids Texts
Remarks on the Orthography of Word rmT in the Old Kingdom
Research Interests
  Ancient Egyptian Religion (The Pyramid Texts).
Ancient Egyptian language .
Coptic Monuments and Arts .
Tourism Guidance.
Academic Qualifications
  PhD in Archaeology, Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology Cairo university and Ägyptologisches Seminar – Ferei Universität Berlin Germany. Thesis title: "The Role of the deceased king's Assistants in the pyramid text's
  MA. in Archaeology, Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University. Thesis title "Swt in Ancient Egyptian Civilization" Philological, Archaeological and Religious Study" 2004.
  Pre- Master- 6 Courses have been studied before the registration for master- Department of Egyptology- Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University 2000.
BA.: in Archaeology- Department of Egyptology Cairo University- Fayoum Branch 1998.
Ibrahim Abd El-Sattar, Osama Ibrahim, "Major Historical, Archaeological and Religious Features of Fayoum Region during the Old Kingdom", in: International Colloquium of Natural and Cultural Landscapes in the Fayoum, UNESCO, Cairo, 2011
Ibrahim Abd El Sattar Ibrahim, "The Role of the deceased King's Assistants in the Pyramid Texts",published dissertation under Supervision, Prof. Dr. Nur el. Dinn, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Osing Dr. Mohamed Hasson, Cairo University 2009
Ibrahim Abd El-Sattar, Osama Ibrahim," Philological Study on Names Allocated to the Fayoum and Their Significances", Paper presented to The Fifth International Forum of “History of Writings, Calligraphies, and Inscriptions in the World throughout the Ages, Alex.Bib, 16-18 Oct 2012
Teaching and administrative Experience
  Teaching "Tourist Guidance Course" in Cairo Museum, Faculty of tourism and Hotels- Cairo University- Fayoum Branch-2001.
  Teaching "Ancient Egyptian language- Hiero" Faculty of Archaeology- Department of Egyptology- Fayoum University
  Teaching "Ancient Egyptian Monuments".
Teaching "Minor Egyptian Arts and Coptic Arts Course" .
  Head of Second year Examinations Control.
  Head of Items Banks Committee in the Faculty.
Academic Experiences
  Director of program development for faculty members and leaders FLDP Fayoum University for two years starting from 27/01/2014.
Academic Activities
  Member of Subjects description and Intending Learning Outcomes Board in the Faculty
  Member of the executive team of the Assurance Quality Unite in the Faculty
   Member of the executive team of the Development of Students' Assessment System in the Faculty
Member of Researches and Projects Board in the Faculty.
  Member of Council of youths' Scientists in Cairo University- Fayoum Branch 2005.
  The Ideal Assistant lecturer of Department of Egyptology. Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Fayoum Branch 2006.
  "Intending Learning Outcomes Writing Program – Quality Assurance and Strategic planning Center (QASPC) – Fayoum University – 15/5-17/5/2010
  "External Review for Higher Education Institutions Program" – (Naqaae) – 9-18/5-2010.
  "Institutional Self-Evaluation for Higher Education Program" – 17-21/4/2010.
  "External Review for Pre-Higher Education Institutions" – (Naqaae) – 20-24/2/2010.
"Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Maps Program"- (Naqaae) 13-17/2/2010.
  "School Self-Evaluation and Improvement Plans" – (Naqaae) - 6-10/2/2010.
  Professional Program in "Credit Hours", Faculty Leadership Development Center (FLDC) - 17-19/11/2009.
 Professional Program in "Researches Competitive Projects", (FLDC) – 14-16/11 /2009.
  Professional Program in "Teaching with Using Modern Technology", (FLDC), 7-9/11/ 2009.
  Scientific Publishing Program- (FLDC) - 23-25/6/2009.
  Research Ethics Program-(FLDC) - 16-19/6/2009.
  Examination System and Student Evaluation (FLDC)- 13-15/6/2009.
  International Computer Driving license ICDL Certificate – European Computer Driving License Foundation – September 2006.
  Professional Program in Computer and Internet Skills- Faculty of Computers and Information – Cairo university- 2-8 to 3/9 -2009.
  Professional Program "number 95 "Lecturer Development" – Cairo University- 4-22/9/2004.
 German Course of Basic Stage (G9-B1 400 Hours)- Goethe Institute- Cairo 2006.
TOEFL Course with Score 527, Foreign language Center (FLC), Faculty of Arts, Cairo University- December 2003
 Pre- TOFEL Course with Score 550- (FLC) October 2003
Conferences and Workshops
Participating in the Workshop titled "Preparing the Items of Examinations" held in Faculty of Archaeology-d Fayoum University – Tuesday 25-5-2010
 Participating the workshop titled " Statistic Analysis of Items Bank, Development of Students΄ Assessment Systems Project (DSASP)-22-24-/5/2010.
 Participating in Workshop titled "Items Bank Project in Fayoum University" Preparing and Analysis the Intending learning Outcomes – (DSASP) –Saturday 6-3-/2010.
  Participating in Workshop titled "Items Bank project in Fayoum University "Items of Examinations"- (DSASP)- Saturday 8-5-2010.
Participating in the Fifth Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Al- Fayoum Branch on "The Nile and the other Water Sources along the History"- 2-4- April 2005.
 Participating in the Fourth Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Al- Fayoum Branch on "Capitals and Great Cities in Egypt along the History 7-9 Aril 2007.
 Participating in the Third Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Al- Fayoum Branch on "Egyptian Oases and deserts along the History"- 8-10-April 2003.
 Participating in the Second Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Al- Fayoum Branch on "Middle Egypt- al- Fayoum Beni- Suef, AL – Menia along the History and The Future of the Archaeological and Tourist Development" 30 April-2 May 2002.
 Participating the first Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology- Cairo University- Al- Fayoum Branch on "Al- Fayoum between the Past and the Present", 7-8 April 2001.
Academic Studies
Ibrahim Abd El Sattar and Osama Elsayed "The Christian Existence in the Ptolemaic Temples", Paper presented to the first International Conference of Coptic Studies will be held in the library of Alexandria 21-23-September 2010
 Ibrahim Abd El Sattar "The Role of the deceased King's Assistants in the Pyramid Texts", unpublished dissertation Under Supervision Prof. Dr. Nur el Din, Prof .Dr Jürgen Osing, Dr. Mohamed Hasson, Cairo University 2009
 Ibrahim Abd El Sattar "The Moment of the Second Rebirth of the King in the Books of the Underworld", Paper was recited in the Fourth conference of Al- Fayoum, 7-9 April 2004.
  Ibrahim Abd El Sattar, "Swt in Ancient Egyptian Civilization- Philological, Religious and Archaeological Study, unpublished Master under Supervision Prof. Dr. Nur el Din, Dr. Said Mohamed Abu el Ross.
Ibrahim Abd El Sattar," The Feather Symbolic in Ancient Egypt and its Relating with Oases' People", Paper was recited in the Third Conference of Al- Fayoum. 8-10 April 2003.
  Ibrahim Abd El Sattar," the Sunshades in Ancient Egypt", Paper was recited in the Second Conference of AL- Fayoum 30 April to 2 Mai 2002.
Arabic: mother language
English: talking (very good) writing (Excellent)
German: talking (good) writing (very good)