Faculty of Archaeology

Dr.Fatma Gaber Abouserie Rizk

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: fga11@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Greek Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Greek Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc : Arts- Ancient European Civilization - Faculty of Arts – Ain Shams University- 2001.
M.A : Arts - Ancient European Civilization - Faculty of Arts – Ain Shams University- 2010.
PhD : Arts - Ancient European Civilization - Faculty of Arts – Ain Shams University- 2014.
Academic Positions
Lecturer : From 2015 To 2021
Assistant Professor : From 2021 until now.
Research Interest
Ancient Greek Linguistics
Modern Greek Language.
Greek Literature
Greek Inscriptions.
Digital Archaeology.
Latin language
Greek and Latin Studies
Greek and Latin Archaeology
Ancient Greek Language.
Computational Linguistics.
Greek Papyri
The Greek Particles (?) An Applied Study on the Tragedies of Sophocles .
The Subjunctive Mood between the Ancient and Modern Greek Language through Philoctetes's Sophocles and its Translation by Yorgos Planas: An Applied Study.
Arabic (mother tongue)
English(very good)
Greek (very good)
Italian (good)
Reading knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek..
TOEFL- Center for Research and Training- Faculty of Arts – Ain Shams University- 2013.
Modern Greek Language- Ioaninna University – Greece- 2001
English Language- British Institute.2001.
Computer Skills
ICDl- Scientific Computing Center- Faculty of Computers and Information - Ain Shams University- 2009.
Oracle- Information System Institute- 2010.
Photoshop- Scientific Computing Center- Faculty of Computers and Information - Ain Shams University- 2014.
Teaching and administrative Experience
Ancient Greek Language
Latin Language
Philosophy and ancient Greek literature
University Administratione
Student Assessment
Research Ethics
Research team Management
How to compete for a research fund
Academic Advising and Student Support
Member of the Standard of leadership and Governance, Archaeology Faculty, Fayoum University. Egypt. From (2020) until now.
Member of Translation Committee, Greek & Roman Archaeology, Archaeology Faculty, Fayoum University. Egypt. (2018).
Member, the Egyptian Society of Language Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Since 2015
Member of cultural committee, Archaeology Faculty, Fayoum University. Egypt. (2014).
Member, The Egyptian Society for Greek and Roman Studies. Since September 2013.
Member, The Association of Egyptian Papyrologists. Egypt, Since 2013
Scholarly books
An introduction to Greek Translation: Texts and Exercises، (2020), the National Library and Archives of Egypt, (ISBN: 978-977-90-7444-3)
Subjunctive Mood between Ancient and Modern Greek Languages. (2020), Nour Publishing, Issn : 978-620-0-78102-4)
Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Fayoum University, (2016)
Lectures on Papyrology, Fayoum University, (2016).
Latin Language, Fayoum University, (2015).
Greek Language and Exercises, Fayoum University, (2015).
Attending the "Digital Tests", Ain Shams University, 29 Jule 2020.
Attending the "Digital Signature", Ain Shams University, 29 Jule 2020.
Attending the "A European Research Program to Modernize Education In the Digital Age: " Quelle école pour demain? , L'école comme lieu du changement et le leadership. Ain Shams University.(2020).
Attending the "First Teach the Teachers workshop" Leipzig University, 18-22/4/2016.
Arrangement of Conference
The Sixth International Conference " Ancient Traditions between Orality, Literacy and Depiction. ", Papyrus Studies and Inscriptions Center, Ain Shams University, (2015).
The Fifth International Conference " The Word and The Picture in Ancient Civilization", Papyrus Studies and Inscriptions Center, Ain Shams University, (2014).
Cavafy and the Homeric Heritage: A Study in the Functional Grammar, The Proceedings of the international Symposium " Individual and Society in Greek and Latin Lyric Poetry and its Echoes in Modern Times", Classical Papers, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, V.(12), (2015). DOI: 10.21608/acl.2020.89486 ISSN: 2682-4698
Request styles in "Suppliants" of Euripides through the Text Linguistics, The Proceedings of the international Conference "Greco – Roman Literary Criticism and its influence on World Literatures", Classical Papers, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, V.(14), (2017). DOI: 10.21608/acl.2017.89560 ISSN: 2682-4698
The linguistic employment of the parallel corpora between the Greek and Arabic language: An applied study on the play " Hecuba" of Euripides: Persides Project as a Sample. The Egyptian Journal of Language Engineering, Ain Shams University, V. (5), N.(2). (2018). DOI: 10.21608/ejle.2018.59373 ISSN: 2356-8216
Linguistic Ambiguity's Phenomena in the Ninth Book of Homer's Iliad: " A Computational Study", The Egyptian Journal of Language Engineering, Ain Shams University, V. (6), N.(2). (2019). DOI: 10.21608/acl.2019.89687 ISSN: 2682-4698
"??????????" between Ancient and Modern Greek Languages: Through the Comedy of Aristophanes and ???????. The Proceedings of the international Symposium "Greek and Roman Epic and its Impact on Other Literatures", Classical Papers, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, V.(16), (2019). DOI: 10.21608/acl.2019.89687 ISSN: 2682-4698
Computational Greek Lexicons: Neurolingo Lexicon as a Sample (Studying, Evaluation and Applying model), The Egyptian Journal of Language Engineering, Ain Shams University, V. (7), N.(1), (2020). DOI: 10.21608/ejle.2020.25998.1005 ISSN: 2356-8216