Faculty of Archaeology

Dr. Ramadan Mahmoud Soufy

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: rms05@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Islamic Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Islamic Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
L.A.: Islamic Archaeology - Fayoum University- 2012
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: from 2013 To 2019 .
Assistant Lecturer : from 2019 To 2023 .
Lecturer : from 2023 until now .
Stucco ornaments on the Islamic buildings in Al Andalus from the Taifa period until the end of the Almohads period (423-646A.H/1031-1248A.D) Artistic & Archaeological study
Islamic wooden artifacts and objects in Al-Andalus during the Nasrid period (635-897A.H/ 1237-1492A.D): An archaeological and artistic study
Research Interests
Architecture .
Arts .