Faculty of Archaeology

Dr. Rasha Taha Abbas Hamad

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: rta00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Restoration Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. A. : in Archaeology - Restoration department - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt – 2003 .
Preliminary M.A :   Preliminary year examination for the M.A degree from the restoration - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt - 2004
M. Sc : in Conservation & Restoration - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo Univ. With grade "Excellent" – 2009 .
Ph.D : in Conservation & Restoration - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo Univ. – 2014 .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator :   From 2003 To 2010 .
Assistant Lecturer:   From 2010 To 2014
Lecturer :   From 2014 To 2021.
Assistant Professor :   From 2021 until now .
Study of technology, treatment and conservation of archaeological glazed potter objects, excavation from excavations, with application on some chosen objects from Fayoum .
Study of factors affecting deterioration of archaeological glass objects used for medical purposes and methods of treatment and conservation (Applied on some selected objects) .
Research Interests
Study the modern Scientific techniques which used in archaeolgy restoration .
Current Occupation
Lecturer - Dept. of Conservation, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayom University.
Manger - Center of Research and Conservation of Antiquities – Faculty of Archaeology- Fayoum University.
Advisor - Student Project for Heritage Crafts- Fayoum University .
Demonstrator - Conservation and Restoration Department Faculty of Archaeology- Fayoum University .
Administrator student communication - Faculty of Archaeology- Fayoum University.
Academic Achievements
Rasha Hamad: Study The Deterioration Resulting from Burial Environment on Archaeological Glass of Fayoum Egypt Excavations, International Conference of Arts and science journal, (1-4 December 2015, Freiburg, Germany).
Rasha Hamad & et al: Deterioration Factors Influencing archaeological glass which used for medical purposes applied on A case study from Islamic Art museum - Cairo – Egypt. International congress of cultural heritage, ( 22-25 October 2013, Athens, Greece) .
Rasha Hamad & et al: Study of factors affecting deterioration of archaeological glass objects used for medical purposes and methods of treatment and conservation (Applied on some selected objects)- Faculty of archeology ,Cairo University. (Research for PhD degree, March2014).
Rasha Hamad & et al: Study of Technology, Treatment and Conservation of Archaeological Glazed potter objects, excavation from excavations, with application on some chosen objects from Fayoum. Faculty of archeology ,Cairo University (Research for Master degree, September 2009) .
Coordinator: Antiques Detection Forgery. Workshop instructed by: Prof. Adel Mohamed Faulty of archaeology South Valley University, In 12 March 2014 at the Center of Research and Conservation of Antiquities – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Instructor in the training course ''First Aid for Archaeological Objects” at Center of Research and Conservation of Antiquities – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University. 15-17 April 2014. In collaboration with Cultural Ministry.
Coordinator: Optoelectronics in Cultural Heritage. Videoconference Lecture strutted by Dr. Roxana Radvan (Chairman of National Institute for Research and Development in Optoelectronics INOE2000, Romania In 4 May 2015 at the Center of Research and Conservation of Antiquities – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Fayoum University Science day Award 2010 & 2014.
Assisted in the Restoration of the Archaeological dig done by the Poland Team in Naqloon Excavation Aria in Fayom, September 2008.
Restoration some objects of the archaeological glass which used for medical proposes in Islamic Art Museum in Cairo Egypt 2013.
Archaeological subjects in English language .
Technology, Conservation & Restoration of Archaeological Glass ,Pottery and Ceramic.
Examination and Analysis of Archaeological Materials.
Training Courses
I passed different training courses form Faculty and Leadership center Fayoum university:
Use of Technology in Teaching .
Quality Standards in Teaching.
Literature and Ethics of Profession.
Time and voltage Management .
How to compete for a research fund .
Credit Hours training course.
Academic curriculum description.
Making Decision and Solving problems.
Assessment methods and Exams.
Time and meeting management.
Effective communication skills.
Organizing scientific conferences.
Questions Banks & specifications of good Exam
Computer Skills
Advanced user of Microsoft Windows - Word- Excel- PowerPoint and Internet functions .( curses from Al-Ehsa Center Cairo University in Microsoft Office ) .
TOEFL from center of translation languages and professional translation in Cairo university (total score 500) .