Faculty of Archaeology

Dr.Seham Ramadan Mahmoud

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: srm03@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Restoration Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : in conservation & Restoration of monuments. Fayoum University, Faculty of Archeology. Overall Grade: Excellent 90% 2010-2013.
M.Sc. : Impact of weathering on the chemical and mineralogical composition of ancient Egyptian copper-based pigments with application on treatment and conservation of some painted archaeological Stelae” Applied object: in Egyptian museum - Turin, Italy and Egyptian Museum El Tahreer – Egypt- with grade (Excellent Conservation Department Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt - 2015-2019.
Ph.D.: Thesis: Use of the fungal extracts in the conservation of mural Paintings and Inscriptions with Application on a Selected Object (2019/2022).
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2014 To 2019
Assistant Lecturer : From 2019 To 2022
Lecturer : From 2022 Until Now
Deputy Director to Center of Research and Conservation of Antiquities 2022.
Impact Of Weathering On The Chemical And Mineralogical Composition Of Ancient Egyptian Copper-Based Pigments With Application On Treatment And Conservation Of Some Painted Archaeological Stelae .
Use of the Fungal Extracts in the Conservation of Mural Paintings and Inscriptions with Application on a Selected Object
Workshops & courses & symposiums
English course in American university.
Attended a workshop on advances in scientific imaging and spectroscopy artworks - Egyptian Museum in Tahreer 2015.
Attended a workshop at Japan University - Egypt about "Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)" 22\7\2018.
Attended a workshop in Gran of Egyptian Museum GYM about "Writing of Scientific Research" 2014.
Attended a workshop in Egyptian Museum El-Tahreer – Egypt about "Multispectral Imaging of Egyptian Artifacts" 2015.
Attended a workshop in Civilization Museum – Egypt- about “using the X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy in analysis the monuments (XRF) 2018.
3D Digitization for Heritage, Archaeology, and Education: Global Digital Heritage and the Sharjah Archaeology Authority 2020.
Attended a workshop in The Italian Archaeology Center in Cairo, Egypt about “Volatile Binding Media for Temporary Consolidation of Archaeological Materials” 26-9-2023.
Educational Activities (Practical courses)
Restoration and Conservation of mural paintings: 2014 – 2023
Examination, Analysis and dating of Antiquities: 2015 – 2022
Minerals and Rocks Stones: 2013 – 2016
Insect-Pest& Microorganisms: 2014 – 2022
Restoration of archaeological metals: 2016 -2021
Physicals in conservation of archaeology: 2022 – 2023
Insect-Pest \ Microorganisms: 2014-2022
Educational Activities (Theoretical courses)
Restoration and Conservation of mural paintings: 2014 – 2023
Stucco Works: 2023
Physicals in conservation of archaeology: 2023
Restoration and conservation of Mosaic: 2023
Research Projects
Investigator: the Italian-Egyptian Bilateral Project “Archaeological Egyptian Heritage and Materials: advances in noninvasive portable spectroscopy and imaging analysis” (2013-2015) within the executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between the Italian republic and the Arab republic of Egypt. The project is in partnership between the Faculty of Archaeology (Fayoum University, Egypt) and Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Devices selected for the project include luminescence time-resolved and spectrally-resolved imaging cameras, XRF and Raman spectrometers and visible multispectral camera, which provide an insight into material composition and conservation conditions of cultural heritage objects in a non-invasive way. Budget: $45000
S Ramadan, G Mahgoub, M S Abdel-Aziz, A Nevin, A Elnaggar. Study of the Antifungal Effects of Copper-based Pigments and Synthesized Nanomaterial on Mural Painting- Page 7 of 18 deteriorated Fungi in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir. Journal of Architecture, Arts and Humanistic Sciences, 18, 2019. https://mjaf.journals.ekb.eg/article_44809_3b064e892079993d1bcf0d9db74994f6.pdf. (Type of paper: Original). Published.
Ramadan, Seham, Gamal Mahgoub, Abeer ElHagrassy, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, and Eid Mertah. "Investigation and Characterization of Two Painted Limestone Stelae, Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt." Egyptian Journal of Chemistry 65, no. 8 (2022): 3-6.
Posters presented in international conferences
Eman H.Zidan, Sara Mosca, Sara Bellei, Austin Nevin, Gianluca Valentini, Rinaldo Cubeddu, Siham Ramadan, Souty Adel, Maher Eissa, Tommaso Frizzi, Michele Gironda, Ibrahim El Rifai, Hend Mahgoub, Sabah Sadik, Mohamed Gamal Rashed, Abdelazek Elnaggar, Daniela Comelli.Multi-Analytical Study of The construction and painting of a Late Period Sarcophagus in The Egyptian Museum of Cairo. Poster presented at Technart conference, 27-30 April 2015, Catania, Italy.
Conferences and general talks
The 3rd International Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology – Fayoum University – Egypt In Cooperation with the University of Marburge- Germany Technology and Digitization in Preserving, Documenting and Conserving Antiquities. 23 to 25 May 2022.