Faculty of Archaeology

Prof.Dr. Shaaban Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel-Aal

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: smm00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Restoration Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox: 63514
Post Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox : 63511
Academic Qualifications
B.A.: Archaeology, Cairo University.Fayoum Branch, faculty of Archaeology - 1998
M.A.: Restoration of Archaeology, Cairo University. Faculty of Archaeology, Restoration Department. - 2005
Ph.D.: Restoration of Archaeology, Cairo University. Faculty of Archaeology, Restoration Department –Warsaw university. Poland (Scientific –Channel. Egypt-Poland) - 2010
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1999 To 2004 .
Assistant Lecturer : From 2005 To 2010.
Lecturer : From 2010 to 2015.
Assistant Professor : From 2015 To 2020
Professor : From 2020 Until Now.
Main area interesting and Research Activities
Wall Painting materials (pigments and paint Media).
Environmental influences on chemical and physical changes of heritage materials.
New in situ non-invasive analytical equipments, this can be applied to study cultural heritage materials and artifacts.
Stone, decorative stone and mural paintings conservation field.
Biotechnology Application in conservation and treatment of cultural heritage materials.
Nanotechnology Application in conservation and treatment of cultural heritage materials.
Museum Environment and cultural heritage materials
Educational Activities
Wall Painting materials (pigments and paint Media).
Environmental influences on chemical and physical changes of heritage materials.
New in situ non-invasive analytical equipments, this can be applied to study cultural heritage materials and artifacts.
Stone, decorative stone and mural paintings conservation field.
Academic Society Memberships
Member of icom-cc.2010-2011
Member of Arab Archaeologists Association1998-2011
Member of Egyptian Archaeologists Association2011-2011
Member of Arab Historians Association
Member at the Polish Mission for Excavations in Saqqara, Egypt (Restoration and Conservation Member) *2009-2010.
Member in Centro Italo-Egiziano peril Retauro EL, Archeologia, Cairo, Egypt*2009-2010- 2011
Memebr of International Egyptian Association for Conservation and Environmental Studies (IEACES)
Memebr of Club France Egypt.
Achievements and Work Experiences
1998-1999: Restorator, Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt.
1999-2004: Administrator, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
2003-2004: Lecturer at The High Institute of Restoration and Tourism (Abu Kier – Alexandria, Egypt).
2005-2010: Assistant Lecturer, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.
1999 – 2007: I had been Teaching Courses in Treatment and Conservation of Stone, Decorative Stone and Mural Paintings, in Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
2000 – 2005: I treated and restored many of Egyptian Monuments in Coptic Museum, Cairo, Egypt.
2005-2007: Researcher in the Department of Natural and Microorganism Products in (International Research Center, Egypt.
2007 – 2010: in Poland, Scientific channel between Fayoum University and Institute of nuclear physics Warsaw, Poland, analysis and investigation some of ancient Egyptian mural paintings by the using of scientific analytical methods like:PIXE, Micro PIXE, X-Ray Diffraction, SEM, Optical Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR, Etc.
2009 – 2010: I had been Teaching Courses in Treatment and Conservation of Stone, Decorative Stone and Mural Paintings, in Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
2010: Dr.Lecturer of Conservation of Archaeology in the Faculty of Archaeology.Fayoum University, Egypt.
2010-2011: Post-doctoral scientific research for one year, from IKY foundation scholarship, University of Ioaninna, Faculty of Chemistry, Greece.
2011-2012: Post Doctoral scientific research study for 6 months, from Partnership & Ownership Initiative Par Own 1210, Paris, Laboratoire de Reserche des Monuments Historiques, Ministry of Cultural, France.
2012-2013: Post Doctoral scientific research study, for 6 months, from French Center for Culture and Cooperation in Egypt. Cultural, France (CFCC) www.institutfrancais-egypte.com . Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine(CICRP-Marseille-France).
2014-2016: Egyptian Cultural Attache in Egypt Bureau for Cultural and Educational Relations, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Muscat, Oman.
2015-till now: Ass.Prof.Dr. Faculty of Archaeology, Restoration and Conservation Department.
2021 till now : Head of the Department of Archeology Restoration, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University.
Other skills
• Having (ICDL) International Computer Driving Licenses, From UNESCO, UN EG 0057, UN 06046890
•Passing a course of Computer in Statistic in Faculty of Info and Computer Cairo University, Egypt.
•Excellent Skills in Using Microsoft Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Good Skills in Using AutoCAD.
•Excellent Skills in Using ACD See and Photoshop.
•Excellent Communication Skills, capable to learn quickly.
Faculty and Leadership Development
Passing (FLDP) Faculty and Leadership Development Projects Held in Fayoum University (2006-2010)of National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development (FLDP):
1-Teaching such as :( Use of Technology in Teaching, International
Publishing of Research, E-Learning, New Methods of Teaching,
Teaching Skills, Communication Skills).
2- Scientific Research such as: (International Publishing of Research, How to compete for a research fund).
3- Group communication and interaction such as: (Code of Ethics).
Teacher preparation
1- Passing Teacher preparation College in faculty of Education, Fayoum University2010).
Conferences and workshops
2005: had attended The Short Advanced Intensive Training Courses on Conservation of Cultural Heritage held in Cairo on May- 2005 on Behalf in National Research Council of Italy Department of International Activities Division
2007: Participated in the work shop with Maria Curie University, Lublin, Poland.” Raman Spectroscopy in art materials analysis
2008: Invited talk” In Ion Beam Conference held in Lublin, Poland. “Ion Beam analysis of ancient egyptian wall paintings’
2008: Participated in Med Color Tech (Workshop Technology and Conservation of Ancient Artwork, November, held in Morocco
2008-2009: Honor and Participated in the Festivals of science in Warsaw, Poland which was organized by The Sultan Institute for Nuclear Studies on years 2008 and 2009 in the framework XII Warsaw science Festival
2009: Participated in Technart 2009 conference held in Athens, Greece.”Non Destructive and Identification of ancient Egyptian mural paintings
2010: participated in “Recent progress in the consolidation of calcareous materials, Stone Conservation for Refurbishment of Buildings “held in Czech Republic
2010: Oral Presentation in Konftech2010 Poland which held in November 2010 with paper under title (Application of Multi Analytical Techniques for Identification of the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III Wall Paintings Compositions. part one
2010: had attended The Short Advanced Intensive Training Courses on Conservation of Cultural Heritage held in Cairo on 27-28March2010 on New Technologies that used in archaeological conservation field held in Centro Italo-Egiziano peril Retauro ELArcheologia,Cairo, Egypt
2010: participated in the workshop (Conservation and Italian technologies for the cultural heritage) institute italiano di cultural, Cairo, September2010
2010: had attended The Short Advanced Intensive Training Courses on Conservation of Cultural Heritage held in Cairo on 15-18April2010 on New technologies that used in archaeological conservation field, held in Centro Italo-Egiziano peril Retauro ELArcheologia,Cairo, Egypt
2010: head Regiment of Fayoum University in Institute of preparing leaders in Helwan 2010
2010: invited to give a talk in SCA in Cairo for talking under title (the use of enzymes in cleaning of archaeological materials)
2011: Invited Lecture, Ioannina University, Faculty of Archaeology April- about Ancient Egyptian Art and Conservation
2011: Participated in Intensive Schools on Conservation Science, Summer School 2011, 5th General Edition Marmara University, Istanbul (Turkey) July 19 to 29-2011
2013: Participated with a scientific poster Les Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen (RIPAM5) des RIPAM se déroulera à Marseille du 16 au 18 octobre 2013.Elle est organisée par le Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (C.I.C.R.P.) avec le concours des Archives municipales de Marseille.
2013: Attendance on the digital heritage international congress 2013(28 Oct-01 Nov,Marseille, France.)
List of Publications
A. Shaaban, M.F. Ali, A. Turos, A. Korman, A. Stonert PIXE Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Pigments (Case Study) Journal of Nano Research Vol. 8 (2009) pp 71-77 10-02-2009
A.Shaaban, M.Ali.,G.Mahgoub,S.Abdeelazeim,,A.Turos,A.Stonnert The Use of Analytical Methods in Evaluation of Coptic Wall Paintings Conservation — A Case Study Vol. 120 (2011) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 1 02-12-2011
S. Abd El Aal Identification of Painting Layers of Sennefer Tomb by Ion Beam Analysis Vol. 120 (2011) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 1 02-12-2011
Ali, N. & Abd El Aal, Sh. AN ANALYTICAL STUDY: IDENTIFICATION AND BIODEGRADATION CHARACTERISTICS OF ANCIENT EGYPTIANWOODEN PAINTED GRAIN STORE, EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, CAIRO, EGYPT - PART-I Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS" Volume 1, Issue 2, December - 2011: pp: 53 - 59 08-12-2011
shaaban abd el aal, ahmed shouib Identification of Organic Medium in some of Ancient Egyptian Wall Paintings from Coptic Museum, Cairo”, the third Fayoum Conference "Middle Egypt through the Ages" Fayoum Procceding 01-05-2002
Abd El Aal.Sh Evaluation of biotechnology in the conservation of wall paintings in the mortuary temple of Ramses III," Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS 14-10-2012
Shaaban Abd El Aal , A. Korman , A. Stonert , F. Munnik , A. Turos Ion beam analysis of ancient Egyptian wall paintings Vacuum 83 (2009) S4–S8 12-01-2009
Shaaban Abd el aal Application of Multi Analytical Techniques for Identification of the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III Wall Paintings Compositions. Part one. In, "Interdisciplinary research of works of art, 2011. Konftech2010 Poland Interdisciplinary research on the works of art Toru? 2012 01-12-2012
Supervision of Masters and PhD
Eman Ali: Study of Degradation, Treatment and Conservation of the wall relieves in Qasr Qarun Temple in Fayoum, PhD. Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Eman Kamel: Study of Techniques, Treatment and Conservation of Decorated wooden Sticks. Applied on two Objects of the King Tut-ankh-Amun, Master, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Amira Hakim: A Comparative Study on Modern Technology of Surfecial Cleaning of Archaeological Sedimentary Rocks ( Lime Stone and Sand Stone ) from Organic and Inorganic Deterioration Products by Using Modern Biological Technology ( Enzymes ) and Thermal Cleaning ( laser ) with Application on Some Selected Objects . , Master, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.
Moustafa Abdelfattah: Study of Technology, Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings of The burial chamber of Shepses Po Ptah at Gesr Almudeer Area in Saqqara, Master, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Sohiel Mohamed: Study of the treatment and maintenance of murals using nanomaterials tonic And above water repellent application on a selected models, Master, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Dina Elshribini: Study of effects of the heterogeneity on the deterioration of consecration decorated wooden panels from Greco-Roman period with treatment and conservation on selected object, Master, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
Mai saad: Applications of Laser Technology in Analysis and Treatment of Ancient Egyptian Mural Paintings , Master, The National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences NILES, Cairo University.
Nadia fawzi: Cleaning of Mural Paintings in Abydos Area by Enzymes, Experimental and Applying Study, Restoration department, Sohage University.
A List of Awards
1998: Cairo University, Fayoum Branch award for Top Alumni students from Faculty of Archaeology, Restoration Department.
2008- 2009: Poland-Warsaw scientific day award for Scientific Publishing2008- 2009
2009: Egyptian Embassy award honor in Warsaw- Poland 2009- 2010
2010: Fayoum University Award for Scientific Publishing (2010). Fayoum University celebrated on December 27th, 2010 its 3rd Science Day under the slogan "Harvest Day, Excellence Day, and Loyalty Day
2011: Romania grant for the best PhD 2010 that offered by Dolj County Council and the Romanian Association Science and Cultural Heritage in Connection (iCON).
2011: Fayoum University Award For the 4th commencement Ceremony 27 December 2011, for Scientific Publishing 2011
2015: Excellence in the upgrade to the rank of Assistant Professor
A List of Postdoctoral Research Studies:
2010: Post-doctoral scientific research for one year, from IKY foundation scholarship, University of Ioaninna, Faculty of Chemistry, Greece.
2011: Post Doctoral research study for 6 months, from Partnership & Ownership Initiative Par Own 1210, Paris, Laboratoire de Reserche des Monuments Historiques,(LRMH),Paris, Ministry of Cultural, France.
2013: Post Doctoral scientific research study, for 6 months, from French Center for Culture and Cooperation in Egypt. Cultural, France (CFCC) www.institutfrancais-egypte.com . Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine(CICRP-Marseille-France).