Faculty of Archaeology

Dr. Shrief Eissa

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: sas03@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Restoration Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A. : Archaeology – Faculty of Archaeology – Cairo University – 2002 .
M.Sc.: conservaiton and restoration of Monuments – Cairo University – 2009 .
Ph.D.: Dept. of conservation and Restoration, Faculty of archaeology - Cairo University - 2016
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2003 TO 2009
Assistant Lecturer: From 2010 To 2016
Lecturer: From 2016 Until Now
Research Interests
Using Nanomaterial for conservation of culture heritage.
Superhydrophobic protective surfaces (self-cleaning).
Aboriginal painting arts.
Physico-chemical characterization and analytical methods of Archaeological materials.
Investigation of degradation processes of works of art.
Museum studies/Museology.
“ Study in conservation of painted and gilded stucco in historical building upon period of Mohammed Ali family with The Application on one of the Selected objects”
“ Study and evaluation of using nanoparticles of inorganic consolidants in conservation of archaeological stuccoes with application on selected objects ”
Publications List
Nagwa Abd-elrahiem, Shrief Eissa, Nora Ibrahim(2022).Evaluation of using Nanocomposite polymers in treatment of ancient Egyptian faience, international journal of advanced studies in world archaeology, volume 5, issue 1, 220 – 238.
Eissa, Shrief, Lampakis, Dimitrios , Karapanagiotis, Ioannis ,Panayiotou, Costas & Afifi, Hala & Abd-El Hady, Mohamed. (2015). Investigation of painted stucco in historic buildings of Delta, Egypt. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9.
Non-destructive analysis and conservation of Greek papyrus in Egyptian museum Cairo, Egypt, poster, international conference Florence heri-tech - the future of heritage science and technologies,16-18 May,2018.
Participation at the 4th international congress on science and technology for safeguarded of culture heritage in the Mediterranean bas in 6-8 Dec.2009.
The University offered me courses to deliver effective teaching and progressive research to students by FLDC (Faculty and Leadership development Centre in Fayoum University Egypt) such as:
1-4/10/ 2006 Effective teaching.
9-11/06/2007 Modern trends in teaching
14-16/11/2009 Competitive research projects.
23-25/01/2010 Exams and student`s Evaluation system.
6-8/02/ 2010 Scientific publishing
13-15/ 02/2010 Effective communication skills
19-20/06/2013 Use of technology in teaching
10-12/ 09/2013 Organizing scientific conferences
15-17/3/ 2016 Course description
22-24/03/2016 Managing time and meeting
11-13/10/2016 The credit Hour system
1-3/11/ 2016 Negotiation and persuasion skills
April 2005 Intensive training on" Conservation of cultural heritage" on behalf of " ASRT, Cairo University, Italian Embassy and CNR-DAI III
March 2008 Training course on FTIR, HPLC and Scanning Electron Microscope in Micro Analytical Centre – Faculty of Science – Cairo University.
13/03/2016–14/03/2016 -Training course " Digitization and vertical museums " ICOM & Faculty of Archaeology Fayoum University, Fayoum (Egypt).
13/03/2016–14/03/2016 -Training course" Application of AutoCAD in Archaeological Documentation " RIWAQ For Documentation and Restoration, Egypt.
1/10/2011–1/03/2012 PAROWN scholarship for 6 months to training on using nanoparticles in conservation of cultural heritage. Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
9/03/2014–9/03/2016 Egyptian government Scholarship for 2 years in laboratories of Chemical engineering Dept. in Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, Greece. Under supervision of Prof. Costas Panayiotou.
12/2016–now Lecturer
Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.
My responsibilities included:
- Teaching the practical part of the conservation of different archaeological subjects, preparing the required materials for every tutorial in addition to assessing the student`s reports.
- Participating in Teaching Many Topics like Using chemistry in Archaeology, Documentation methods of cultural heritage, Museum basics, Archaeological geology, Rehabilitation of historical buildings, Techniques and conservation methods of historical stucco, Analysis and investigation methods of archaeological objects Using nanotechnology in the conservation of cultural heritage.
- Keeping up to date with the latest conservation techniques and practices, through research and training.
- participating in the funded conservation projects in the institute.
- Preparing and deliver lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- Preparing, administering and grading assignments and reports.
- supervising theses of postgraduate students.
- Conducting research in field of conservation of archaeological materials and publishing in scholarly journals and international conferences.
- Organize training courses and theoretical lectures for the new methodologies in conservation for the workers in museums, libraries and restoration companies through the conservation centre in our institute.
- Participating in the funded excavation and conservation projects.
- Attending departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars.
- Advising students on academic and related matters.
- Participating in setting courses, curriculums revision and academic planning.

online responsibilities
- supervising theses of postgraduate students.
- Attending departmental conferences and seminars.
- participating in the funded conservation projects in the institute
- Conducting research in field of conservation of archaeological materials and publishing in scholarly journals and international conferences
- Organize training courses and theoretical lectures for the new methodologies in conservation for the workers in museums, libraries and restoration companies
08/2015–12/2018 Consultant for restoration works of the project of restoration of Alemam Eshafey Mosque in Cairo.
With Magwra Al-athar Lina organization and American Centre for research in Cairo.
- Participate and supervision on conservation processes, characterization and analysis of the historical materials and experimental research in the project
08/2017–12/2018 Consultant of restoration works of the project : conservation of many historical buildings in Esna, Luxor, Egypt.
With Takween Organization.
- Participate and supervision on, characterization and analysis of the historical materials and experimental research in the project.
2017 till present Assistant editor in SHEDET journal, Annual peer-reviewed journal issued by the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University ISSN: (online) 2536-9954; (print) 2356-8704
13/11/2016–22/12/2016 Instructor in ARCE Conservation school (Groundwater and salt Damage to historic sites in urban contexts). Ministry of antiquities, Megawra and American research centre in Egypt.
23-24/01/2017 Instructor in training course (applications of recently technologies in conservation of culture heritage). Ministry of antiquities, Beit Alsinary, Egypt.
8/02/ 2017 Instructor in Training course in " Using of Nanotechnology in Conservation of culture heritage " in Arab contractors’ company, (Egypt).
25/12/2017 Co-Investigator in the project "Using of Nanomaterials in De-acidification of Archaeological Papyri" between Fayoum University and the National Research Centre in Egypt (2017). The project is funded by Fayoum University.
2013 Conservation of gilding stucco Roof of Nostor Janklis palace 1875 AD Documentation, cleaning, molding, gilding, and consolidation.
2014 Conservation of Pottery group in Islamic Museum Cairo, Egypt. Documentation, Cleaning, completing, consolidation and display.
2016 Conservation of painted mihrab in Ata Allah Mosque 1697 AD m Egypt. Documentation, cleaning, completing, consolidation
2016 Conservation of interface stucco ornaments in Almaghraby mosque 1173AD, Egypt (Documentation, cleaning, completing, consolidation)
2016 Conservation of 3 Greek papyrus objects in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo
2017 Participating in conservation of Alshafay Mosque 1211AD project. Documentation, solving ground water problem, conservation of outdoor Ornamental plaster; cleaning, consolidation, completing.
2017 Conservation of groups 111 faience Shawabti statues (2686–2181 BC) in Egyptian museum, Cairo Documentation, classification, consolidation, cleaning and display)
Mother tongue(s): Arabic
Other language(s): Very good writing and speaking English
Basic in French, Italian and Greek languages
Excellent Skills in Using Microsoft Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Excellent Skills in Using Adobe Photoshop.
Excellent skills in using Origin (data analysis and graphing software)
Good Skills in Using AutoCAD (2D).
Excellent skill in digital photography
AG11 - WHS & EEO Induction online course
M03 - Manufacturing Worker Safety v3 online course
M20 - Hazardous Manual Tasks v2 online course.
OSH Occupational Safety and Health online course.
21/4/2006 Winner of the Surname of "The Idealist demonstrator" in my faculty from Cairo University.
1/12/2017 Fayoum University Award for international Scientific Publishing (2017).
Nora Ibrahim 2018 " An experimental study for optimizing the characterization of the consolidation materials used in archaeological excavation faience applied on a selected objects" Master thesis, Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.