Faculty of Archaeology

Ms. Arzak Abdeltawab Abdalbaseir Mohamed

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: aaa03@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Archaeology - Restoration Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Archaeology - Restoration Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A. Archaeology – Faculty of Archaeology – Fayoum University – 2006
M. Sc.: Archaeology – Faculty of Archaeology-2013
Ph.D.: Candidature at Macquarie University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sydney. NSW - 2021
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : 2006 To 2013
Assistant Lecturer : 2013 until now
2009 Attending an intensive training on" Conservation of paper and papyrus” on the National Library and Archives of Egypt.
2010 Attending Workshop of Levantine Foundation in Egypt about “Arabic manuscripts from an art-historical and museum perspective”.
2010 Attending Workshop of Levantine Foundation in Egypt about “museology and conservation training programme”.
2010 Attending Workshop of “Istituto internazionale del Papiro – Museo del Papiro – Siracusa” in Cairo about “Story and Manufacture of papyri”
2015 Volunteer for Teaching Arabic language for one year for Greek students in Islamic Centre of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2016 Training course " Digitization and virtual museums " ICOM & Faculty of Archaeology Fayoum University, Fayoum (Egypt).
2017 Completed Grammar and Punctuation, an online non-credit course authorized by University of California, offered through Coursera.
2017 Successfully completed with honours Writing in the Sciences, an online non-credit course authorized by Stanford University and offered through Coursera
2017 Was elected as a member of board of directors at Fayoum University Teaching Staff Members club.
2018 Training course FTIR spectroscopy of painting materials in cultural heritage objects, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology.
2018 Attending the international conference Florence Heri-tech - the future of heritage science and technologies, Italy,2018
2018 Completed Chemical Management, Personal Protective Equipment and Safe Radiation Practices – Ionising courses at Melbourne University.
2018 Attending paper and ceramics conservation workshops in Grimwade Centre For Cultural Materials Conservation, Melbourne University.
2018 Completed training course on using XRF and FTIR-ATR at the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation.
2019 Completion of chemical management nanomaterial safety, chemical management, health and safety, laser safety, manual handling, PC1 laboratory safety, PC2 laboratory safety, Introduction to laboratory safety training at RMIT University, Australia
2019-2020 Completion training on using Raman, SEM, FTIR Microscopy, XRD, XRF in materials analysis and characterization at RMIT University.
2020 Participation in the webinar” Museum Exhibition: Design, Glazing and Mounting” Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology.
2021 Attending Denver conference and winning the prize as the most active member in the conference.
2022 Presenting a poster on HDR conference at School of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University “How are papyrus sheets made? Insights from ancient and modern examples”.
7/2018 – 7/2019 Egyptian Government Scholarship for one year in The Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, Faculty of Art, Melbourne University, under the supervision of Prof. Robyn Sloggett via study abroad research course.
8/2019 - 7/2020 Egyptian Government Scholarship for one year in the Department of Science, RMIT University working with Prof. Vipul Bansal.
2/2021 – 2/2024 PhD scholarship from Macquarie University, NSW for three years in the School of Science and Engineering under the supervision of prof. Damian Gore and prof. Malcolm Choat.
18/10/2006- 12/11/2013 Teaching Assistant Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.
My responsibilities included:
* Teaching the practical part of the conservation of different archaeological objects for undergraduate students.
* Preparing the required materials for every tutorial.
* Help students in their research and marking their assignments.
* Participating in conservation of some objects in museums.
* Application the recent technology in conservation with the students in the archaeological sites and museum laboratories.
* Publish scientific paper.
13/11/2013 – Present Assistant Lecturer. Restoration Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.
My responsibilities included:
* Teaching the practical part of the conservation of different archaeological objects (conservation of manuscripts, conservation of organic materials) for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
* Preparing the required materials for conservation processes like chemical materials and instruments in addition to assessing the students’ reports.
* Keeping up to date with the latest conservation techniques and practices, through research and training.
* Participating in the funded conservation projects in the institute.
* Conducting and publish research in national and international journals.
2018-2019 A visiting research student at Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, Melbourne University, Australia.
* Write research proposal.
* Analysis ancient papyrus samples using non-destructive methods.
* Data analysis and writing a paper.
* Publishing the final manuscript.
2019-2020 A visiting research fellow at the School of Science, Applied Chemistry and Environmental Department, RMIT University, Australia.
* Working in the lab to evaluate some innovative materials for papyrus treatment.
* Analysis and investigation of experimental samples.
* Attending the lab meeting every week.
* Presenting my work during the lab meeting.
Investigation and conservation of ancient papyrus fixed on cardboard (housed in the Egyptian museum in Cairo), The First International Conference Egypt and Mediterranean Countries Through Ages 15-18 October 2014.
Non-destructive analysis and conservation of Greek papyrus in Egyptian museum Cairo, Egypt, presented poster, international conference Florence Heri-Tech - the future of heritage science and technologies, 16-18 May, 2018.
Conservation and Characterization of Arabic Papyrus in Egyptian National Library and Archives, Egypt, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 949 012003, 2020.
Consolidation of Archaeological Papyrus: Evaluation of Selected Materials, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, V. 65(10), October 2022.
Mother tongue : Arabic
Other language(s)
* Fluent in English (Spoken & Written).
* Elementary proficiency in French (Spoken & Written).
* Elementary proficiency in Italian (Spoken & Written) 100 Hours in“Istituto Italiano di Cultura”.
* Elementary proficiency in Greek (Spoken & Written).
Excellent Skills in Using Microsoft Programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Excellent skills in using Origin and SPSS (Data analysis and graphing software).
Excellent Communication Skills, capable to learn quickly.
Good ability to work in group.