Faculty Of Education


Faculty’s departments:

First: The educational departments:
-department of foundations of education
-department of comparative education
-department of polices of education and management teaching
-department of ways of teaching andcurriculum
-department of the educational means and educational technology
-department of educational psychology
-department of psychological health
-department of the child education -higher studies

Second: faculty branches:

Arabic- English - French - history - Geography - Sociology - Philosophy - psychology - mathematic - physics - chemical - basic geology / sub -biological - basic geology / sub-biological - Arabic language basic education (1) - English language basic education - social education basic (1) - Mathematics basic education (1)- Science basic education (1)

Acceptable conditions in the department of the faculty:

1-To enroll student in studying the first degree of bachelor of arts and education and bachelor of science and education, should get the following:
    He should get the degree of secondary school or what equal.
    He should get the acceptableconditions, which the upper council determined
    He should be free for the study
    He should pass the tests of the acceptable of the faculty and that determined by the collage council

2- The College accepts foreign language departments,English and French teachers working in public education schools with university qualifications without English and French language specialization in order to obtain a bachelor's degree in English, education or French language and education under the following conditions:

Agreement of employer

The report of his effective be no less than good at the last two years

It shall not be available to the disciplinary courts or has punished for on more five days

- The scientific degrees that the faculty give:

The council of Fayoum Universitygift, according to the request of the council of the faculty of education the following degrees:

1- bachelor of arts and education to prepare the teacher for secondary and preparatory education in one of the following specializes:
    English language
    French language

Philosophy and Sociology: basic philosophy and sub - Sociology, basic Sociology and sub - philosophy.


2- bachelor of science and education to prepare the teacher for secondary and preparatory education in one of the following specializes:
Biological sciences and geology: basic biology and sub-geology, basic geology and sub-biology.
3- bachelor of science and education to prepare the teacher for secondary and preparatory education in the English language in one of the following specializes:
Biological sciences and geology: basic biology and sub-geology, basic geology and sub-biology.
4- bachelor of arts and education to prepare the teacher of the first episode forprimary education in one of the following specializes:
    Arabic language
    English language
    Social studies
5-bachelor of science andeducation to prepare the teacher of the first episode forprimaryeducation in one of the following specializes:

6-bachelor of science and education to prepare the teacher of the first episode forprimary education in the English language in one of the following specializes:

    Mathematics and computer

Studying system

1- Studying in the faculty of education is practical and theoretical, the period of studying to get the Bachelor of Arts and education and the Bachelor of Science and education is four years. Studying go according to the system of semester and the academic year divided into two semester each one is 17week,15week is for studying and two weeks for exams .

2-Studying separate into two stages:
Frist stage: that include the first and the second group

Second stage: that include the third and fourth group and student cannot move from the first to the second stage unless he success at all courses. Student move from the first to the second group and from the third to the fourth group if he success at all courses or failed at no more two courses, but should do the test that he failed in at the group that he move to.

3- The language of studying at all departments is Arabic except departments of English.

4-Student should attend at least75% for every course, he forbid from doing exams if he attend less than that according to the decision of the faculty council. Students’ enrollment is stopped if he absent.

System of Exams

The maximum degree for every course 50degree per theoretical hour + 25 degree per practical hour .It distribute according to the following:

Theoretical courses, allocates 20% of the degree of the course for the continuous evaluation during the semester (the work of the year including examinations), organized by councils of scientific departments, and 80% of the degree of the course for the final exam.

• Courses whose hours are divided between theoretical and practical, allocating 30% of the degree of the course for the work of the year, and the practical exam, 70% for the final written examination.

2- A student absent from the written examination shall be absent from the whole course, and he shall take all his examinations if he is entitled to take the exam.

3 – The period of the written examination at the end of the semester for any course, in all divisions according to the following:

a-Two hours for the course, which does not exceed three hours.

(B) Three hours for the material for which the number of teaching hours exceeds three hours.

4- An exam will be held during the month of September for the students of the second and fourth teams who fail in two courses at the most.

5- A student is not considered successful in his group until he successfully completes the field training.

6 - The student is not successful in any course unless he obtained at least 60% of the great end to the degree of this course.

The success of the student in the curriculum, and the general assessment of each of the four teams and the totalestimated as follows:
    From90% to 100% excellent
    From 80%to less than90% very good
    From 70% to less than 80% good
    From60%to less than 70% acceptable
    From30% to less than 60% weak
    Less than 30% very weak

7-The student is awarded an honorary degree if his overall assessment is excellent or very good, and his general assessment in any groups is no less than very good.

The field training:

1-The field training is basic form of the program of preparing teacher

2-The field training aims to acquired student enough cultural,professional,educational and specialized ways to enable him to do his job as a teacher and a guide.

The field training experience include the following points:
    a-the minimum teaching in the second group (4 hours) weekly
    b-The field training in the third group for a day per week (4 hours) and a full week at the end of each semester . The maximum degree for the field training 100 degree.
    c-The field training in the fourth group for a day per week (4 hours) and a full week at the end of each semester . The maximum degree for the field training 100 degree.
    d-The field training for the professional diploma, the maximum degree for each diploma 100 degree.
    e- Participate in the evaluation of the student performance in the field training for the bachelor's, and general diploma stages, the head of the school or its supervisor. The student is assigned 20 degrees, a professor in specialization and a 40-degree faculty member.
    f-A bonus of 5% of the basic salary for the field training staff shall be paid for four hours on the training day, other than the bonus of the hours exceeding.
3 - All members of the faculty of teaching materials take part in the supervision of students and guidance in field training.

4. The College Council shall be an executive office for the planning of field training and follow-up of the implementation process