Faculty Of Education

Prof.Dr . Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Ali khatab

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6334992                          
Fax number : 084 6342673
E-mail Address: aai01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Education - CurriculaTeaching Building
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A.: Arts and Education – (Major: Mathematics and Computer Science) – Faculty of Education – Cairo University – 2003
Special Diploma: Faculty of Education – Cairo University – 2005
M.A. Education (Major: Curriculum and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics) - Faculty of Education – Fayoum University –2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2004 To 2007
Assistant lecturer : From 2007 To 2011
lecturer : From 2011 to 2016
Assistant Professor : From 2016 To 2021
Professor : From 2021 Until Now
List Of Publication

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program Based on Animation on the Development of some Mathematical Skills and Self Confidence for Educable Mentally Retarded Pupils

The Effect of Using Differentiated Instruction Approach in Teaching Mathematics on the Development of Divergent Thinking Skills and Social Skills for Primary School Students

The Effect of Using 4MAT System for McCarthy in Teaching Mathematics on the Development of some Mathematical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind for Prepatory School Students

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program Based on Life Applications for Mathematics on Developing Mathematical Sense and Teaching performance for Female – Teachers of Community Education Schools

The Effect of Using the CAME Model in Mathematics Teaching on the Development of Mathematical Representation Skills and Critical Thinking for Primary School Students

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program of Interactive Geometry Softwares on Developing Conceptual Understanding and Imaginative Thinking for Student – Teachers of Mathematics

The effectiveness of learning cycle strategy supported with Web Quest on developing some mathematical practices and engagement learning among preparatory school students

The Effect of Using a Proposed Module in Robotic Mathematics Based on STEM for The Development of Mathematical Proficiency and Future Thinking of Secondary School Students

The Effect of Using PDEODE Strategy in Teaching Mathematics on Developing Achievement, Reflective Thinking and Retaining Them of The Secondary Stage Students’ with Different Achievement Levels’

A Proposed Program for Science, Technology and Mathematics Education in Kindergarten Stage according with Global Standards .

A Suggested Program Based on Origami and Kirigami Art for Gifted Pupils with Learning Disabilities and Its Effect on Developing their Geometric Thinking and Epistemological Beliefs .

The Effect of Using Learning - Based Brain Theory in Teaching Mathematics on the Development of Mathematical Communication and Mental Computation Skills for Primary School Students

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Training Program of Computerized Mind Mapping on Developing Mathematical Connections and Visual Thinking for Student – Teachers of Mathematics .

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Enrichment Program Based on TRIZ Theory in The Development of Primary Stage Pupils' Generative Thinking Skills and Their Attitude Towards Mathematics .

Ph. D. Dissertation.,Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Ph. D. Degree in Education (Curriculum and Mathematics Instruction) "The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program for Student – Teachers of Mathematics at Faculties of Education on Treating Mathematical Learning Disabilities and Developing Their Students Thinking Skills"Submitted by Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Ali Khatab Assistant lecturer at the Curriculum and Instruction Department.

"the effect of using Metacognitive Strategy in teaching Maths on achievement and development of Creative thinking of prepatory school students Summary "Submitted by Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Ali Khatab Assistant lecturer at the Curriculum and Instruction Department .

Research paper data published
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Enrichment Program Based on TRIZ Theory in The Development of Primary Stage Pupils' Generative Thinking Skills and Their Attitude Towards Mathematics .
The Effect of Using Learning - Based Brain Theory in Teaching Mathematics on the Development of Mathematical Communication and Mental Computation Skills for Primary School Students .
Research Interests
Metacognitive strategies
Creative Thinking
Thinking Skills