Faculty Of Education

Dr . Fatema Kamal Ayoub Mohammed

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: fka00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Education - CurriculaTeaching Building
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A .: Psychology – Faculty of Education – Fayoum University - 2011
Professional Diploma .: Curriculum and Instruction of Psychology – Faculty of Education – Fayoum University - 2012
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2012 to 2016
Assistant Lecturer : From 2016 To 2020
Lecturer : From 2020 Until Now
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Unit in Teaching Psychological Problems On Developing The Awareness and Emotional Intelligence Skills Of Students Teachers ( Psychology Section)
The Effectiveness Of Teaching A Suggested Psychological Pollution – based Program In Developing Psychology Majors Generative Thinking Skills and Enhancing Their Quality Of Life Level.
Publication List
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Unit in Teaching Psychological Problems On Developing The Awareness and Emotional Intelligence Skills Of Students Teachers ( Psychology Section).
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in Teaching Psychological Pollution Issues for Enhancing Psychological Immunity Level among Pre-Service Teachers in Psychology Major .
Research Interests
Modern trends in curriculum and instruction .
Modern trends in teaching psychology .
Modern teaching strategies in educating those with special needs .
Active learning strategies .
Certificates of Merit
Certificate of Merit from the Student Union of the Fayoum Faculty of Education in appreciation of academic excellence - 2010 .
Certificate of Merit from the Fayoum Faculty of Education in recognition of academic excellence and commitment to university values - 2010
Certificate of Merit on the 4th Commencement Day - 2011 .
Certificate of Merit from the Fayoum Faculty of Education on the Graduate Day of Class 2011 .
Certificate of Merit for earning the International Computer Driving Licence Certificate in 2011 .
Training Courses
Learning Difficulties Course, Psychology Advising Center, Faculty of Education – Fayoum University - 2011
Professional Ethics Course, the Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC), Fayoum University – 2013 .
ICDL Course – 2011 .
I earned the following certificates from the Peer Education Program for taking part in the following courses:
- Data Collection and Writing Research Plan Course.
- Skills of Statistical Analysis using SPSS.
- Speaking and Listening Skills Course in English
- Communication and Interaction Skills Course in English.
- Communication and Interaction Skills Course in Arabic
Community Service Projects
Literacy and Adult Education Program under the Adult Education Authority, Fayoum
Service Learning Program and it was carried out on secondary school girls
7th Training Program for Youth titled "Social Participation of Youths" organized by the Development Program for Women and Children (DPWC) at the Fayoum Muslim Girls Society, 2011.
10th Training Program for Youth titled "How to Build Egypt" organized by the Development Program for Women and Children (DPWC) at Queen Hotel, Fayoum, 2011.