Faculty Of Education

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Farouk Ali

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: mfk01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education -Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Bachelor of Education in English with a general grade: Very Good with Honors -  1985
M. Sc.: English methodology, College of Education – Cairo University – 1992
Ph.D.: English methodology, College of Education – Cairo University – 1996
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1985 To 1992
Assistant lecturer: From 1992 To 1996
Lecturer: From 1996 To2003
Assistant Professor: From 2003 To 2009
Professor: From 2009 until now
Academic Experiences
Vice Deans Of Edu & Students : From 21/8/2017 to three years.
Vice Deans Of Society Service : From 3/5/2011 Up Till Now
Research Interests
English Methodology
Approaches to language Teaching
 Level of computer command in teaching and research
 Level of computer command in teaching and research:
- Windows
- WinWord
Previous teaching experience (institutions and courses)
At Cairo University
- Teaching English majors at the college of education:
- English methodology
- Approaches to language teaching
- Micro-Teaching
- Curriculum design
- Phonetics
- Grammar
- Composition
- Translation skills
- Teaching non English majors English as a foreign language:
-Science majors
- Geography majors
- History majors
- Arabic majors
- Engineering majors
At Qatar University
- Teaching English majors the following courses at the college of education.
- English methodology
- Approaches to language teaching
- Basics and Designs of Curricula
- Curriculum Analysis
- Teaching non English majors English as a foreign language:
- Business administration majors
- Engineering majors
- Military cadets
- Teaching English majors the following courses at Teachers’ College, King Saud University.
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
- Approaches to language teaching
- Applied linguistics
- Language testing
- Language research
- Phonetics
- Language skills
- Debate and discussion
- Teaching non English majors English as a foreign language:
General language courses and ESP courses at the Training & Community Service Center .
Research and creative activities
M. Ed thesis title The Effect of Using the Communicative Approach in Teaching Grammar on the Oral performance of Pre-service teachers of English
Ph. D dissertation title The Effect of Using the Reader Response Approach in Teaching Prose Fiction to Secondary Stage Students on their English Language Proficiency and Creative Thinking Skills
Presentations, Training Courses, Conferences, Symposia, Seminars and Workshops
Accountability in teaching Presenter 5/3/1997 Cairo University
Strategic Planning in Education Presenter 27/11/1998 Ministry of Education, Egypt
The Comprehension Approach in foreign language Teaching Presenter 3/6/1999 California State University
Environmental Awareness: aims, roles and tasks presenter. 5/5/2001 University of Qatar
Activating Learning Styles presenter. 21/5/2002 University of Qatar
The role of Sustainable Excellence Centers in Developing University performance Presenter 19/11/2003 Qatar University
Cooperative Learning Workshop Organizer and presenter 25/5/2004 University of Qatar
Towards More Teacher Autonomy within the Top-Down Curriculum presenter. 17/5/2007 TESOL Arabia, Dubai, UAE.
Promoting Learning strategies of Adult learners. presenter. 21/5/2007 Teachers' College, Ministry of Higher Education
Teacher Portfolios presenter. 21/5/2009 Teachers' College, King Saud University
Relevant conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held by the Center for Developing English Language Teaching (CDELT), Ain Shams University. Auditor From, 1985 to 2000. Various places in Egypt.
Relevant conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held by the Fulbright in Egypt or the United States. Auditor From, 1985 to 1995. Egypt/ San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, U.S.A./
Relevant the conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held by the Fulbright in Egypt or the United States. Auditor From, 1995 to 1997. Egypt/ Fairfield University, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Relevant conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held by the IELB II. Auditor From, 1997 to 2000. Egypt/ California State, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Relevant conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held at the University of Qatar. Auditor From, 2000 to 2004. University of Qatar
Relevant conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops held at the Teachers' College, King Saud University Auditor. -From, 2004 to 2009. Teachers' College, King Saud University
Examples of Training Courses, Workshops and Seminars Attended:
RESEARCH TEAM MANAGEMENT SKILLS PROGRAM 26-JUL-08 27-JUL-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS 19-AUG-08 20-AUG-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
MANAGING THE CONTENT OF FECULTY'S WEBSITES 24-NOV-08 26-NOV-08 K.S.A., Riyadh, King Saud University, Teachers' College.
RESEARCH ETHICS PROGRAM 28-JUL-08 29-JUL-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 11-AUG-08 12-AUG-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
E-LEARNING 15-NOV-08 19-NOV-08 K.S.A., Riyadh, King Saud University. King Saud University in collaboration with U.S Embassy.
(SWOT) ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIC PLANNING 20-DEC-09 20-DEC-09 K.S.A., Riyadh, King Saud University, Teachers' College.
CREDIT HOURS SYSTEM 09-AUG-08 10-AUG-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
11.WINWORD, EXCEL, INTERNET SEARCH 22-JUN-96 19-AUG-96 Fairfield University, Connecticut, U.S.A.
SPSS 18-JUN-99 10-AUG-99 Cal State University, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
TECHNOLOGY-BASED TEACHING 02-AUG-08 03-AUG-08 Egypt, Fayoum, Gamaa street, College of Science
ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM "SHAPING THE WAY WE TEACH ENGLISH" 03-NOV-07 07-NOV-07 K.S.A., Riyadh, King Saud University. King Saud University in collaboration with U.S Embassy.
Supervision and oral examination of theses and dissertations
Supervising a number of M. Ed theses in the field of TEFL. In addition to participating in the oral examination of some M. Ed theses and Ph D dissertations.
Contribution to the improvement
Translating the book: Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Lisa A. Kurtz in collaboration with Dr. Mohammed Mazen Galal, Associate Professor of Linguistics, English Department , King Saud University.
Chairing the quality management team of the English department, Teachers college, King Saud University and representing the English Department in the quality management team of the college.
Chairing the academic committee of the English department, Teachers college, King Saud University.
Chairing the strategic planning committee of the English department, Teachers college, King Saud University.
Participating in the Committee for training and recruitment of the English Department, Teachers college, King Saud University.
Participating in the following Committees of the undergraduate program at both Cairo and Qatar Universities:
- Course design committee.
- Teaching practice committee.
- Professional Development committee.
- Research committee.
- Student activities committee.
- Learning recourses committee.
Participating in the preparation committee of the Master’s degree of Education in Educational Leadership at Qatar University.
Chairing the student admission committee for interviewing, screening and placing the college of Education applicants at Cairo University from 1996 to 2000.
Participating in the academic guidance and registration of Qatar University students from 2001 to 2oo4.
Community services
Participating in a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in the area of micro-enterprises development at Fayoum, Egypt as a board member from 1996 to 1997, a vice chairman of the board from 1997 to 1999 and a chairman of the board from 1999 to 2000.
Participating in some programs for environment development and community service such as minimizing failure and dropping out at the elementary stage in Egypt.
Participating in the Executive Committee for incorporating environmental education concepts in the public Education curricula at the State of Qatar.
Consultations and services offered to institutions
Designing a workshop for training the staff members of Imam Mohammed bin Saud University in effective pedagogical techniques for 3 days starting 22/3/2009 to 24/3/2009.
Participating in the Academic Committee for training and recruitment of English Departments at the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2004 to 2007.
Participating in some of the activities of the Ministry of education and educational complexes in Qatar especially in the fields of testing, evaluation and teaching practice from 2001 to 2004.
Refereeing researches and studies in the field of teaching English for some Refereed specialized academic journals in both Egypt and Qatar.
Participating in the Project of Improving Education in collaboration with the International fund, European Group and the Ministry of Education in Egypt from 1997 to 2000.
Participating in the Teacher Evaluation Program implemented by the National Center for Testing and Evaluation in Egypt from 1996 to 2000.
Participating in the In-service Teacher Training Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Egypt from 1996 to 2000.
Participating in the Program of Upgrading the Primary School Teachers to the University Level in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Egypt from 1996 to 2000.
 Training courses, lectures, seminars and articles of general interest
Strategic planning.
Institutional building, evaluation and development.
Environmental Education
Personnel management
Membership of professional organizations, associations and societies
A member in TESOL Arabia starting from 2007.
A member in TESOL Egypt starting from 2000.
A member in the Egyptian Association of Curricula and Methodology – College of Education/ Ain Shams University.
Recognition and merit awards
The scholarship sponsored by the USAID to participate in the Primary Education Program held at California State University, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A from 23/61999 to10/8/1999.
The Fulbright scholarship to participate in the Summer Enrichment Program at Fairfield University, Connecticut, U.S.A. from 12/61996 to 10/8/1996.
The Fulbright scholarship to participate in the TESOL Summer Institute program at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, U.S.A from.13/6/1989 to 15/8/1989.
Publication list

Ali, Mohammed F. (2009). Learning Cycles in the EFL classroom. Journal of Modern Education Association, Cairo, No: 37.

  Puplications Of Assistant Professor

  Ali, Mohammed F. (2008). The Effect of Comprehension Monitoring-Strategy Training on EFL Low Achievers’ Reading Efficiency, Recall and Perceived Self-Efficacy. Journal of Education College, Fayoum University, n8, April.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2008). An Investigation of Proficient and Less Proficient EFL Arab Learners' Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Linguistic Self-Image and Perceptions of Learning Environment. Journal of Education College, Fayoum University, n8, April.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2008). Incorporating Self-Generated Mnemonics into Lexical Learning: Impact on EFL Adult Learners’ Vocabulary Achievement, Retention and Metacognitive Awareness. Reading and Literacy Journal, Egyptian Reading and Literacy Association, College of Education, Ain Shams University n77, April.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2008). Promoting EFL Young Learners’ Cooperative Listening: A Focus on the Management of Affective-Cognitive Processes in Group Dynamics. Journal of Education College, Alexandria University, n24, Jan.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2007). Towards More Teacher Autonomy within a Top-Down Curriculum. A paper presented at the 13th International TESOL Arabia conference held in Dubai, U.A.E., March 15-17.

Ali, Mohammed F. and Ismael, Abdullah M. (2005). An Investigation of the Relationships between EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and their Learning Strategies, Teaching Practices and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety. Journal of Education College, Minia University v18, n3.

  Puplications Of Professor

Ali, Mohammed F. (2002). Using a Suggested Model of Reflective Practice for the Professional Development of EFL Teaching Practice Advisors. Journal of Education College, Dimiatta, Mansora University v40, July.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2002). Towards Achieving the Aims of their Literature Program: Activating EFL Prospective Teachers’ Learning Styles through Literature Circles. Journal of Education College, Shibeen Alkoom, Monofia University, n1, Jan.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2001). The Effect of Using the Jigsaw Reading Technique on the EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Reading Anxiety and Comprehension. Journal of Education College, Helwan University n 3.

Ali, Mohammed F. (2000). The Effect of Debating Some Environmental Issues on the EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Oral Performance and Environmental Awareness A paper presented at the 5th conference held at the College of Education, Minia University, April 26-27, 2000.

Ali, Mohammed F. (1998). Using Journal Writing for Developing EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Writing Skills and Teaching Performance. Journal of Education College, Tanta University No: 25, 1998.