Faculty Of Education

Prof.Dr. Ragaa Ahmed Eid

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: rae01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:Dean Office - Third Floor.
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education -Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A: in Education (geography department) with excellent grade from college of women -  Ain shams University - 1973.
M.Ed: In Curriculum and Instruction from School of Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - U.S.A. -  1979.
Ed.D: in Curriculum and Instruction from College of Education, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State - 1983 - USA.
Academic Positions
Lecturer: 1983 - 1985
Assistant Professor: From 1985 - 1997
Professor: From1998 - 1999
Academic Rank
Dean Of Fayoum College Of Education : From 2007 To 2011
Experiences And Activities
  First Period from(1983-1985)in U.S.A:
  Research Assistant in College of Education, Mississippi State University, MS, 1983-1984,USA.
Colleague of( Phi Delta Kappa) College of Education, Mississippi State University, MS, 1981-1985,USA. Guest speaker in (Ancient Civilization) Symposium, College of Education, Mississippi State University, MS, 1983,USA.
Guest Speaker in (International Relation Program) Symposium, College of Education, Mississippi State University, MS,1983,USA. § Consultant in Teaching Social Studies in (Global Education Program at the University of Georgia, College of Education) 1984,USA.
  Second Period From(1985-1997) in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia :
Graduate studies supervisor, 1985-1988.
Supervisor of student teacher committee, 1988-1993.
Supervisor of exam. Committee, 1993-1996.
Academic supervisor for graduate students, 1986-1989.
Coordinator of student teacher program, 1996-1997.
Guest speaker in (Pre-school curriculum) Symposium, 1992.
Guest speaker in (curriculum theory and practice) Symposium, 1992.
Preparing and presenting workshops about instructional aids through utilizing environmental materials College Education King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Preparing (extra curricula activities exhibition), Riyadh, College of Education King Saud University, 1994.
Part of (new trends in teaching method) session, Continuing Education Center, Riyadh, King Saud University, 1989.
  Third Period from(1997-1999)in Egypt .
A- In the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation:
Part of (question bank) committee of social studies, The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 1998.
Part of giving lectures in (training program for school administrators under supervision of (PPMU), Beni-Suef, 1998.
Part of symposium on (Teacher of one room School house) Educational Studies Institute, Cairo University, 1999.
Part of preparing (Student evaluation guide) for 2nd year of secondary high school for geography (first stage) The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 1999-2000.
Part of preparing (student evaluation guide) for social studies 1st level prep. School, the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo. Egypt, 1999-2000.
Part of preparing (student evaluation guide) for social studies 1st level of secondary high school, National Research the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt. 1999-2000.
 Part of preparing (exam. specification paper for social studies in basic education, The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 1999-2000.
Part of evaluating exams committee. The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt. 1999-2000.
Part of evaluating (Learning Package Project for Learning Young Youth the Importance of World Heritage), UNISCO, The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 1999.
Part of committee of secondary high school exam. Evaluation for geography (first stage) Aug. session, The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 1999-2000.
 Part of committee of secondary high school exam. Evaluation for geography) first stage) Aug. session The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Cairo, Egypt, 2000-2001.
Ideal Mother Award for year 2002, College of Law, Ain shams University, 2002.
B. In Ismaillia Faculty of Education :
 Teaching undergraduate courses.
 Teaching graduate courses.
 Field visits for student teacher (internship).
 Presenting weekly graduate seminar.
 Advisor on Master and Doctorate thesis for graduate students.
 Part of giving lectures in (University teacher training workshop), Ismaillia, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal Univercity2000.
 Part of developing exchanged understanding workshop between Egyptian &American culture. Ismaillia Faculty of Education /Suez Canal University, 1999.
 Part of control team work of 4th year, Ismaillia Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, 2001.
Consultant Services in (CRD) Center for Research and Development in Medical education and health services (CRD) A WHO Collaborating Center, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt, 2001.
Part of control team work of 2nd year, Ismaillia Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, 2002.
Consultant Services in (CRD) Center for Research and Development in Medical education and health services (CRD) A WHO Collaborating Center, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt, 2003.
C- Activities in the Education Development Center, Inc. New School Project :
Organizing & Training teachers in the Central trainings about active learning strategies.
Organizing & Training teachers in the refresher trainings about active learning strategies.
Organizing & Training teacher’s on-the-job trainings.
Organizing & Training supervisors, principles in central and refresher trainings about active learning.
Reviewing feedback from central and refresher trainings and revise the training materials accordingly.
Presenting the technical supporting to teachers in the communities through the field visits in schools.
Applying the COF (Classroom Observation Form) in classes though the field visits.
Supervising the Eto's (Educational Technical Officers)team and offering technical, administrative, support on the governorate level
Preparing the technical and financial monthly and quarterly reports about the project to deliver to the main office in Cairo.
Following up and evaluating students activities in NSP (New School Project).
Collaborates with the educational advisor and senior ETS.
Shared in on collecting data, follow up, and monitoring all students, teachers, principles, and supervisors accurately and m specific time.
Participate in building the NSP (New School Project) annual plan.
Preparing a weekly seminar with the ETO’s (Educational Technical Officers) team in order to build staff capacity.
Involved in case study, and action research in schools.
Participating in applying LFE Exam (Level Finding Exercise) for students.
Building excellent relationship with colleagues from the other components.
Preparing and presenting workshops about instructional aids through utilizing environmental materials.
Organizing & presenting open days activities in different schools shared with communities.
Shared in on SIM (Supplementary Instructional Materials) workshop for training teachers.
Shared in on Cluster Grouping Workshops for Teachers, Principles and Supervisors.
Strengthening excellent relationships with MOE (Ministry of Education) through school visits, attendance in training, and open day’s exhibition.
Strengthening excellent relationships with FOE (Faculty of Education)through participating in trainings workshops.
Organizing & presenting cross school visits.
Shared in on integration workshops for teacher, principles, and supervisors.
Part of sharing community awareness through community education teams, PTCs (Parent Teacher Council) and PAs (Parent Association).
 Shared in on advocacy workshop prepared and applied by CARE. § Shared in on management skills workshop.
 Campaigning approach in school clean-up maintenance.
 Shared with all NSP (New School Project) Components.
Participating with other NSP components. WE + CODO + CEO activities such as open days, general assembly, PTC election, Community mobilization for reinforcing community awareness and concepts around girls education and community participation in the education process.
 Contributed in attending the election of the PTC (Parent Council) in different communities.
 Presenting management skills workshop in (EDC) main office, Cairo.
 Presenting supervision workshop in (EDC) main office, Cairo.
 Presenting summer school workshop with (EDC) team in Beni Suif.
  D- Activities in Fayoum Faculty of Education, Cairo University:
 Teaching undergraduate courses.
 Teaching graduate courses.
 Field visits for student teacher(internship).
 Presenting weekly graduate seminar.
 Part of control team work of 4th year, Fayoum Faculty of Education, Cairo University, 2003-2004.
 Advisor on Master and Doctorate thesisses for graduate students.
 Sharing in students activates committee for freshman.
 Member in Fayoum educational supporting team.
 Member in the Journal of Studies in Curriculum and Instruction, Ain Shams University.
 Consultant Services in (CRD) Center for Research and Development in Medical education and health services (CRD) A WHO Collaborating Center, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt, 2003.
 Facilitator in the education visioning conference (phase 1) March 2004.
 Sharing in and presenting article about (Good Citizenship) in the seventh scientific conference about (developing Faculties of Education, Philosophy, Aims and approaches in Mania Faculty of Education) April 27-28/2004
Consultant services at (ICA) InstituteCultural Affairs in Fayoum office May, 2004.
 Consultant services at (ICA) Institute of Cultural Affairs in Beni Suif. June, 2004.
 Trainer in (EDC) Integration workshop in Fayoum. August, 2004.
 Consultant Services in (CRD) Center for Research and Development in Medical education and health services (CRD) A WHO Collaborating Center, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt, September 2004.
 Organizing and preparing for Fayoum Governorate advisory group meetings
 Participation in U.S.A Study Tour to MSU & Pitt. Univ. (Dec.3rd -18th, 2005.).
 Participation in Drop-out in Elementary School Symposium ,Minishia Elementary School ,Fayoum city,Feb.2006.
Participation in Induction for new Teachers & Teaching Practice Workshop in Aswan, 5-8Mar 2005.
 Presenting the Third Scientific conference (Quality Ed. In the shadow of the partnership between colleges of Ed. & Ministry of Ed,.Aswan College of Ed. ,South Valley Univ. , Ministry of Ed. & with the Participation of (FOER/ERP) Mar8-9/2006.
Participation in the 6thAnnual Conference (The Women Economic Empowerment the Way for Decreasing Poverty) The Women National Council in fayoum, Mar.28th /2006.
The 7th Scientific Conference (Teacher Preparation Institutions in the Arab World between Reality & Prospect). Faculty of Ed. Fayoum Univ.April 18-20/2006.
 Trainer in Faculty & leadership Development Project(FLDP)in the following workshop : Effective Presentation, Effective Teaching ,Recent Trends in teaching Methods ,Teaching Practice & Designing a course syllabus.
Participation in Fayoum Faculty of Ed. Project With the partnership of Ministry of Ed. (Fayoum with out Illiteracy)Mar2006 .
 Attending Critical Thinking Skills for Secondary School Students Central Workshop funding by(ERP)Alex.Sept.3-7.2006
E- currently Activities Sep. 2007- up till now :
Establishing linkages & good relationships with MOE&FOE stakeholders.
Conducting regular and frequent meetings with MOE Leaders and personnel to support partnership between ministry of education and ERP.
 Attending all central workshops for all (EQD) components.
 Conducting regular field visits to (FOS) families of schools to ensure that field staff responsible for implementing the ERP activities.
 Identifying key areas of technical assistance needs.
 Organizing and plan workshops and other activities to ensure the quality of the work.
Organizing awareness raising meetings on standards for teachers in (FOS) families of schools.
Reviewing and approve monthly, quarterly, annual reports and plans that prepared by the coordinators.
Ensuring that all files and archived information are accurate, complete, and up to date.
Taking main responsibility for preparing regular reports that accurately describe the program progress
Conducting the mid-year review and the annual performance appraisal of supervisees.
Representing ERP in meetings with MOE and other governorate officials at the governorate level.
Review and approve weekly plans that are submitted by the coordinators.
Collaborating with ERP colleagues from different components in providing training for teachers.
 Following up (EQD) activities (TPD,ALD,STW, standards) by giving guidance, support, and advice.
Supervising upon preparing teacher professional development activities documentation.
Attending (FOS) families of school s clustering workshops.
Enhancing cadres as a team building capacity in all (EQD) components.
Participating in preparing the (interim plan) and budget Jan.-March, 2007.
 Acting as (PM) in case that program manager is out of office.
 Organizing and attending workshop for teachers self assessment tools.
 Attending classroom management workshop at Minia governorate Nov. 23-25,2007.
Attending Egyp Tesol conference(The 7th Egyp Tesol Convention) from Nov. 17-19,2007. Cairo.
 Attending (AUC) conference(The2th skills conference) from Jan. 23-25,2007,Cairo,AUC.
Organizing and attending administrative and financial skills workshop for school leaders from Feb.4-8,2007.
F- Currently Activities in Fayoum College of Education Sep .2007 - up till now :
 Teaching graduate & undergraduate courses.
  Advisor on Master & Doctorate thesis for graduate students .
  General supervisor upon College control exams.
  General supervisor upon College of education annual conference.
  General supervisor upon quality assurance College project .
  General supervisor of student teacher internship.
  Ideal Mother Award for year 2009 Fayoum College of education .
  Editor upon Fayoum College of education periodical Magazine .
  Chairman of Fayoum college of education annual conference.
  Part of Fayoum University students developmental caravan.
  Chairman of college of education Council.
  Part of colleges of education committee.
  Part of Governorate reading for all committee.
  Part of Governorate religious committee.
 Coordinator of Fayoum University Teacher Cader exam.
  Coordinator of Fayoum University for Governorate illiteracy project 2008 -2009.
  Part of Fayoum Women National Council.
  Chairman of students college of education annual activities.
  Part of elementary & prep. education books evaluation committee 2008.
  General supervisor upon Training workshop in accreditation and quality assurance Fayoum College of education .
  Part of Strategic plan committee Fayoum College of education .
 Consultant in Cairo ERP in the following work shops:
Critical thinking , Active learning and co-operative learning , Cairo , Maadi, ERP 2007-2008 .
  Part of Fayoum University Council.
 Part of Fayoum University Press Council.
  Consultant in training supervisors upon active learning and comprehensive evaluation unit based subject matter planning , Cairo, Maadi, ERP 2008-2009.
  Shared in water stability work shop Fayoum Women National Council 2009.
 Part of the beautiful school contest committee MOE , Fayoum Mudera.
 Part of MOE board of trustees committee , Fayoum Mudera.
 Participant in academic accreditation for colleges of education in higher education March 16th -18th 2008,Qatar.
  Participant in academic accreditation for colleges of education in the Arab World from May 18th - 20th 2009 Teba University ,Saudi Arabia El-madena Elmonawara .
Published Articles
International Education for International Understanding - Journal of Studies in Curriculum & Instruction, Ain Shams University - 1991.   
Analyzing Verbal Interaction for the Diploma Student Teacher Comparing with Flinder’s Interaction Analysis Categories. - Journal of Educational Research center. King saud university, Saudi Arabia. - 1994.
Feedback Effect on improving student teacher performance through using microteaching. - Risalat-El-Khaleej Al-Arabia Office of Educational Arabic Bureau for the Arabic Gulf Countries. - 1995
Characteristics and Roles of student Teacher's supervisor as perceived by Diploma female student in college of education.  - Journal of Education and Psychology, Riyadh College of Education king Saud University Saudi Arabia. - 1995.
Classroom Discipline: Concept – Cause-and Solutions (An Analytical Study). - Journal of the Educational Sciences. Institute of Educational Studies. Cairo University, Egypt. - 1995.
Behavioral Objectives in Social Studies for the Student Teacher (An Evaluation Study). - Journal of Development and Education the Consultant Board for Educational services 2, Teraat Al-Gabal Ain Shams El-gharbia, Cairo. - 1999.
Perception of University Students Toward the Concept of Good Citizenship. - The Seventh Scientific Conference about "Devolving Faculties of Education, Philosophy, Aims, and Approaches in Mania Faculty of Education" (from 27/28/4/2004) - 2004.
Co-operative Learning. - Journal of Studies in Univ. Ed. Ain Shams University, Center for Univ. Developmental Studies,June,2004 - 2004.
The Effect of Co-operative Learning on Geography Students Teacher Achievement, Attitude and Self-Esteem. - The 11th National Annual Conference (The 3rd Arabic)about “The Arabic University Education :Horizon of Development & Reform” In Ain Shams Univ.Center for Univ. Developmental Studies”(December,18-19/2004) - 2004.
Effectiveness of Team Teaching Strategy Upon Developing Teaching Competencies & its Effect on Reducing Teaching Anxiety for the Student of Faculty of Ed. - The 3rd Scientific Conference “Forming Teacher in the Light of Total Quality Criteria in Colleges of Ed.”Qena College of Ed., South Valley Univ., April13-14/2005 - 2005.
The Effectiveness of Text- Based Instruction upon achievement of fifth grade elementary school pupils in social studies curriculum - Journal of Studies in Curriculum & Instruction, Ain Shams University. - 2005.
Perception of Teachers toward Mathematics Concepts in Preparatory Geography Textbooks & is Effect upon their Teaching Performance. - Journal of Fayoum Faculty of education, Fayoum University - 2005.
The Effect of using some of Active Learning strategies in teaching social studies upon the Achievement & Developing Problem solving kills of Elementary School Pupils - Journal of Studies in Curriculum & Instruction, Ain Shams University.(Co-Auther). - 2006.
Prof.Atta Zidan: Program Manager for Fayoum Governorate/ ERP.
Prof.Mark Ginsburg :X-FOER/ERP Director
Mr. Samir Fadel: Program Manager for ERP. Fyoum Governorate.
Prof. Abbas Mohamoud Abden : Dean of Ismailia Faculty of Education, Suze Canal University.
Prof. Nabil El-Zahhar : Dean of Faculty of Education, 6 October University /Cairo
Dr . Ahmed El-kady : Vice President of FayoumUniversity for Education & StudentAffairs. FayoumUniversity.