Faculty Of Education

Dr. Reda Elsayed Shaban Ismail

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: rss01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Education - CurriculaTeaching Building
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Faculty of Education - Cairo University - 2001
Special Diploma.: Faculty of Education - Cairo University - Curriculum and methods of Teaching geography - 2005
M. Sc.: Methods of Teaching geography – Faculty of Education - Fayoum University – 2008
Ph.D.: Methods of Teaching geography – Faculty of Education - Fayoum University – 2012
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2003 to 2008
Assistant Lecturer : From 2008 to 2012
Lecturer : From 2012 To 2019
Assistant Professor : From 2019 To 2023
Professor : From 2023 Until Now
Research Interests
Curricula and Teaching methods
The Effectiveness of Some Reading Comprehension Strategies in Teaching Geography Units on the First Stage of Basic Education Pupils Achievement and – Their Attitudes – Towards the Environment   
Evaluation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS ) Role in Developing the Cartographical Skills of Geography Section Students in the Faculties of Education and Arts   
List Of Publication
The Effect of Using the Generative Learning Model on Correcting Alternative Conceptions and Developing Deductive Thinking Skills of Second Cycle of Basic Education Students
The effectiveness of Using Suchman’s Inductive Model in Teaching Geography in Enhancing Achievement and Developing Problem Solving Skills of Second Year Preparatory Students   
A Brain-Based Learning Theory Enrichment Program in Geography for Developing Some Analytical and Visual Thinking Skills of Fourth year primary Students
A Proposed Program in Medical Geography Using the Web Quest for Raising the Faculty of Education Geography Section Students’ Awareness of the Issue of Sustainable Development and Some Life Skills
A proposed program in water security issues in the Arab World for Developing some Ethical Thinking and International Negotiation Skills of Second Year Secondary Students
A Suggested Program for the Faculty of Education Geography Section Student Teachers Using the Inverted Classroom and Social Interaction Websites for Developing their Teaching Skills, Social Interaction, and Geographical Thinking Skills of Visually Handicapped Students
Courses Obtained
University Administration.
Quality Standards in instruction.
Testing and Student Evaluation.
Research Team Management.
Competitive Research Projects.
Thinking Skills.
Teaching for Thinking.
Methods of Scientific Research.
Methods of Educational Research.
Teaching with Technology.
Lifelong Learning.
English Language Program.
Introduction to ARC GIS Program.
Introduction to ARC GIS Program.
the Behavior of the profession.
The seventh training program for young people entitled "community participation for young people" from 1st to 3rd March.2011.
Behaviors of the profession.
Conferences & Seminars
The Second Annual Conference of Educational Council for Social Studies Entitle"Human Rights and Social Studies Curriculum "26-17July 2009.
Curriculum and Instruction Department Scientific Research Symposyium 5/11/2009.
The Seventh Conference of Fayoum University Faculty of Education Entitle " Teacher Preparation Institution in the Arab World between Reality and expectation " April 2006.
The Twentieth Conference of The Egyptian Council for Curriculum and Instruction Entitle " Curriculum and Cultural Identity"