Faculty Of Education

Prof.Dr. Salah Mohamed Gomaa Abou-Zaid

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: smg01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education -Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: arts and education - Faculty of Education - Geography department - Cairo University - 1995 .
Diploma : in Education - Faculty of Education - Cairo University .
M. Sc.: in Education ( Curriculum and instruction) - "Developing social studies curriculum of the second stage of basic education in the light of globalization phenomenon".
Ph. D.: in Education (Curriculum and instruction) of Social Studies. With recommendation of printing and publishing at the expense of the University.(Title of the dissertation: "Developing social studies curricula of the first stage in basic education in the light of citizenship concept and its local, national and international dimensions") .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1997 To 2003
Assistant lecturer : From 2003 To 2006
Lecturer : From 2006 to 2016
Assistant Professor : From 2016 Until Now
Professor : From 2021 To 2021
Research Interests
Developing citizenship
The civic education
The teacher and Technology
Developing the Social Studies Curricula of the First Stage of Basic Education in the Light of the Local, National and Global Dimensions of the Citizenship Concept
Courses Passed
An advanced TOEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language, faculty of Arts, Cairo University).
An advanced computer course (Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University).
An advanced Course in Communicative skills (Faculty of Science, Fayoum University).
A course in Effective Teaching (Faculty of science, Fayoum University).
A course in continuous Learning (Faculty of Education, Fayoum University).
TOT course in "decision-based researches", under the auspicious of ERP Project.
TOT course in preparing trainers on active Learning Strategies.
TOT course in preparing the facilitators trainers.
A course in self-assessment of university institutions.
Courses as a trainer
Training Social Studies inspectors in both primary and prep-stages on using and employing instructional technology in teaching under the auspicious of the international bank Project.
Training Teachers and inspectors of social studies on developing critical thinking skills of secondary stage students.
Training facilitators of friendly schools for girls in El Fayoum.
Lecturer in some public societies.
Teaching some Computer Programs: Word, Excel, Power Point and internet.
A participant in some Training unites for Teachers in schools and workshops.
Training Arabic Language inspectors on Computer-based Teaching.
Training Teachers on designing, Producing and using teaching aids of the ERP program.
Training secondary stage inspectors on good inspection and guidance.
Training inspectors of secondary schools on self-evaluation skills.
Training the senior teachers of the secondary stage on active learning strategies and the inclusion of instructional activities in school curricula.
Developing citizenship
The civic education
The teacher and Technology
Academic and scientific activities
A participant author of a book entitled:"population education".
A participant author of a book entitled: "human rights".
A participant author of a book entitled: "teaching methods".
A participant author of a book entitled: "instructional technology".
A participant in preparing scientific conferences.
Honored by the university for scientific excellent 2007/2008.
Presenting a research paper for the first scientific conference of the Egyptian educational society of social studies. The title of this paper is: "the citizenship culture the weakest ring in teaching social studies in general education".
Participated in the first conference on the national authority for quality assurance in January 2007.
Other aspects of experience
Teaching the following courses for under and post-graduate students in addition students of the educational qualification Program:
- Social studies teaching methods.
- General methodology.
- Instructional technology and learning.
- Micro teaching.
- Human rights.
- Population Education.
- Studies of environment.
- Teaching practice.
- Supervision of teaching practice.
- Co-supervisor of a Ph.D dissertation in Geography curriculum and instruction. Title of the dissertation: "evaluation of Geographic information systems programs and their effect on developing skills of pre-service Geography students in both Fayoum and Beni-suef Faculties of education".
- A member in the executive team of the project of developing evaluation and exams regulations.
- A member in the executive team of the project of developing educational programs.
- A consultant of the sport committee in student union of the faculty.
“The effectiveness of mixing scaffolding and mind maps strategies in teaching social studies on developing geographical concepts and some critical thinking skills of the second cycle of basic education pupils”.
“The effectiveness of a suggested unit in social studies Based on Role-playing and Self-Questioning on Developing political and Environmental Awareness of second Cycle of Basic Education pupils.”
“A proposed vision of social studies curricula in the first cycle of basic education in light of the applications of Brain-based learning Theory (An evaluative analytic study)”
Alanfujravek use in teaching geography to the development of collection and visual thinking skills among secondary school students.
“A proposed unit for developing knowledge economy dimensions and some life skills through geography curriculum of first year secondary students”.
The Effectiveness of Using Fun Learning Strategies in Teaching Social Studies for Developing some Geographic Concepts and Sense of Humor of Preparatory Stage Students
The Effectiveness of Using Web-quests and Edmodo Platform in Teaching Geography on Developing some Research and Geographical Imagination skills among Secondary School Students and their attitudes towards Geography
The Effectiveness of Using Differentiated Instruction Strategies in Teaching Social Studies in Developing Geographical Sense and Achievement Motivation among Preparatory School Students
Using the (Predict - Organize - Search - Summarize - Evaluate) Strategy in Teaching Social Studies to Develop Some Geographical Comprehension Skills and Study Habits of Preparatory School Students
The Effect of a Proposed Program Based on Social Issues for Developing the Dimensions of Social Responsibility of the Faculty of Education's Social Studies Section Students, their Learning Retention and Awareness of these Issues
The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Strategy in Teaching Geography in Developing some Map Reading Skills and Positive Thinking Dimensions of Primary Stage Students