Faculty Of Education

Dr. Samia Mohamed Mahmoud Abde Allah

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: smm08@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Education - CurriculaTeaching Building
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A.: CurriculaTeaching - Faculty of Education - 2001
M.S.C.: CurriculaTeaching - Faculty of Education - 2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2002 -2007
Assistant Lecturer : From 2007 To 2011
Lecturer : From 2011 To 2022
Assistant Professor : From 2022 Up Till Now
"The Effect of Using the Constructivist Learning Model on the Second Cycle of Basic Education Pupils’ Acquisition of some Grammatical Concepts and their Attitudes towards Using the Model" Summary of the Master's Degree - Fayoum University
"The Effectiveness of A Suggested Program for Arabic Language Section Student Teachers Using some Reading Comprehension Strategies on their Pupils’ Development of the Levels Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness" Summary of the Phd - Fayoum University
Puplication List
A suggested program based on the ethical analysis approach for enhancing student teachers' persuasive Writing and ethical decision making skills
The effectiveness of using the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) in correcting high school students'alternative perceptions of some rhetorical concepts and developing their self-regulation skills
A Suggested teaching strategy based on successful intelligence theory for developing some analytic reading skills and reading self efficacy of prep stage students
A Teaching Model Based On the Semiotic-Indicative Approach for Developing Some Critical Reading Skills for Secondary School Students
A program based on sociolinguistics for developing negotiation skills and linguistic sense for the student teachers at the Arabic Language section, Faculty of Education
A proposed Strategy Based on the Cognitive Load theory Using Augmented Reality Technology in teaching grammar for Developing preparatory stage students' Grammatical Thinking Skills and Lowering Parsing anxiety
A proposed program based on the use of interactive electronic stories for developing primary school students’ language fluency and imaginative thinking skills
Using the Flipped Classroom Strategy in Teaching Arabic for Develop Intensive Reading Skills and Some Habits of the Mind of Preparatory Stage Students
Research Interests
See the latest developments in the field of research specialization
Participating in scientific activities held within the college and outside
Contact foreign researchers and to benefit from their experience
Certificates and scientific activities
Course of the ICTP-Fayoum University - supported by the Supreme Council of Universities
Certificate of TOT for trainers of youth NGOs to approach the international network of peer education Y-PEER in collaboration with the United Nations Fund for Population UNFPA
Member of Egyptian Society of reading and knowledge - Ain Shams University.
Participation in the project to improve education, funded by the World Bank to limit the means of existing educational centers, some schools in Fayoum governorate, and determine the needs of each department of education.
Participation in the training of mentors Fayoum educational departments on the use of educational technology in various materials for the training of teachers to employ them
Participation in the training of supervisors, managers and secondary teachers on the comprehensive quality system for its application in schools
Participation in the training of secondary teachers to use some active learning strategies and employ them in the area of specialization
The presence of numerous educational activities at the Institute of preparing leaders in Helwan 2009 in the field of educational activity of staff to the members of the faculty of Fayoum University
Supervision of the many summer camps for students at Fayoum University in 2010 to the provinces, "Ismailia - Alexandria - Helwan. "
Social work
Member of the National Association of young Muslim women in Fayoum Governorate
Participation in the training of schools facilitators for girls
Participation in the draft Literacy and Adult Education of the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education in Fayoum Governorate - and continue to create and configure the classroom