Faculty Of Education

Dr. Doaa Mohammed Nabil Ali Tolba

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: dmn00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:Curricula and Teaching methods - Education
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education -Curricula and Teaching methods Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: arts and education - Faculty of Education - Geography department - Cairo University, 2003 .
M. Sc.: Methodology and Curricula –( Geography department ), Fayoum University, august 2009.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2004 To 2009 .
Assistant lecturer : From 2009 To 2014 .
lecturer : From 2014 until now .
Research Interests
See the latest developments in the field of research specialization.
Participating in scientific activities held within the college and outside.
Contact foreign researchers and to benefit from their experience.
Certificates and scientific activities
Supervision of the many summer camps for students at Fayoum University in 2010 to the provinces, " Alexandria – El areesh "
Social work
Participation in the draft Literacy and Adult Education of the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education in Fayoum Governorate - and continue to create and configure the classroom " Alexandria – El areesh "
List of Publication
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Remote Sensing Based Program on Developing Faculty of Education Students, Geographical Problems Awareness and Skills for Solving them.