Faculty Of Education

Dr.Nasser Shaban Tolba

Contact Information

Phone Number: 084 6334992                          

Fax Number: 084 6342673

E-mail Address: nsh02@fayoum.edu.eg

Office: Foundation Of Education Department – Faculty Of Education

Postal Address: Foundation Of Education Department – Faculty Of Education POBox:63514

Academic Qualifications

B. A.: Faculty Of Education - Geography Department - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch -2005

M.A.: Education (Education Fundamentals) - 2011

Academic Positions

Demonstrator : From 2006 to 2011

Assistant Lecturer : From 2011 To 2018

Lecturer : From 2018 Up Til Now

Research Interests

school reform

Improving school culture

Education Costs and Policy Analysis in Education.

Quality of higher Education


An Evaluative Study of Kindergarten Classes, Attached to Primary Schools in Fayoum

English language experience

Passed the Teaching Of English as a Foreign Language "TOEFL" course scoring 503 marks, held at the center of translation and foreign languages, Cairo university from 3/11/2006 till 11/1/2007.

Received the (TOFEL) certificate from the Amideast.
Passed the course of English language offered by FLDP project (Faculty and Leadership Development Project) at Fayoum University, from 17/7/2006 till 30/8/2006.
Computer experience

Received the International Computer Driving License "ICDL" in November, 2007.

Received the ICTP (Information and Communication Technology Project) certificate, Fayoum University in March, 2008.
Passed a course about "Using technology in teaching" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University in January 2008.
A trainer at the ICDL centre, Fayoum University.
A trainer at Cambridge Centre for Computer and Languages, Fayoum.
Professional and Academic Experiences
Received a course about "The art of effective communication" at the Canadian training center for human development, April, 2008.
Received the TOT certificate through the training program entitled "Public Education and Learning through Development" offered within the frame of "Learning for a Better Life Project" held by the Social Solidarity Ministry, Social Fund for Development in cooperation with the UNIFEM in March, 2008.
Participated in the evaluative study of faculty members' performance, Faculty of Education, Fayoum University, February 2007.
Participated in the graduates' follow-up committee at Faculty of Education, Fayoum University that was included as one of the activities of the Internal Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project.
Attended the educational course of the Leaders' Development Institute, Helwan held during the period from 13/11/2009 till 18/11/2009.
A member of the executive team of the MIS system at the Faculty of Education, Fayoum University.
A member of the executive team of the DSASP unit at the Faculty of Education, Fayoum University.
A member of the executive team of the Peer Coaching Project at the Faculty of Education, Fayoum University.
A member in MEA (Modern Education Association) .
Courses Attended
Passed the training course entitled "Effective Teaching" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 9/4/ 2006 till 13/4/2006.
Passed the training course entitled "Educational Research" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 30/4/ 2006 till 4/5/2006.
Passed the training course entitled "Teaching and Performance Evaluation" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 4/3/ 2006 till 7/3/2006.
Passed the training course entitled "Competitive Research Projects" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 21/8/ 2010 till 23/8/2010.
Passed the training course entitled "Effective Communication Skills" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 25/9/ 2010 till 27/9/2010.
Passed the training course entitled "University Administration" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 2/10/ 2010 till 4/10/2010.
Passed the training course entitled "Scientific Conferences Organization" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 13/9/ 2011 till 15/9/2011.
Passed the training course entitled "Academic Publishing" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 17/9/ 2011 till 19/9/2011.
Passed the training course entitled "Thinking Skills" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 13/12/ 2011 till 15/12/2011.
Passed the training course entitled "Credit Hours System" offered by the FLDP project, Fayoum University from 17/12/ 2011 till 19/12/2011.