Faculty Of Education

Dr. Sahar Mohamad Aly

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334992                          
Fax Number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: sma12@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Foundation Of Education Department – Faculty Of Education
Postal Address: Foundation Of Education Department – Faculty Of Education POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B. A.: Science and Education - Mathematical and computer -2006
M. Sc.: Education - Fundamentals of Education
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2006 To 2011
Assistant Lecturer : From 2011 To 2016
Lecturer : From 2016 To 2023
Assistant Professor: From 2023 Up Til Now
The obstacles of the educational research's role in determining development priorities
A Suggested Outline of an Institution for Accrediting Teacher Education Programs in Egypt
Publication List
An analytical study of the intellectual guidelines that determine the educational standards of educational institutions
Educational Needs of women in the Egyptian countryside A case study using the root theory
The Educational Role of Friendship in Virtual Communities among University Students
A critical study of the Egyptian universities reality in the light of the world rankings criteria of universities
A critical study of the efforts of Fayoum University in the field of entrepreneurship in the light of the theory of Academic capitalism
The Cultural Problem of Educational Formulas Adopted in the Egyptian School In Light of the Corona Pandemic
A proposed vision for activating the role of the teachers' union in Fayoum governorate in the light of quality of career life indicators
A proposed paradigm for parental education in the Egyptian community in light of the digital age ramifications