Faculty Of Education

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Taha Mohamed Abdetawwab

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334992                          
Fax number: 084 6342673
E-mail Address: atm00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Education - Psychology Building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Psychology Education and Mental health Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A.: Education & Science - Mathematics - Cairo University – 1979
Diploma: lEducation – Al Ahzar University – 1981
M.A.: Educational Psychology – Ain Shams University – 1984
Ph.D.: Philosophy in education – Educational Psychology and Measurement – Cairo University – 1988
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1979 To 1984
Assistant lecturer: From 1984 To 1988
Assistant Professor: From 1988 To 1995
Professor: From 2007 Until Now
Academic Rank
Dean Of Fayoum College Of Education : From 24/10/2011 Until Now
Research Interests
The effect of some characteristics of the stimulus on the stages of processing information.
The developmental changes in the creative talent for children.
The effect of the working memory on understanding.
The effect of the disturbing tasks on understanding and the role of the short- term memory in this.
The cognitive processes contributing in language understanding.
Educational rashness style and its relationship with problem-solving strategies.
The effect of the stimulus position and brightness on the visual attention and its strategies of students of Faculty of Education in Salala.
The academic risk and its relationship with the personality variables.
The emotional intelligence: its measurement and its relationship with the gender and study attainment.
The emotional intelligence and its relationship with the educational leadership of the teachers.
The defensive pessimism and its relationship with thinking styles (in collaboration with Dr. Salem Shamas / Dr. Magdy Al Dosouky).
Numerical problem-solving strategies for children "developmental study".
Reseach interests and publication
I graduated from School of Education, math department. My main concern has always been factors related to scholastic attainment. Theses factor include cognitive factors (cognitive styles, memory, academic risk taking, and visual attention); social and affective factors (emotional intelligence of the teachers, types of leadership at school, participation in activities).I have always been interested at assessing learning outcomes and students abilities. New trends in measurement as IRT are one of my interests. I published about 12 papers in memory, math learning disabilities, emotional intelligence of the teachers and students, thinking styles, educational leadership, academic risk, visual attention, creativity
List of Publication
  Abdeltawwab, A, T. (1991).The effect of stimulus features on information processing stages, College of Education Journal, Ain shamas University.
  Abdeltawwab, A, T. (1992).Changes in creative talent of Children, Journal of Psychology,21,22-38.
  Abdeltawwab, A, T. (1993).The effect of working memory span on comprehension , College of Education Journal, Egypt.
  Abdeltawwab, A,T.(1994).The effect of distracting tasks on comprehension and the role of working memory, Journal of aloom and fonon, Helwan University press.
Abdeltawwab, A,T.(1994).Cognitive factors related to language comprehension, Journal of aloom and fonon, Helwan University press, Cairo.
  Abdeltawwab, A,T.(1998). Reflective cognitive styles and its relationship to problem solving strategies of children of , College of Education journal, Banha University,9(31)269-309.
  Abdeltawwab, A,T.(2001).The effect of stimulus place, cue type on visual perception and its strategies of student teachers. College of Education Journal, Zakaeek University,39,35-104.
  Abdeltawwab, A,T.(2003).academic risk taking and its relationship to some personality's factors. College of Education,AinShamas ?Univer,9-sity,27,9-82.
   Abdeltawwab, A,T.(2005).Emotional intelligence, its assessment and relationship to gender and academic achievement, Educational Science Journal,1,29-88.
  Abdeltawwab, A,T.(2005).Emotional intelligence, educational leadership of school directors, College of Education journal,Fayoum University,3,1-79.
Abdeltawwab, A,T., Shamas, S, El desloi,.M(2006). The effect of defensive pessimism and self confidence on thinking styles of University students, College of Education Journal, Ain shamas University.
  Abdeltawwab.A, T. (2007). Mathematical Problem solving and its relationship to working memory, math disabilties" cross sectional study, College of Education Journal , Fayoum University,8,1-45.
Academic projects
Participating in evaluating student teachers performance in Sultanate of Oman ,a project funded by Higher Education Ministry in Sultanate of Oman
  Describing psychology courses in Sultanate of Oman
  T.V programs about Psychological issues in Sultanate of Oman.
  Participating in workshop of basic education, academic counseling, developing achievement tests in math,
Give a training about :

    1 .Academic counselor and his role
    2. Study skills of students
    3. The mother and the school
    4. Methods of improving memory
    5. Treatment of poor learners
    6. Integration between home and school
    7. The role of the family in training handicapped
    8. Testing and types o tests
    9. Self centered learning and group works
    10. Developing achievement tests in math
    11. Test Evaluation

Teaching the following courses
  Educational psychology
  Psychological assessment
  Method of research
  Individual differences
Talent and creativity
Supervision of Teaching Practice
Supervising teaching practice groups in math, computer, physics, and basic education.
Administrative activities:
The dean of the Salalah college of Education in the summer of 2000
The chair of Educational psychology department of Fayoum Faculty of Education now
  The vice dean of the Fayoum Faculty of Education from 2007 t0 2010.
Current interest:
I'm now interested in measurement issues related to assessing students and teachers' abilities and outcomes. I'm also interested in cognitive factors related to achievement.