Faculty Of Education

Ms. Evonne Fouad Younan Sami

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6334992                          
Fax number : 084 6342673
E-mail Address: efy11@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Building of Education Faculty
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Education - Psychology Education and Mental health Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Education - Fayoum University - 2013 .
M. Sc.: Educational Psychology - Fayoum University - 2020 .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2014 To 2020
Assistant Lecturer: From 2020 Uptill now
Research Interests
Modeling Structural Relationships of Emotional Creativity and Motivation Components according to Music Model among Faculty of Education Students
Modeling Structural Relationships of Emotional Creativity and Motivation Components according to Music Model among Faculty of Education Students