Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Ayman Georges AwadAllah

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6337580 / 084 6337588                          
Fax Number: 084 6334031
E-mail Address: aga00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Civil Engineering Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Engineering - Civil Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Civil Engineering - Cairo University - 1988
M. Sc. : Civil Engineering - Irrigation and Hydraulics - Hydrology - Cairo University - 1994
Ph. D. : Civil Engineering - Irrigation and Hydraulics - Hydrology - Montreal University - 2000
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1988 To 1994
Assistant Lecturer : From 1994 To 2000
Lecturer: From 2000 To 2007
Assistant Professor : From 2007 To 2012
Professor : From 2012 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Statistical hydrology
Hydrological modeling
Rainfall in arid and semi-arid regions
Water quality
List Of Publication

  “Application of Artificial Neural Networks for the Prediction of Water Quality Variables in the Nile Delta”, by Khalil, B., Awadallah A. G., Karaman, H. and El-Sayed, A., accepted for publication in Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Scientific Research Journal, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2012.

  “Identifying Homogeneous Water Quality Regions in the Nile River Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis”, by Awadallah, A.G. and M. Yousry, Water Resources Management Journal, DOI 10.1007/s11269-012-9997-0, published on line February 2012. Full Text

“Selecting Optimum Locations of Rainfall Stations Using Kriging and Entropy”, by Awadallah, A.G., International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering (IJCEE), Vol. 12 (1), pp. 36-41, 2012. Full Text

“Conservative design rainfall distribution for application in arid regions with sparse data”, by Awadallah, A.G. and N.S. Younan, Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 79, pp. 66-75, 2012. Full Text

“GIS Applications in Rainfall Analysis”, by Awadallah, A.G., in ESRI Middle East and Africa User Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, November 2011. Full Text

“Geomatics Use for Dams Study and Design”, by Tabet, D. and Awadallah, A.G., in ESRI Middle East and Africa User Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, November 2011. Full Text

“Approche statistique régionale pour l’estimation des caractéristiques pluviométriques: Etude de cas au Nord Est de l’Algérie” by Awadallah, A.G. and R. Foda, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1060-1071, 2011. Full Text

“Assessment of Nile Water Quality Data Using Exploratory Data Analysis and Clustering of Variables”, by Yousry M., Awadallah, A.G. and T. Salem, in Geoscience Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 49- 60, 2011. Full Text

  “Critical review and analysis of Nile water quality data”, by Yousry M., T. Salem and Awadallah, A.G in Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering , Ottawa, Canada, Volume 4, 2011, Pages 3377-3386. Full Text

“Developing Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves in Scarce Data Region: An Approach using Regional Analysis and Satellite data”, by Awadallah, A.G. ElGamal, M., ElMostafa, M. and H. ElBadry, in Engineering, Scientific Research Journal, Vol.3, pp. 215-226, doi:10.4236/eng.2011.33025 Published Online March 2011 Full Text

“Environmental Simulator Application to the Analysis of the Tropical Cyclone Gonu in 2007”, by M. Haggag, M., Awadallah A.G. and M. ElGamal, in the 8th International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Scientific Assembly, 6-12 September 2009, Hyderabad, India. Full Text

“Trend Detection in Water Quality Data, using Time Series Seasonal Decomposition and Statistical Tests”, by Awadallah A.G., H. Fahmy, and H.G. Karaman, Irrigation and Drainage, Journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 253-262, 2011. Published online July 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/ird.570. Full Text

“Modeling Dissolution of Multi-Component Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids Using Pareto Distributions”, by Awadallah A.G., and M.M. Hamed, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 291-310, 2008. Full Text

  “Hydrological Analysis of Cyclone Gonu. A Case Study: Wadi Al-Zyhimi”, ElGamal, M.H., Awadallah, A.G., and Badry, H., Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wadi Hydrology, 2-4 December 2007, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

“Statistical Assessment of a Water Quality Monitoring System Using Principal Components and Cluster Analyses”, by Abdel Gawad, S., Khalil, B. and Awadallah, A.G., Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.52, No.6, pp. 1083-1101, 2005.

“Generalized Depth-Duration-Frequency Relationship in Arid Region: A Case Study of Wadi Sudr, Sinai Peninsula”, by Hassan, A.F., Awadallah, A.G., Hassan, E., Afify, A. and Mottaleb, M., Proceedings of the ASCE IV Middle East Regional Conference and IV International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology 2005, May 2005, Cairo, Egypt.

“Setting Water Allocation Policies using Simulation Models and Cost Objective Functions”, by Awadallah, A.G. and El-Khoury, F., Proceedings of the Symposium on Challenges Facing Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, October 7-9, 2004, American University in Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.

“An Integrated Water Resources And Economic Approach For Optimizing Water Allocation Policies”, by Awadallah A.G., El-Khoury, F., Freiga S., and Hattali, K.. Proceedings of the International Water Demand Management Conference, Dead Sea, Jordan, June 2004.

  “Evolution of Drought Risk Based on the Nile River Annual Record at Aswan”, by Awadallah, A.G., Proceedings of the ASCE III Middle East Regional Conference and III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology 2002, April 2002.

“Global Hydroclimatology for the Nile River Flood Forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks”, by Awadallah, A.G., Proceedings of the ASCE III Middle East Regional Conference and III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology 2002, April 2002.

“Flood Routing and River Stage Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks: Application to the White Nile in Sudan”, by Awadallah, A.G. & Tawfik, M., Proceedings of the Minia International Conference in Engineering, March 2002.

  “Flood Routing and River Stage Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks: Application to the White Nile in Sudan”, by Awadallah, A.G. & Tawfik, M., Proceedings of the Minia International Conference in Engineering, March 2002. Full Text

  “Improving Forecasts of the Nile Flood using SST Inputs in a TFN model”, by Awadallah, A.G. & Rousselle, J. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering of the ASCE , vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 371-379, October 2000. Full Text

  “Évolution du Risque Hydrologique sur la Rivière Châteauguay” by Awadallah, A.G., Rousselle, J. and Leconte, R. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 510-523, August 1999. Full Text

  “Forecasting the Nile Flood using Sea Surface Temperatures as Inputs: A Comparison between Transfer Function with Noise and Neural Networks”, by Awadallah, A.G. and Rousselle, J. Winner of Best Paper Award. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, Colorado, from 16-20 august 1999. Full Text