Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Dalya Farouk Allam

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6337580 / 084 6337588                          
Fax Number: 084 6334031
E-mail Address: dfa00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: First floor - Electric bulding
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Engineering - Electric Department -
     POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Electrical Power and machines Engineering - Cairo University - 1993
M. Sc.: Electrical Power and machines Engineering - Cairo University - 2002
Ph. D.: Electrical Power and machines Engineering - Cairo University - 2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1994 to 2002
Assistant Lecturer: From 2002 to 2007
Lecturer: From 2007 To 2019
Assistant Professor : From 2019 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Electrical Power and machines Engineering
“Islanding detection method for DFIG wind turbines using artificial neural networks”. Elsevier, Electrical Power and Energy Systems 62 (2014) 335–343.
D.F. Alam, D.A. Yousri, M.B. Eteiba. “Flower Pollination Algorithm based solar PV parameter estimation”. Elsevier, Energy Conversion and Management 101 (2015) 410–422.
Dalia Allam, D.A. Yousri, M.B. Eteiba. “Parameters extraction of the three diode model for the multi-crystalline solar cell/module using Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm”. Elsevier, Energy Conversion and Management 123 (2016) 535–548.
Dalia Yousri, Dalia Allam, M.B. Eteiba. “Chaotic whale optimizer variants for parameters estimation of the chaotic behavior in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor”. Elsevier, Applied Soft Computing Journal 74 (2019) 479–503
Dalia Yousri, Dalia Allam, M. B. Eteiba, PN Suganthan. “Static and Dynamic Photovoltaic Models’ Parameters Identification Using Chaotic Heterogeneous Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimizer variants”. Elsevier, Energy conversion and Management, Accepted, 00 (2018) 1–35.
D. Yousri, Dalia Allam, M. B. Eteiba, “Optimal Photovoltaic Array Reconfiguration for Alleviating the Partial Shading Influence Based on a modified Harris Hawks Optimizer”. Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier. Volume206, Article Number112470, DOI10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112470, Published FEB 15 2020.
D. Yousri, S. Babu, Dalia Allam, V.K. Ramachandaramurthy, M.B. Eteiba. “Fractional Chaotic Ensemble Particle Swarm Optimizer for Identifying the Single, Double, and Three Diode Photovoltaic Models' Parameters”. Energy, Elsevier. Volume 195, Article Number 116979, DOI 10.1016/j.energy.2020.116979, Published MAR 15 2020.
D. yousri, S. babu, E. bshr, M.B. Etieba, and Dalia Allam. “A Robust Strategy Based on Marine Predators Algorithm for Large Scale Photovoltaic Array Reconfiguration to Mitigate the Partial Shading Effect on the Performance of PV System”. IEEE ACCESS. Volume8, Page112407-112426, DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000420, Published June 2020.
Y Shaker, D Yousri, A Osama, A Al-Gindy, E Tag-Eldin, and Dalia Allam. “Optimal Charging/Discharging decision of Energy Storage Community in Grid-connected Microgrid Using Multi- Objective Hunger Game Search Optimizer”. IEEE ACCESS. Volume 9, Page120774-120794, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3101839, Published August 2021.
D. Yousri, M. Mohammed, Y. Shaker, L. Abualigah, E. Tag-Eldin, M. Abd Elaziz, and Dalia Allam. “Modified interactive Algorithm Based on Runge kutta optimizer for Photovoltaic Modeling: Justification under Partial Shading and Varied Temperature Conditions”. IEEE ACCESS. Volume 10, Page 20793-20815, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3152160, Published Feb 2022.
D. Yousri, Y. Shaker, Seyedali Mirjalili and Dalia Allam. “An Efficient Photovoltaic Modeling Using an Adaptive Fractional-order Archimedes Optimization Algorithm: Validation with Partial Shading Condition”. Solar energy, Elsevier. Volume 236, Page 26-50, DOI 10.1016/j.solener.2021.12.063, Published APR 1 2022.
D. Yousri, A. Osama, Y. shaker, A. Fathi, T. S. Babu, Hegazy Rezk and Dalia Allam, “Managing the Exchange of Energy between Microgrid Elements Based on Multi- Objective Enhanced Marine Predators Algorithm”. Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier. Issue11, Page8487-8505, DOI10.1016/j.aej.2022.02.0081110-0168, Published NOV 2022.
D. Yousri, E. Elsadany, Y.Shaker, S. Babu, A.F. Zobaa and Dalia Allam. “Mitigating Mismatch Power Loss of Series- Parallel and Total Cross- Tied Array Configurations Using Novel Enhanced Heterogeneous Hunger Games Search Optimizer”, Energy Reports, Elsevier. Volume 8, Page 9805-9827, DOI10.1016/j.egyr.2022.07.153, Published NOV 2022.