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    Fayoum University Celebrates World TB Day  

   Fayoum University organized on Wednesday 11/3/2009 a symposium on tuberculosis (TB) entitled "TB – Danger & Cure). The symposium was held in conjunction with the World Health Organization's celebration of World TB Day, falling on 24 March each year. Held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Gohary, President of Fayoum University, the symposium was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid Abdel Tawab Sabry, Vice-President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Kamal, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, and Prof. Dr. Mohammed Amin, Head of Department of Chest Diseases, Fayoum Faculty of Medicine. A number of the faculty staff members as well as faculty students were present. The symposium began with a speech delivered by Prof. Dr.Abdel Hamid Abdel Tawab Sabry in which he talked about tuberculosis. He pointed out that there are two types of tuberculosis - tuberculosis and urinary tuberculosis. "Molecular evidence for bone tuberculosis had been found in an ancient Egyptian mummy dating back to 3900 BC," he added. It is worth mentioning that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 2 billion people—one third of the world's population—have been exposed to the tuberculosis pathogen. He added that the State had stepped up its efforts to combat tuberculosis via the dissemination of health awareness among people as the diagnosis and cure of TB to be done on a large scale necessitate the mobilization of government resources and tapping of public support. In the same context, hospitals are being well-equipped so as to define the proper clinical diagnosis of the disease. Moreover, free vaccination and treatment have become available at departments of chest diseases in government hospitals. Pointing out that smoking and drug addiction constitute the main causes behind inflicting with TB, he praised the role of the Ministry of Health in the control of tuberculosis in Egypt. "As a part of the University's mission in serving the community, the University will organize a number of specialized symposia on bird flue and diseases of the summer in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, under the auspices of the University President", he declared. Following, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amin gave his lecture in which he tackled the history of TB. He said "TB is todays Number One infectious killer disease of peoples worldwide. In the past, it was thought that infecting with TB was because of evil spirits and demonic acts, so treatment was therefore impossible until Dr. Robert Koch, a German physician and scientist, astounded the scientific community by announcing that he had discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB), on the evening of March 24, 1882". Therefore, WORLD Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed on March 24 every year to commemorate the discovery made by Dr. Robert Koch. He also tackled the ways of prevention of TB and how to combat it. He also warned of the lethal effects of the spread of smoking among young people, which is the most important source of transmission of TB.

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