Faculty of Social Work

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Hosni Ibrahim Ahmed

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334817
Fax Number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address : ahi01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Faculty of Social Work Building
Postal Address : Fayoum – Fayoum University – Faculty of Social Work - Fields of Social Work Department- POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Social Work: Faculty of Social Work- Cairo University, Fayoum Branch - 1988.
M.Sc.: Social Work: Faculty of Social Work- Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 1995
Ph.D.: Social Work: Faculty of Social Work from the Department of Fields of Social Work -1998
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1988 To 1995.
Assistant Lecturer: From 1995 To 1998.
Lecturer: From 1998 To 2004.
Assistant Professor: From 2004 to 2009.
Professor: From 2007 Until Now.
Academic Rank
Professor at Al-Qassim University, Saudi Arabia from “2007 to 2016”.
Head of the Department of Fields of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work- Fayoum University from 2018 till now.
Advisor to the President of Fayoum University for student activities from 2019 till now.
Research Instersts
Social Legislations
Social Work and Environment Protection
Social Defence
Social Planning
Economic Development
Committees and Works at the Faculty and University Level
Member of the Supreme Committee for Choosing the Best University at Fayoum University 2021.
Member of the Supreme Committee for choosing the ideal student at the level of Egyptian Universities 2021.
Member of the Executive Committee for Combating Violence against Women at Fayoum University for the academic year 2020: 2021.
Member of the committee to submit proposals to amend the Universities Organization Act 2021.
Member and supervisor of the "Educational Program for Fayoum University Students on National Projects" 2020.
Chairman of the Ceremonies and Protocols Committee at Fayoum University 2020.
Member of the Community Enlightenment Team at Fayoum University 2020.
Member of the Supreme Committee for the Fifth Egyptian University Girls' Week during the period from January 31, 2020: February 6, 2020.
Member of the committee preparing the Hybrid Education Bylaw at Fayoum University 2020.
Member of the committee preparing the bylaw of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at Fayoum University 2020.
Member of the committee preparing the bylaw of the Faculty of Foreign Languagesat Fayoum University, 2020.
Member of the committee preparing the bylaw of the Faculty of Art and Design at Fayoum University 2020.
Member of the Security and Discipline Committee at Fayoum University from 2019 till now.
Member of the Anti-Corruption Committee at Fayoum University from 2019 till now.
Member of the Supreme Appellate Council at Fayoum University 2016-2017.
Member of the Appellate Disciplinary Board at the university level for the academic year 2004-2005.
Head of the team concerned with "academic standards" in the quality team at the Faculty of Social Work from 2018 till now.
Member of the Educational Effectiveness Project team at the Faculty of Social Work from 2018 till now.
Member of the Graduate Studies Committee from 2018 to 2020.
Member of the Bylaw Setting Committee for the undergraduate and postgraduate stages at the Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University, from 2016 till now.
Member of the Editorial Board, Advisory Committee, Arbitrator, and Board Member of the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University, from 2017 till now.
Arbitrator at the Permanent Scientific Committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors in the Social WorkSector from 2016 till now.
Membership of the Environmental Affairs Committee, Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University (1999-2000).
Member of the Faculty Library Committee, 2002.
Entrepreneurship of student families and student union committees (the sports committee and the roving committee) from 1989 – 2006.
Member of the Committee of the Scientific Conference Secretariat at the Faculty of Social Work during the period from 1989 till now.
Trustee of the Department Council of Fields of Social Work 2001/2002.
Trustee the Council of the Faculty of Social Work 2006/2007.
General pioneer of the Union of the Faculty of Social Work 2006/2007.
Pioneer of the Families Committee at the level of Fayoum University, 2006/2007.
Trustee of the Department council of Sociology and Social Work, Al-Qassim University.
Member of the Graduate Studies Committee at the Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Studies from 2009 to 2016.
Member of the Quality Committee at the Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Studies from 2009 to 2016.
Member of the strategic plan team at Al-Qassim University.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of the Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Studies from 2009 to 2016.
Arbitrator in King Abd Al-Aziz City for Science and Technology.
Arbitrator for the Journal of King Saud University, Princess Noura University and Umm Al-Qura University.
Arbitrator for "Journal of Studies in Social Work. Helwan University."
Member of the Faculty Board2016-2017.
Member of the Education and Students Affairs Committee at the Faculty 2018.
General Coordinator of the Student Family "Students for Central Egypt" from 2017 till now.
Universities and Institutes Where I Taught Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - Faculty of Social Work.
Fayoum University –Faculty of Social Work.
Faculty of Education -Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
Faculty of Education - Al-Azhar University,Tafhana Al-Ashraf Branch.
The Higher Institute of Social Work in Cairo.
Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Studies, Al- Qassim University, Saudi Arabia.
Experience in Field Training
General supervisor of the summer training camp for students of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch 2003.
Participating in training camps from 1989 till 2003.
Participating in evaluation and practical training tests for students of the Faculty of Social Work, Cairo University - Fayoum Branch (1992 - 2003).
Director of male students Camp in Al-Arish, Faculty of Social Work, Cairo University, Fayoum Branch (1998).
Assistant General Supervisor for male students in ' Camps for students of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University, Fayoum Branch, year (1999 - 2000).
One of the supervisors of practical training, Department of Fields of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, Cairo University, Fayoum Branch, from (1988 - till now).
Supervising practical training in the Department of Social work and Community Development - Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University (1998-2001).
General Supervisor of Field Training for the Fourth division students(regularity and affiliation), 2005-2007.
General Director of Camp Programs (Male and Female students), Faculty of Social Work, 2005/2006.
Skills and Scientific Participations
Member of the program of training social workers to deal with the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism among students of Fayoum University, organized by the Supreme Council of Universities 2020.
Member associate in preparing and secretariat of scientific conferences of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University, Fayoum Branch, since (1989 - 2007 and from 2016 till now).
Member of the research team to assess the needs of (KahkBahriVillage), which is one of the projects established by the Social Fund for Development in Fayoum Governorate at a cost of 600,000 "six hundred thousand pounds" during the period from (1996-2000) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ahmed Hassan.
Research assistant in the joint research between the Faculty and the Academy of Scientific Research, entitled "Slum housing in Fayoum City".
Supervisor of a research team to study the most urgent needs of slums in the Fayoum governorate during the academic year 2006/2007.
Associate member of the weekly scientific seminar of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch, runway (74) at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, then at the Faculty headquarters in Fayoum till 2007.
Participation in the sessions of the International Conference on “Social Work and the Future in Developing Countries”, Higher Institute of Social Work, Cairo, 19/27 January 1992.
Participation in the conferences of the Faculties of Social Work (Helwan and Cairo Universities) in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Participation in the conferences of Islamic rooting for Social Work in the year 2000.
Participation in the scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch with a research entitled "Evaluating the role of social guidance in achieving professional development for social workers in light of the new transformations" in 2001.
Participation in the thirteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University, with an individual research entitled "Evaluating the role of social work in developing the capacities of juveniles as an entry point to achieve social peace" in 2002.
Participation in the Fourteenth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University, with a research on “Professional Creativity among Social Workers” in 2003.
Participation in the fourteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch, with a study on "Conflict in youth centers and the role of social work in facing it" in 2003.
Participating in a research in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, South Valley University, with a research entitled "Evaluating the role of social work in facing the problems of beneficiaries of the services of the treatment unit at the expense of the state" (2000).
Participating in a research in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, South Valley University, entitled "The role of social work in improving the quality of life for the physically disabled" in (2004).
Participating in a research paper in the seventeenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University in (2006) under the title "Evaluating the performance of a social worker as a facilitator for negotiations in family dispute settlement offices".
Participating in a research in the eighteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work at Fayoum University in (2007) under the title "The Effectiveness of the Social Worker's Use of Time Management as an Entrance to Achieve Quality of Services in the School".
Participating in a research paper in the nineteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University in (2008) entitled "The effectiveness of volunteer clubs in strengthening the culture of volunteering among youth."
Participating in a research in the Journal of the Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University, entitled "Requirements for activating the role of student leadership in facing the phenomenon of extremism among some university students" in 2008.
Participating in a research in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, South Valley University, entitled "Evaluating the role of the social worker in strengthening the values of citizenship for the inmates of the Social Education House" in 2008.
Participation in the twenty-first conference of the Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University, with a paper on "Challenges facing self-learning of social workers using information and communication technology."
Lectures, Training Courses and Workshops
A conference and workshops for developing parents and teachers councils at the level of the Republic in 1998 in Fayoum.
Participation in preparing an educational program in the fields of social work, and participation in preparing courses for the fields (the field of social defense) 1999-2000 at Al-Quds Open University.
Various lectures on topics: (assessing societal needs, the role of youth in local development, feasibility studies for small projects), within the project of the Social Fund for the Development of Human Energies in the village of KahkBahari (These lectures were organized within the project of developing the human capacities of the village of KahkBahari and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ahmed Hassan) 1998-1999.
A group of lectures on small projects organized by CARE in Fayoum, Talat village, in 1992.
A training course for social workers in the school field at the Training Institute of the Directorate of Education in Fayoum 2002.
Participation in a training course for social workers working in the field of youth welfare in Fayoum 2002.
Participation in workshop projects for the environmental awareness group in the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Fayoum, which was implemented in more than 20 villages at the level of Fayoum centers in the year (2000-2002).
Various lectures in the preparation camps of social leaders in Al-Arish and Alexandria during the period from 1998 - 2003.
Participation in the program of developing youth attitudes towards small productive projects at the Fayoum Youth Center, in cooperation with the Small Enterprise Development Association, 2003.
Participation in the program of providing the blind with social skills and training in the activities of daily life at Al Noor Association for the Blind in Fayoum in 2003.
Lecturer of the environmental and health awareness project at the level of Fayoum governorate, organized by the Red Crescent Society at the level of the Republic, 2005/2007.
Certified Lecturer of Organization and Administration for the promotion of employees to senior management positions 2006/2007.
Lecturer at the Ministry of Youth from 2016-2018.
University lecturer preparation course, Cairo University, 1997.
Strategic Planning Course.
Participation in a workshop on graduates of the Faculty of Arabic Language, the reality and challenges of the labor market, 1/7/1434 AH.
Conference organizing course 2009.
Scientific Publication Course 2009.
Research team management course 2009.
Examination systems and student evaluation course 2009.
Quality Standards Course in the Teaching Process 2009.
Modern Trends in Teaching Course, 2006.
Participation as an arbitrator in the international competition, the secret of blessings in the Qassim region, 1436 AH.
Lecturer in the Program for the Hard of Hearing and Speech Disorders and the Integration of Hearing Impairment at the Department of Psychology at Al- Qassim University.
Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies and Unions, and Capacity and Skills Development Activities
The Social Professions Union: an active member since 1989 till now.
Member of the Technical Leadership for the Integrated Rural Development Project "Shurooq" (From 1996 until 1999).
Member of Association for Egypt in Fayoum Governorate from 2017 till now.
Published Scientific Research
"Evaluating the Role of Social Work in Developing Juvenile Capacity as an Approach to Achieve Social Peace", a research published in the Thirteenth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University, "Social Peace."
“Professional creativity among social workers, a study applied to social workers working in the school and medical fields and youth welfare in Fayoum,” a research published in the scientific journal of the Faculty of Social Work. Helwan University .
"Evaluating the role of social guidance in achieving professional development for social workers in schools in light of the new changes" a research published in the twelfth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch "Social Work and civil society organizations."
“The conflict in village youth centers and the role of social work in confronting it, a study applied to village youth centers in the city of Zagazig,” a research published in the fourteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work, Cairo University - Fayoum Branch “Human Development and Modernization of Egypt”.
"Evaluating the role of social work in specialized medical councils, a study applied to the specialized medical council (in Fayoum city), the treatment unit at the expense of the state," a research published in the scientific journal of the Faculty of Arts, South Valley University.
“The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for the disabled in improving their quality of life, a study applied to the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled in Fayoum,” a research published in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts - South Valley University.
Research under the title "Evaluating the role of the social worker as a facilitator for negotiation in family dispute settlement offices in family courts" in the seventeenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work at Fayoum University in (2006).
Research in the eighteenth scientific conference of the Faculty of Social Work at Fayoum University in (2007) under the title "Evaluation of the Social Worker's Use of Time Management as an Approach to Achieve Quality of School Services".
A study entitled "Evaluating the Role of Volunteer Clubs in Supporting the Culture of Volunteering among Youth" published in the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Social Workers in Egypt, 2008.
Research entitled "Requirements for activating the role of student leadership in facing the phenomenon of extremism among some university students" published in the Journal of Studies in Social Work and Human Sciences, Helwan University, 2008.
A research entitled "Evaluating the role of the social worker in strengthening the values of citizenship for inmates of the Social Education House" published in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, South Valley University 2008.
A published research entitled "Challenges facing social workers' self-learning using information technology, published in the Journal of Studies in Social Work and Human Sciences, Helwan University.
A scientific paper on the role of social work in dealing with the issue of poverty in the Egyptian society.
A research published at Qassim University entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility" 2014.
A working paper for the 2017 faculty conference on the identity and professional affiliation of social workers.