Faculty of Social Work

Dr. Saad Eid Kasem Zidan

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334817
Fax Number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address: sek11@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Faculty of Social Work Building
Postal Address : Fayoum – Fayoum University – Faculty of Social Work - Fields of Social Work Department- POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.: Social Work - Cairo University – 1997.
M. Sc.: Social Work - Fields of Social Work - Cairo University – 2003.
Ph.D : Social Work - Philosophy of Social Work - Fayoum University – 2010.
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer : From 2015 to 2016
Lecturer : From 2016 to 2021
Assistant Professor : From 2021 Until Now
Professional intervention of social work and developing political awareness for secondary school students
Generalist Social Work Practice To Improve Quality of Life For the Visual Impaired
Publication List
Impediments to social marketing for social care services for the disabled
The effect of using the virtual community on the cultural identity of university youth And a proposed role from the perspective of social service in dealing with it
E-learning competencies for faculty members in colleges and institutes of social work
The role of civil society organizations in achieving social protection for the disabled
The role of civil society institutions in achieving social support for families in times of crisis
Using the gynecological approach to achieve social protection, For women in hosting and orientation centers
The effectiveness of youth center programs and activities in achieving the intellectual security of youth
Research interests
Special Cases
Civil Community .
Studies and searches.